帮忙选任选个写篇文章 the most beautiful piace i have visited ;describe chengdu to a for eigner

作者&投稿:靳杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
this is the most beautiful park i have ( )visited~


never visited

the most beautiful place i have visited
I think the most beautiful place I have visited is the Yellow Mountain.I went there with my parents last summer vacation.
It is so high that we spent a lot of time to get to the top of the hill.But that really worth our effort.How beautiful it is when we look around from the top.I felt that I could touch the sky and the cloud.The stones are really amazing!Some like a monkey,some like a peach.what's more,the trees there also impressed me a lot. How I wish I could go there again!

the most beautiful piace i have visited

Shanghai is the largest city in China in terms of population and one of the largest urban areas in the world, with over 20 million people in its extended metropolitan area. Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality with province-level status.
Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favourable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s. However, Shanghai's prosperity ended after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. Economic reforms in 1990 have resulted in intense development and financing, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's largest port.

Shanghai is the largest city in China in terms of population and one of the largest urban areas in the world, with over 20 million people in its extended metropolitan area. Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality with province-level status.
Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favourable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s. However, Shanghai's prosperity ended after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. Economic reforms in 1990 have resulted in intense development and financing, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's largest port. 参考资料:百度知道

Shanghai is the largest city in China in terms of population and one of the largest urban areas in the world, with over 20 million people in its extended metropolitan area. Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality with province-level status.
Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favourable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s. However, Shanghai's prosperity ended after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. Economic reforms in 1990 have resulted in intense development and financing, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's largest port. 参考资料:百度知道

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请大家帮忙,写篇文章。题目 1新的起点新的希望,2健之佳 我的梦想 3我服务我自豪,请大家帮帮我,后天交 50 小女子在此先谢谢大家拉。3个题目任选其一。文章是参加公司演讲比赛用的,而且限定后天早上就要交。请大家帮帮忙,我是已经没有办法拉,心急如火。谢谢大家。

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