a truck went out of control and c___ into the back of a bus

作者&投稿:汉祥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
It is reported that a bus went out of _____ control on a highway ____ south of the city last ni...~

A 试题分析: 第一空固定短语:out of control“失控”,control前无任何冠词;此题中east为副词,功能上等同于介宾短语,在句中充当地点状语。即:east of the city =" in/on/to" the east of the city.所以,此east不是名词,而是副词,其前面无须加上冠词the.点评:冠词的考查集中在the表示特指;a/an表示泛指。解答有关冠词的题型可以从两方面入手,一是习惯搭配,二是固定短语。对于固定短语平时应多读多记。

小题1:surroundings小题2:impression小题3:consideration 小题4:exhausted 小题5:inspiring小题6:measured/measures小题7:puzzled小题8:violence小题9:respectable小题10:crashed 小题1:surroundings “适应新的环境花费了我几周的时间。”环境surroundings小题2:impression “这是他们的第一次会议,Richard 决定留下好的印象。”名词印象impression小题3:consideration 。“我们一定会把这件事列入明天的会议的。”take ...into consideration “把。。。列入考虑范围”小题4:exhausted “长的旅行过后, 孩子们都感到疲惫了。”系词后用形容词exhausted小题5:inspiring “观众们被他激动人心的演讲吸引了”说物的用inspiring小题6:measured/measures “她目测了一下那个陌生人。”测量,衡量的动词应用measured/measures 小题7:puzzled “关于这个问题的意思John好象很迷惑。”seemed 半系动词, 后用形容词puzzled小题8:violence “电视上有很多暴力”暴力violence 不可数。 所以用原形。小题9:respectable “李老师致力于他的工作, 是值得尊敬的老师。”值得尊敬的respectable小题10:crashed “一辆卡车失控了, 撞上了一辆公交车的后部。”碰撞crash 和前面动词一致,用过去式crashed 。


crashed .卡车失控,与一辆bus追尾(撞上了巴士的尾部)。

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: by 的用法 -
文蚀颈得: by 介词 prep.1.被,由 The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是老师布置的. 2.靠,用,通过 They crossed the river by ferry. 他们乘渡船过了河. 3.经由;沿 Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis. 艾伦经由明尼阿波利...

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: both of us went out怎么连读 -
文蚀颈得: both of us 和 went out 两处需要分别连读.both of us 的音标是 [bəʊθ əv ʌs],连读后变成 [bəʊ θəvʌs],可谐音为“波欧 思若瓦斯” went out 的音标是 [went aʊt],连读后变成 [wen taʊt] 整个可谐音为“波欧 思若瓦斯 文它物特”.

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: “by”有多少种意思?怎么用? -
文蚀颈得: 一、by+地点名词.表方位,意为:“在…旁边”.如:by the lake/ river/ tree/ window/ door等. She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest on a big rock by the side of the path.她搜索了山顶,然后停下来在路边的一块大石头上休息....

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: It's reported that a bus went out of - -- - control on a highway - --- - east of the city and crash.. -
文蚀颈得: D 试题分析:考查冠词用法.out of control 固定短语“失去控制”;east of the city 是短语 to the east of 的省略,在此短语中介词和冠词需一同省略.句意:据报道一辆公共汽车在城市东边的公路上失控而坠落到河里.

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: It is reported that a bus went out of - --- - control on a highway - -- - south of the city last ni... -
文蚀颈得: A试题分析: 第一空固定短语:out of control“失控”,control前无任何冠词;此题中east为副词,功能上等同于介宾短语,在句中充当地点状语.即:east of the city =" in/on/to" the east of the city.所以,此east不是名词,而是副词,其前面无须加上冠词the.点评:冠词的考查集中在the表示特指;a/an表示泛指.解答有关冠词的题型可以从两方面入手,一是习惯搭配,二是固定短语.对于固定短语平时应多读多记.

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: The report said a car went out of - --------control on a highway - --------south of the city and rushed into a river.
文蚀颈得: 答案D sth. be/get out of control指“某物失去了控制”,是固定搭配.south是副词,“向南,在南方”的意思,如选B项则在 the前加介词in,故选D项.

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: 伴随状语The man went out这需不需要加逗号 followed by a dog 不加逗号那不就 成两个动词吗 -
文蚀颈得:[答案] 可以不加,过去分词做状语加不加逗号都是可以的.但是为了表达明确可以句式改下: The man followed by a dog went out. 或者状语提前: Followed by a dog, the man went out.

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: It is reported that a bus went out of - ---- - control on a highway - ---- - south of the city last... -
文蚀颈得: A试题分析:句意:据报道昨天晚上在城南的高速公路上有一辆公共汽车失控了.out of control是固定短语“失去控制”;south此处是副词,前面不用冠词,当south之类的词用作名词其前面有介词时,用定冠词the.故此题选A. 考点:

巴音郭楞蒙古自治州13869879503: 选择题:she —on her coat and went out .A :put B :puts C :is putting选哪个呢? 为什么 -
文蚀颈得: 楼主,你好!从went的时态来看,这句话应该是过去式,所以,前面填的谓语动词应该和后面的went保持时态一致,所以答案选A,put on 意为“穿上”,而且put 的过去式仍然为put.希望楼主采纳~~

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