
作者&投稿:烛邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

千里共婵娟。。 苏试 水调歌头

Do you like sports? I like it,because it is good for us.There are many sports ,like(像)running,playing pingpong,and swimming.I like playing basketball .When I play,I wear my shorts and runners.I play hard.I jump and run.It makes me happy.I can make friends ,too.
I like sports best.


My Favorite Outdoor Sports
Fishing is my favorite outdoor sports. I often fishing with some of my friends on the Sand River near the city during weekends in spring,summer and autumn. This makes me happy,satify and healthy actually.
In spare time, fishing under the blue sky and white clouds is really a good thing to pass the time. Through fishing, we can get a lot of benefits. Firstly, I can do more exercises outside and breathe fresh air in the suburb, and what's more,I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. So it always made me a pleased mood and kept me fit. Secondly, I could catch wild pure fish without any pollution and do not pay any money. I could be excited when fish s caught by myself,because the happiest thing in life is free. Finally, I can consider something during waiting for someone fish to eat the biat which may be useful for work and life in future.
Sum up in a word, fishing is my favorite, I like it very much. It will be very helpful and very useful to my daily life. It could make me mental and physical health.Material and mental lives both are good condition is the true happy life.
My Favorite Activities
I like a variety of activities,fi’om active and wild ones like camping, sports and parties to quiet ones like reading and watching TV. I like to be outdoors,to participate in sports and to do daring things. For example, several friends and I once took a trip down a wild river in a raft. We spent a week navigating dangerous currents, camping at night, fixing our own meals and having much fun. I am a member of our college foothall team. I also like to do risky things such as skiing, motorcycling and mountain climbing, but I don’t do them often and am very careful.
I also like to be with my friends. I usually get invited to at least one party a week. If I don’t,then I arrange one myself, even it is very informal Whenever I have a chance, I either eat out or go dancing with my friends.
In contrast,there are also many quiet private things that I enjoy doing. I have spent whole days reading a book, and I occasionally stay up late at night with a good novel. Sometimes, too, I like to spend a relaxed evening watching light TV programs, or talking with friends about serious matters over a glass of wine. In other words, I like to do different things, depending on the mood I am in and the kind of people I am around.

My Favorite Outdoor Sports

Fishing is my favorite outdoor sports. I often fishing with some of my friends on the Sand River near the city during weekends in spring,summer and autumn. This makes me happy,satify and healthy actually.
In spare time, fishing under the blue sky and white clouds is really a good thing to pass the time. Through fishing, we can get a lot of benefits. Firstly, I can do more exercises outside and breathe fresh air in the suburb, and what's more,I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. So it always made me a pleased mood and kept me fit. Secondly, I could catch wild pure fish without any pollution and do not pay any money. I could be excited when fish s caught by myself,because the happiest thing in life is free. Finally, I can consider something during waiting for someone fish to eat the biat which may be useful for work and life in future.
Sum up in a word, fishing is my favorite, I like it very much. It will be very helpful and very useful to my daily life. It could make me mental and physical health.Material and mental lives both are good condition is the true happy life.

室内游泳1、武汉体育中心游泳馆 地址:汉阳区武汉体育中心(经开万达旁)时间:7:00-11:00;12:00-16:00;17:00-20:30 票价:80元\/人 2、康之泉活水馆 地址:汉阳区龙阳大道123号欧亚达国际广场7楼 时间:07:00-22:00 票价:109.9元\/成人票;43元\/儿童票;69元\/学生票 3、武汉全民健身中心...




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战轻小儿: I like playing basketball best. I play with my classmates after class every day. Though i am tired after that, but I feel really relaxed.Playing basketball also makes me stronger and healthier!

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