
作者&投稿:空转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I went to Guangzhou to spend my leisure time las month. i had never been there before going to university. There were so many novelties in the night market that i was dazzled with different kinds of exquisite hand-made crafts. Some souvenirs were bought for my younger sister who was asking in the phonecall all the time. I took a bunch of pictures of myself along with all the tourist attractions as background.
It is hard to tell all, but i really feel i harvested a lot during that trip.

I usuall get up at seven in order to carch up the first bus to go to school .on arriving school, I always have my breakfast at a small restaurant which near my dorm .after that , I take classes as usual until twelve.seldom do I order delivery because I think it’s both unhealthy and expensive.therefore , I have lunch in our refectory and then I will take a nap to gain enough energy for afternoons classes due to the massi academic stress .as time goes by , I have to come home as soon as possible so that I can have dinn with my parents .they have always been busy . To learn well is the first duty of a student ,which is crystal clear to me .thus I often review what I learned today and get my assignments done .at last ,if time permits, I will take a hot bath and then go to bed .

It was a sunny day,as I was still busy doing my homework,the telephone rang.It was my friend,Kalshy.He asked me to go to a movie called Tron.I was surprised to hear this,for we hadn't met for a long time since we graduated(这里不用完成时)from primary school.But we were good friends then,so as a result,I accepted his invitation.
We met across from the Ningbo Movie City(我们这里影都,有些人名地名电影名自己看着改吧~).I felt excited,not only for the coming movie,but also for meeting my once classmate that had beed apart for a long time.Then we crossed the road and entered(现在一般用go into代替)the cinema.
After we seated,the movie begun.It was really fantastic with a lot of scientific imagination and special effects.It showed us an E-world just like the one we live in.The story mainly told us the lead character Sam,followed the messages his father left into a imaginary world built by his father on Internet.There he had a special and unforgetable advanture-rode mobile,shot planes just like computer games he played-but this time they were real.To save his dad's main disc of the whole E-world,Sam tried his best against Clu......
It was a successful movie and I hardly(时间adv.)felt bored,It attracted my eyes all the time.After it finished,I was still in the world that the dirctor produced to us audience.
So that day is unforgetable,I will never(adv)forget that day for years to come.Besides the feelings Tron gave me like that Avatar did,the wonderful time I spent with Kalshy reminded me of the old days

A story of my own

I used to help an old lady carry her heavy bags. It was a Wednesday, when i was rushing to the final term examination, i saw an old lady walking very tiresome. So, i walked up to her and asked her whether she needed any help. She smiled back at me and gave me her bags. I carried the bags for till she got on the bus. Although i was a little bit late for my exam, i still felt happy for what i did for the old lady. Because i not only helped a person who need help, but also expressed my great nobility toward the weak. Also, i was praised by my teachers and parents for what i did. They thought i am a good boy with a kind heart. From this experience, i become quite caring for those who need help. WHenever one is in trouble, i would give him or her a hand without hesitation.

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森林里住着兔子一家——兔妈妈和三个孩子。一天,兔妈妈对孩子说:“我出去采点青菜,你们在家把门关好,妈妈没回来,谁来也不开门。”The forest is home to a family of rabbits and three children -- the mother rabbit. One day, mother rabbit said to the child: "I go out for some...

多顺几次演讲稿可以帮助演讲者更流利表达,一篇出彩的演讲稿应该是什么样的呢?以下是我精心整理出来的“一分钟小学生优秀演讲稿(集萃7篇)”,欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧! 一分钟小学生优秀演讲稿(集萃7篇)【篇一】   你知道一分钟,你能做些什么吗?早晨起床,你可以用一分钟来理被子,一分钟刷牙,一分钟洗脸...


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野伏库欣: I most like the lunch is a stuffed dumpling, the people celebrate the new year when the general meeting eats the stuffed dumpling, the stuffed dumpling is the delicacy, I may eat more than 20, I will also make dumplings. (译文: 我最喜欢的午饭是饺子,人们过年时总会吃饺子,饺子是美味的,我可以吃20多个,我也会包饺子.)

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野伏库欣: Good morning , I'm big pig . I have one hundred dinner every day ~ ~ The first bunch of the morning sun in. Radio. I have finished the first 23 meals ..............

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