
作者&投稿:楚婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,A:what're you doing to do this afternoon?【今天下午你打算做什么?】

B:i'm going to____do some shopping.___________【我想逛逛街买买东西】

2,i'll _show you around______the palace museum if you have time【要是你有时间我想带你逛逛故宫博物馆】

3,mary,come to the front and___write down____the new words on the blackboard,please

4,it's hot in the room.___Take off__you coat,please【房间里太热了,把你的外套脱下来吧】

5,it's not far away.___Take_your time_,please【那儿不远,不用赶时间】
【Take_your time不用着急,慢慢来】
6,i__am looking forward to___seeing you in beijing.we haven't seen each other for a long time
【looking forward to期待,希望】我期待着你到北京来,我们很长时间没有见面了

7,english is spoken by people ___all over___the world【全世界的人都讲英语】
【all over遍及】

8,the picnic basket was___no longer____under the tree.someone had taken it away野炊用的篮子已经不再在树下面了,有人把它拿走了【no longer不再】

high, homes.job. sell,easily

1,A:you must finish the work in two hours你必须在两小时内完成这项工作

B:but__what if______i can't finish it in two hours? 但是如果我不能在两小时内完成会怎么样?

2,A:can i __try_____this coat___on______?我可以试穿这件衣服吗?

B:certaily.oh,it just fits.it's___neither______too big___nor___too small 当然可以。噢,正好合身,既不太大,也不太小。

3,_A hundred of more_____years ago there was a terrible war between these two countries.

4,sorry i can't go to the cinema with you this evening becuase i _am busy with___my

homework 对不起,今天晚上我不能和你一起去看电影了,因为我要忙着做我的家庭作业。

5,take down the old pictures from the wall and __put up____the new ones on it

6,benjamin franklin invented a lot of things__so that_____people could enjoy their

lives more 本杰明.富兰克林发明了许多东西,以便人们能更好的享受生活。

7,when i __grow up____,i want to be a soldier 长大后,我想当一名士兵。

8,i'm afraid we can't finish reading___the rest of________ this passage today

9,A:what are you doing now? 你在做什么?

B:i'm__working on______a new machine 我在研究一部新机器。

1. what if 要是...怎么办
2. try on 试穿
3. A hundred of more 很久以前
4. am busy with 忙于做某事
5. put up 贴上
6. so that 结果是
7. grow up 长大
9. working on 研究,从事

9,put up
7,grow up
6,so that
1,what if...
3,a hundred of more
4,am busy with
5,put up




1 G. label 2 O. except 3 N. polished 4 B. hesitated 5 L. sensitive 6 A. flunctuated 7 I. limitations 8 C. occured 9 M. refined 10 H. viewpoint

选项中的四个词都表示不同的声音,但B,C,D项的三个词都是指从嗓子里发出的声音,而sound则表示各种各样的声音。因此答案是A。4.看清执行者,确定所选词 And video cameras can be used to___people’s actions at home.A. keep B. make C. record D. watch 句中动作的发出者是video...

1.interested 2. called 3. hospital 4. zoo 5. kind 6. ill 7. medicine 8.heart 9. operate 10master

day is long, ”answered the woodcutter. “Oh, good! ”said the man, “ 9 me your shirt. ”“Why? ”said the woodcutter, “I haven’t got 10 . 正确答案如下:1、had 2、badly 3、feel 4、well 5、looking 6、means 7、king's 8、good 9、Give 10、 happy ...


-选词填空。“选词填空”要求学生利用所给的10个词汇(一般有名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、冠词、介词和连词等)补全一篇有10个空缺的短文。要攻克这一难关,学生除了要进行大量的课外阅读,积累丰富的语言知识外,还需掌握一定的解题技巧。 根据平时的观察,学生在做英语的“选词填空”时,遭...

选词填空why do we always assume that a"good students
翻译:一位英语语法老师说:“如果一个学生尽了最大的努力,我一定会在期末成绩中体现出来。You can't simply look at a succession of test results to determine how well a student has done in your class.翻译:你不能简单地看一系列的测试结果来判断一个学生在你班上的表现如何。Students' ...

长武县18037348896: 初中英语10:选词填空grow up,the rest of,a hundred of more,be busy with,try...on,what if...so that,neither...nor...,put up work on1,A:you must finish the work in two... -
卷博欣加:[答案] 1,A:you must finish the work in two hours你必须在两小时内完成这项工作 B:but__what if______i can't finish it in two hours?但是如果我不能在两小时内完成会怎么样? 2,A:can i __try_____this coat___on______?我可以试穿这件衣服吗? B:certaily.oh...

长武县18037348896: 求初一英语选词填空10篇, -
卷博欣加:[答案] 1用"little","a little","few","a few"填空. 1、Don't worry.There is ______ time left. 2、He did very well in the exam.So he made _______ mistakes 3、Do you have any friends in the US? Yes ,I have _______. 4、He can't understand my English ...

长武县18037348896: 10道英语选词填空.hesitate serve eager disguise claim reputation develop remove habit punish 1.The actor did not live up to his - ____.2.He went among the ... -
卷博欣加:[答案] 1.reputation 2.disguise 3.removed 4.题目好像打错了to改成too,选hesitate 5.served这题不太确定,是推测的. 6.habit 7.eager 8.punished 9.claimed 10.developed

长武县18037348896: 九年级英语选词填空.十道题.帮忙完成! -
卷博欣加: 86.difficult87.won88.explained89.surprise90.competition91.also92.means93.them94.story95.students

长武县18037348896: 九年级英语选词填空 -
卷博欣加: 为你解答.(图一)1、to keep2、freedom3、their4、lead5、dangerous6、show7、belongs8、to dress9、to spend10、are given (二)1、to believe2、difficult3、talk to4、safe5、to take care of6、giving up7、to get along with8、to speak9、take10、instead of

长武县18037348896: 英文选词填空(10个词)keen; through; have; thing; script; create; put; devise; settle; revolt; within; for; bit; alive; over The invention of writing is not just ... -
卷博欣加:[答案] over created within thing for devised through had keen revolted

长武县18037348896: 初二英语选词填空,12选10 -
卷博欣加: feeling , dislike , his , pressure , wrong , or , better

长武县18037348896: 10道英语选词填空.谢谢了,高手来 -
卷博欣加: 1.reputation 2.disguise 3.removed 4.题目好像打错了to改成too,选hesitate 5.served这题不太确定,是推测的. 6.habit 7.eager 8.punished 9.claimed 10.developed

长武县18037348896: 初中英语,选词填空 -
卷博欣加: 您好!71.studying 72.living 73.snowing 74.warm 75.home 76.visiting 77.shopping 78.children 79.kitchen 8o.watching 保证正确 !望采纳!谢谢!

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