The ( ) friends you have ,the( ) you will you be A more; happy B many;happy C more ;happier D many

作者&投稿:守是 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The ____ friends you have the ____ you will be Amore , happy B many , happy C more, happier~

C. 翻译:你朋友越多,你就越快乐。
the+比较级,the+比较级: 表示“越...;越...”

你可以听听一首儿歌《The more we get togther》
里面有这么一句:The more we get togther, the happier we'll be.



这个题 只能选C,别的答案是错的

the+比较级...the+比较级 越....越....



因为 the 比较级 ,the 比较级

答案选C,形容词比较级固定结构:the more..., the better ..... friends可数,比较级用more
, happy为以元音Y结尾的双音节词,比较级去y加ier。


选择c 因为 the 比较级 ,the 比较级

尧都区15989553493: the girl is my friend 转换为一般疑问句 -
宏飞莱琪: who is the girl

尧都区15989553493: The friend of my 与 The friend of mine 有什么区别? -
宏飞莱琪: 第一个错了 my是形容词性物主代词 后接名字翻译为“我的什么什么” mine是名词性物主代词 可接系动词作表语the watch is mine或者像你这种用法

尧都区15989553493: the only friends和only the friend的区别 -
宏飞莱琪: the only friend——后面不能加s哦,指唯一的朋友 only the friends——是指:只有朋友,这个一般要加s

尧都区15989553493: The ( ) friends you have ,the( ) you will you be A more; happy B many;happy C more ;happier D many -
宏飞莱琪: 这个题 只能选C,别的答案是错的 the+比较级...the+比较级 越....越....句子翻译为:你拥有越多的朋友,你就会越幸福 希望帮到你,祝学习进步

尧都区15989553493: my best friend英语作文 -
宏飞莱琪: y best friend is Xu Lan. She's 15 years old now. She works very hard at school, so she always gets top marks on exams, and she is neither heavy nor thin. we have been friends since two years ago. Her height is medium. Also, she has a very ...

尧都区15989553493: the only friends和only the friend的区别 -
宏飞莱琪:[答案] the only friend——后面不能加s哦,指唯一的朋友 only the friends——是指:只有朋友,这个一般要加s

尧都区15989553493: We are best friend要不要+the和friend后要不要+s -
宏飞莱琪: We are best friends千万别信那些加the的...friend这个单词很少加the的(有加的时候,那时特指...你自己体会囧),要不就说my friend, his friend等等

尧都区15989553493: Is he the friend of yours ?为什么the 不对要用a? -
宏飞莱琪: 都对啊,不过要区分语境!a指你的一个朋友;the指你的那个朋友,通常前文有提到的那个朋友

尧都区15989553493: the old friend与the former friend的区别 -
宏飞莱琪: The old friend指老朋友【特别是那种关系较好的】,原来就是现在和你关系也很好 The former friend之原来、以前的朋友【原来认识,但是并没说很好】,现在基本上没什么来往.希望以上答案能帮到您.

尧都区15989553493: 初中英语 the best friend of me是否正确 -
宏飞莱琪: 从语法上来说都是正确的.1.He is the friend of me.2.He is a best friend of mine.3.He is a friend of mine.不过第一句不常用.可以改为the friend of mine表示强调他是我的朋友.第二句就是说我有很多很要好的朋友,而他是其中一个.第三句和第二句类似,只是说我有很多朋友,而他是其中一个.

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