
作者&投稿:宗圣勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


as引导定语从句,主句是“church be they……”

A选项是将来时,C选项是过去时啊 ,D选项是什么你没给出来啊?

这个并列句的,前半部分用了虚拟语气, 他本可以完成高等学业的, 时间上他并没有读完的, 所以用了虚拟语气; 后半句是原因,也是事实,所以不用虚拟语气了,用一般过去式就可以了

你好。如果改成非虚拟语气的句子,你就明白了:He couldn' finish his - -- -because he had to quit and-- - --. 这里的had to - -过去真实的事情,所以不能虚拟。

以下是一些关于虚拟语气的经典练习题及其答案:1. 老师要求考试必须在11点前完成。正确答案是:C. be finished 2. 她要求记者立即离开去伊拉克。正确答案是:A. leave; for 3. 他谈论美国的言语,好像他去过那里一样。正确答案是:A. had been 4. 那位年轻人坚持他没有做错,应该被释放。正确答案...

关于虚拟语气的选择题:___you ___further problem with your printer...
)Should I be free tomorrow,I will come to see you.(如果明天我有空,我会来看你。)由于本题的主句正是祈使句,从句显然应该由should引导,故C是正确答案。若答案为A,则主句谓语要用虚拟语气would+动词原形,而不用祈使语气。D.In case“万一,以免,以防”,后面一般跟现在时或者should+动词...

虚拟语气1. The boy acted ___ he had never lived in Canada before. A. as though B. even if C. as D. since 2. If you were old enough, I ___ you to go there yesterday. A. will allow B. should allow C. would have allowed D. had allowed3. T...

选B。Should you be interested,I have a book on the subject you might like to read.你要是感兴趣,我有一本你可能想读的书。

1:Linda was ___the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.选择 B to have started 解析:1. 本题是个并列句,两个分句分别表达了不同的语气:--第一分句 Linda was to have started the experiment a month ago 是对过去将来的得虚拟,意思是“琳达本来一...

7. 选 B。此题涉及错综时间虚拟条件句,主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为:要不是在七岁时就迷上了 Melinda Cox 图书馆,我真不能想像我如今会在做什么。8. 选 D。这是otherwise 引出的`含蓄虚拟语气,再根据前面的 hesitated 可进一步知道这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,由此可...

答案:Should be\/be 解析:demand 作动词,表示强烈要求,需要...demand 后面接宾语从句时,从句一般要用虚拟语气,即“should +动词原形”,如果是被动语态,则为“should +be +动词过去分词” ,通常should 也可以省略。例:1. The teacher demanded that students (should) finish homework on the ...

本题(即第11题)用虚拟语气可以解释如下:一般过去时用于It's time \/ It's about time \/ It's high time 之后的定语从句中可表示一种婉转的建议或提议。又如:​It's time that we went (或should go) to bed. 是睡觉的时候了。​It's ...

翻译:她坚持应该立刻(派人)去请一个医生。解释:1. 固定短语 send for somebody,意思是“(派人)去请某人”,用在此题中即为send for a doctor;采用被动语态即为:a doctor be sent for immediately 2. insist引导宾语从句时,如果从句动作当时尚未发生,则从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语...

A.will,works B.would,worked C.would,works D.will,worked 答案B 这道题为什么要用虚拟语气,我觉得应该选A啊?答:你的责疑有道理。这是从哪里来的题目?有上下文吗?如果没有的话,则本题设计有误,AB语法都是正确的。从生活逻辑上看,我倒是感觉不用虚拟语气更好。因为他比现在更加努力...

镇海区17345175246: 关于虚拟语气的几道选择题1.The man insisted that he____there.A should send B wouled be sent C sent D be sent2.If it - _____rain ,we - ____ - get wet.(我... -
逄映复方:[答案] 1.The man insisted that he____there. D be sent ==should be sent ------insist that +句子(谓语动词是should+一般式动词,should可以省略) 2.If it ___A___rain ,we ______ get wet.(我选了B,为什么错) 虚拟语气排除were going to 这个结构,用were...

镇海区17345175246: 几个关于虚拟语气的问题3.Ask him to ring me up if you - __________ - him.A) should see C) sawB) would see D) will see8.I wish that you hadn't had such a bad ... -
逄映复方:[答案] bdcaa a.同现在事实相反的假设. 句型 :条件从句 主句 一般过去时 should( would) +动词原形 If they were here,they would ... If he had come yesterday,I should / would have told him about it. 含义:He did not come yesterday,so I did not tell him about it. If he...

镇海区17345175246: 关于英语的虚拟语气的用法有一些题,可以让我练一练 -
逄映复方:[答案] 1.if you did/were...,I would do... if you had done...,I would have done... if it should/would do...,I would do... 2.倒装:were/did you...,I would do... had you done...,I would have done... should/would it ...,I would do...

镇海区17345175246: 有关虚拟语气的一些问题1.虚拟语气的几种用法.2.分别举出一些例句.3.这几种用法有什么区别.不是问着玩的,我写作文时要用的. -
逄映复方:[答案] 等我一天我来整理一下 好啦,你看看吧 do/be(为例) 虚拟语气 主句 条件状语从句 与现在事实相反 did/were would(could,might)do/be 与过去事实相反 had done/ had been would(could,might)have/been 与将来事实相反 did/were would(could,might)do/...

镇海区17345175246: 关于虚拟语气的一道知识运用题. If you written earlier,I'd have known when you - ______ - to go on holiday. -
逄映复方:[选项] A. want B. have wanted C. wanted D. will want 答:C 我对于虚拟语气和条件状语不太理解.

镇海区17345175246: 问个关于虚拟语气的题目如果明天不下雨我将去公园.我记得初中时候的翻译是If it does not rain tomorrow,I will go to the park.如果我用虚拟语气翻译 If it was(... -
逄映复方:[答案] If it were to rain tomorrow,we would not go out.=If it rained tomorow,we would not go out这是相对正确用法,如果有be动词,那么一定是were,除非had been说白了虚拟语气就是,明天一定是下雨的(你无法改变的事实...

镇海区17345175246: 关于虚拟语气的三个具体问题1.Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she______she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very ... -
逄映复方:[答案] 1.A,B 都对 2.A.B 都对 3.A If you still feel confused ,leave a message please

镇海区17345175246: 英语虚拟语气题57.如果时间能够倒流几十年,我真希望和你们一样成为这所名校的学生.(go back)57.If time could go back several decades,I would really like... -
逄映复方:[答案] 能回到是can go back can的 过去式是could

镇海区17345175246: 英语虚拟语气的一道题If - ____(know)German,I would read the book in the original. -
逄映复方:[答案] I knew 对现在情况的虚拟(我现在不懂德语),用过去式形式就可以了 关于虚拟语气,首先要记住三个基本的表达形式:即对过去、现在、将来进行虚拟,主句与从句分别使用的词语,你自己总结总结,不懂再追问.

镇海区17345175246: 关于虚拟语气的一道题目.She does not stick to her exercises and a balanced diet.If ...She does not stick to her exercises and a balanced diet.If she (did),she ... -
逄映复方:[答案] 后面是would 所以前面用过去式

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