
作者&投稿:逄泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As the capital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou city is in the southern part of China. It has a long history and the population is over 10 million. There are a lot of places of great interest, such as Guangzhou Tower, Baiyun Mountain, and Chen Clan Academy. Guangzhou is a beautiful city with various kinds of flowers and there are a great variety of delicious foods. So every year, there are tens of thousands visitors from all over the world. I believe it will become more and more wonderful!

The Spring Festival
Everyone, young and old, rich and poor, looks forward to celebrating the noisiest, most joyous and longest festival of the year. Chinese New Year is not celebrated at a hotel or supper club with revelers donning silly paper hats, drinking liquor and champagne, eating sumptuously, blowing whistles, twirling noisy rattles and throwing confetti while singing "Auld Lang syne" and dancing until the wee hours of the morning. In China, New Year's Day is a solemn occasion. Every family performs religious rites at the family altar. This is the time for a family reunion. All family quarrels have been amiably settled and forgotten.

Before the eve of the New Year, everyone tries to come back home from every corner of the country to join the entire family, just like Americans' practice for Christmas, to greet the New Year. A New Year big dinner is served. After the meal, the table is cleared, dishes washed and put away. Then it is time to undertake final preparations to meet the New Year.

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physical science to study biological systems.[1] Studies included under the branches of biophysics span all levels of biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry, nanotechnology, bioengineering, agrophysics and systems biology.

Molecular biophysics typically addresses biological questions that are similar to those in biochemistry and molecular biology, but the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this field conduct research concerned with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, as well as how these interactions are regulated. A great variety of techniques is used to answer these questions.

Fluorescent imaging techniques, as well as electron microscopy, x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are often used to visualize structures of biological significance. Conformational change in structure can be measured using techniques such as dual polarisation interferometry and circular dichroism. Direct manipulation of molecules using optical tweezers or AFM can also be used to monitor biological events where forces and distances are at the nanoscale. Molecular biophysicists often consider complex biological events as systems of interacting units which can be understood through statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. By drawing knowledge and experimental techniques from a wide variety of disciplines, biophysicists are often able to directly observe, model or even manipulate the structures and interactions of individual molecules or complexes of molecules.

In addition to traditional (i.e. molecular and cellular) biophysical topics like structural biology or enzyme kinetics, modern biophysics encompasses an extraordinarily broad range of research, from bioelectronics to quantum biology. It is becoming increasingly common for biophysicists to apply the models and experimental techniques derived from physics, as well as mathematics and statistics (see biomathematics), to larger systems such as tissues, organs, populations and ecosystems.


物理:Physical 化学:Chemistry 地理:Geography 政治:Political 生物:Biological 就是这样希望可以采纳阿~

AtomicPhysics科学研究持续高温低温等离子看热闹全过程、分子分子团簇的构造、光谱仪和撞击全过程、激光器与的物质相互影响、分子纳米技术等,包含高能物理和核电子器件等多个方面。2、生物物理学 BiologicalPhysics属交叉科学,用物理学的基本概念方法研究微生物各层次结构与功能之间的关系、细胞代谢物理的、物理...

短语例句:Marine biology[生物]海洋生物学 ; 海洋生理学 ; 海洋生物 ; 水产生物学 Alternative biology非传统生物 quantum biology[分子生物]量子生物学 ; 翻译 theoretical biology[生物]理论生物学 ; 生物学理论 Radiation Biology[生物物理]放射生物学 ;[生物物理]辐射生物学 ; 生物学 ; 放射有生命...

各科目的英语名称?急需! 例如:语文用英语怎么说?数学,英语,生物,地理,化学,政治,物理,历史,包括大学的课程……谢谢各位啦帮帮忙!... 例如:语文用英语怎么说?数学,英语,生物,地理,化学,政治,物理,历史,包括大学的课程…… 谢谢各位啦 帮帮忙! 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?

College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理 Communication Fundamentals 通信原理 Comparative Economics 比较经济学 Complex Analysis 复变函数论 Computational Method 计算方法 Computer Graphics 图形学原理 computer organization ...

生物的英文是organism。一、读音: ['ɔːɡənɪzəm]二、意思是生物。三、例句 Organism is the basic study of biology。生物体是生物研究的基础领域。四、词汇用法 organism通常指微小的“有机物、有机体”,引申可表示有机体系、有机组织。

生物化学与生物物理进展(Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics)2013年已被SCI除名,已经不是SCI了,请各位学者投稿时注意!《生物化学与生物物理进展》是国内外公开发行的全国性学术期刊, 由中国科学院生物物理研究所和中国生物物理学会共同主办。主要报道生物化学、分子生物学、生物物理学及神经科学等领域...

生物学 Biology 植物学 Botany 动物学 Zoology 生理学 Physiology 水生生物学 Hydrobiology 微生物学 Microbiology 神经生物学 Neurobiology 遗传学 Genetics 发育生物学 Developmental Biology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 生物物理学 Biophysics 生态学 Ecology 系统科学...

2 英文参考 cell biology 3 注解 细胞生物学(Cell biology)旧称细胞学(Cytology),是研究细胞的形态结构、生理机能、发育、生活史,以及各种胞器及讯息传递路径的学科。研究范围专注在生物学的微观与分子层次。细胞生物学是生物学的一个分支学科,是着重研究有关细胞结构和功能的领域,广义的,...

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