求一段展会招展书的翻译 Thank you and Urgent !

作者&投稿:支万 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You make me sick

please get out of my face

you steal my songs

You’re such a bitch

I think you have a lot of nerve


oh I can not describe how deeply touched

I am by everything you have done for me

I can not take it anymore

I've had enough of your garbage

Who do you think you are

You're a disgrace

Get the hell out of here

You're impossible

You never tell the truth

Enough is enough

What do you want

Why on earth didn’t you tell everyone the truth

I’m telling you for the last time

You asked for it

You’re a joke

You’ll be sorry

So I make diss for you

Pleace say thank you for me

目前ADE公司已经赢得三个MDO(矿产开发和经营)合同,其中2个位于印度东部,将用来供应给西部省份。比如,Machhakatta矿位于东部的Orisaa省,开采出来将供应西部的Gujarat以及Maharashtra省;而 Parsa Kente矿位于东部的Chhattisgarh省,其产出却用来供应西部的 Rajasthan省。这2个矿的产出,再高峰期将达到45公吨。 另外,Adani 公司正在按照MDO模式招标更多的矿,因此,有可能有些矿会额外提供到港的运输条件。

kissesn HAO

3. advertizing costs: 1. unfolds meets the published conference proceeding: ■ the back cover Renminbi 12000.00 Yuan ■ seal two Renminbi10000.00 Yuan ■ seals three Renminbi 8000.00 Yuan ■ interpolation coloredentire pages Renminbi 5000.00 Yuan ■ published conference proceeding size: Entire page285mm×210 mm Note: This session will unfold meets the published conferenceproceeding content to include: The lecture honored guest introducedthat, 200 above global apexes specialized buyer resume, unfoldsbusiness introduction. 2nd, other advertisement demands please consult with the sponsor unit. Participation procedure and payment method Every intends to participate unfolds the meeting the unit,please relates with me 1. In detail fills in the exposition "the participationagreement" and the capping official seal, mails or the facsimile tome. 2. The sponsor unit determined unfolds the position. 3. The sponsor unit confirmed after "the participation agreement" thetranscription, the advice of charge accompany "the participationguide" and so on the related document to return to the participationunit. 4. The participation unit must in 7 days pay the participation expense50% to take the deposit, Yu Kuan pays off in a lump sum before October15, 2007. After September 1, 2007 participates the company must payoff in a lump sum the complete expense. 5. After the sponsor unit receives completely participates theexpense, mails back the principal edition participation confirmationletter the participation unit, the participation unit postponesdepending on the principal edition participation confirmation letterin the stipulation cloth registers, enters the hall cloth to unfold. Explained: After (1) signs the agreement, like not according to the requestpayment deposit and -odd section, the sponsor unit will not safeguardbooth of position the confirmation. If in unfolds meets in first 60thto withdraw from the participation, the deposit does not return. Inorder to guarantee the exposition overall image, the sponsor unitretention and the participation unit consultation and finally adjuststhe booth position the authority. (2) participates the company not to be able to sublet own booth forother companies. Question supplement that, What a poor life. im not a translator, why igotta do such work...! ! ! Anybody can help me? ? In the automobile profession, we already succeeded conduct twosessions of Asian and Pacific area automobiles manufacture, the thinghave flowed with the purchase annual meeting, we with world well-knownentire vehicle merchant and the spare part producer and so on Toyotaautomobile, Shanghai general automobile, Chrysler China and abundantworld China have the good cooperation relations, believed ourprofessional service surely could bring the more commercialopportunity to you. Promoted superiority 1st, we through since long ago will have the good cooperationwith us the specialized media: "Automobile And Fitting" "Automotiveindustry" "Automobile And Driving Service" "Automobile Observation""China Flows with Purchase" "Economical 导报 Automobile industry""Shanghai Vehicle City" "Automobile Magazine" "Friend of theAutomobile" "Automobile Reads extensively" family of East automobilenet Sina Net automobile frequency channel China net automobilefrequency channel the Pacific Ocean automobile net automobile worldautomobile and so on for to unfold can make the comprehensive thoroughreport. 2nd, we will use surpass 15,000 professional manager databases fromthe global leading enterprise, through strict screening, will sendsends the nearly 5,000 invitations letters, in the invitation industrynearly thousand high level leaderships presence you unfolds theposition, will facilitate your cooperation and the transaction. 3rd, above 200 vice- President the rank high end conference senatewill be able to represent with dozens of whole world apexes lecturehonored guest will be you not fault-tolerant exceedingly goodcooperation turning point.

三. Advertising costs : 1. Show Journal : back 12000.00 yuan Inside 10000.00 yuan RMB 8,000 FENGSHANDONG . Schools interpolation Full color pages 5000.00 yuan Journal Dimensions : all pages 285mm × 210 mm Note : The Journal of the contents of this exhibition will include : Speakers, the 200 over the world's top professional buyers resume, the developer introduced. 2, other advertising needs please contact the organizer. Exhibitors and payment procedures Those who wish to participate in the exhibition unit Please contact me with a. keep a detailed Expo "exhibition agreement," and stamped with the official seal, mail or fax to me. 2. Organizers determine the booth. 3. Organizers will confirm the "participation agreement" copy Accompanying payment notices "exhibitors guide," and other relevant documents returned to the participating units. 4. Participating units to be paid within seven days of the 50% of exhibitors as a deposit, in the balance on October 15, 2007 in a lump sum. In September 2007 after 1 exhibitors need a company paid the full cost. 5. Organizers received all exhibitors fee, the original exhibitors will send confirmation letters exhibitors. With exhibitors exhibitors confirmed the original letter on display during the specified report to entering the exhibit. Notes : (1) to enter into the agreement, such as the failure to pay the required deposit and the balance, the organizers will not protect recognized booth location. If in the first 60 days of the exhibition from exhibitors, the deposit is not refunded. To ensure that the overall image of the exhibition, the organizers and exhibitors reservations consultations and the final adjustment of the location of power booth. (2) participating companies can own booth subleased to other companies.

一、《展会立项策划书》的概念 所谓展会立项策划,就是根据掌握的各种信息,对即将举办的展览会的有关事宜进行初步规划,设计出展览会的基本框架,提出计划举办的展览会的初步规划内容, 主要包括:展会名称和地点、办展机构、展品范围、办展时间、展会规模、展会定位、招展计划、宣传推广和招商计划、展会进度计划.现场管理...

四、展会招展函 (一)、招展函的主要内容 1、展会的基本内容。 包括展会名称和LOGO、展会的举办时间和地点、办展机构、办展起因和办展目标、展会特色、展品范围、价格。 2、市场状况介绍。 行业状况、地区的市场状况 3、展会招商和宣传推广计划。 招商计划——简要介绍展会计划邀请专业观众的办法、范围和渠道。 宣传...

三、身为女人,人生最苦的莫过两件事:邋遢素颜走在路上遇到熟人,打扮得花枝招展却没有局。 四、只需要做对一件事,就能让一天变得有意义,也许是一次交谈,一段文字,一部电影。 五、善良要有底线,大方要有原则。 六、思念一个人的滋味,就象是喝了一杯冰冷的水,然后一滴一滴凝成热泪。 七、我想过很多问题,但...

朱自清 春 七年级课本内容,要和书上一字不差


2. 展会招展的详细过程包括会展预备阶段的文案概念、种类和写作要求。会展预备阶段的文案包括展会立项策划书、展会项目立项可行性研究报告、参展说明书、展会招展方案、展会招展函、招展进度计划、观众邀请函、参展合同、展出工作方案、展会费用预算表、展会宣传推广计划、广告文案等。3. 展会立项策划书的内容...

返老还童 德高望众 花枝招展 繁弦急管 玲珑赐透 多姿多采 无忧无虑 心旷神贻错别字 改正4.根据下列语句的意思,写出相应的成语。(2分)(1)谨慎小心,...星子急忙翻开书,见书的扉页上这样写道 送给我最敬爱的启蒙老师: 感谢您给我插上了想像的翅膀…… 您的学生:田菲 星子看后,脸上又浮现出当年那种很愉快...


一,先写展会策划书1.首先要确认展会的主题(展会的核心)2.然后写出三要数(题目,时间,地点)3.组织机构及重要嘉宾 4.具体内容(具体时间对应具体内容)二,进行展会前期运作1招展 2招商 3联系场地 4联系响应服务商 5做好宣传推广 三,展会现场运营1维护展商需求 2维护现场正常运营 3统计数据 4...


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张纪可立:[答案] 1.Welcome to our booth.2.Are you interested in our products?或What do you think of our products?3.Do you have any suggestion to our products,please?4.Thank you for your visit.Let's keep in touch.或Hop...

武平县13566623433: 请翻译一段索要会议邀请函的英文信 -
张纪可立: Dear Mr/ Ms XXX,Because of the rigid requirement from the German Embassy regarding visa application, an original invitation latter from the conference is a must. This is also a lesson I learned from my previous visa application last year. Would ...

武平县13566623433: 急求各位高手翻译 招商赞助方案 和 展会说明 的英文.谢谢啦.若被采纳双倍悬赏.拜托! -
张纪可立: 招商赞助方案 Solutions for Tender & Sponsor 展会说明 Guidelines of Exhibition

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张纪可立: acquisition letter是否有兼并协议书之意?请具体解释一下“招展函”含义.Could it be Exhibition Invitation (Letter)?

武平县13566623433: 求翻译一段开场白成英文,在线等~~急~~~~~~~~ -
张纪可立: Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon, Thank you and welcome for spare your time to our exhibition, we are QiShi stationery exports co,ltd.Next, please allow me to have a introduction of our main employees. I am sales manager, my name is XXX....

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张纪可立: 展会的英文:Exhibition Exhibition 读法 英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən] n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 短语:1、exhibition centre 展览中心2、exhibition area 展区;参展面积3、on exhibition 展出中 示例:They came from afar ...

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张纪可立: 3 If you are, feel free to go to our exhibition booth, you could enquire at our booth1 Hello,could you please learn about our information? It is about--- 2 Are you interested, please come with me, I', and you will know more, I'm only handing out information...

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