
作者&投稿:狐妹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. 父母的辛勤付出:可以写一些父母为我们付出的辛勤劳动,比如工作、照顾家庭、教育子女等。

  2. 父母的关爱呵护:可以写一些父母对我们的关心和照顾,比如在生活中给予我们温暖和安慰,在学习中给予我们鼓励和支持等。

  3. 父母的教育启示:可以写一些父母对我们进行的教育和启示,比如教导我们做人做事的道理,引导我们正确看待人生等。






Grateful to My Parents

As a child, I always took my parents for granted. It wasn't until I grew up and moved out of their house that I realized just how much they had done for me. They gave me life, love, and endless support. They sacrificed so much for me, from their time and energy to their hard-earned money.

My parents have always been there for me, no matter what. When I was struggling in school, they helped me with my homework and encouraged me to keep going. When I faced challenges in life, they were my rock, offering guidance and wisdom. And now that I'm an adult, they continue to be my biggest cheerleaders.

I am grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me. I know that without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They have taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and kindness. They have shown me what it means to be a good person, and I strive every day to live up to their example.


  1. Granted (v.) 授予,给予

  2. Sacrifice (v.) 牺牲

  3. Wisdom (n.) 智慧

  4. Perseverance (n.) 坚持不懈










Grateful to My Parents

As we grow up, we realize the importance of our parents in our lives. They have always been there for us, providing us with love and support. We should be grateful for their selfless dedication and sacrifice.

From a young age, our parents have taken care of us, feeding us, clothing us, and giving us a warm home. They have worked hard to provide us with the best education possible, so that we can have a bright future. They have also taught us valuable life lessons, instilling in us important values such as honesty, kindness, and perseverance.

Their love is unconditional, and they always put our needs before their own. They have made countless sacrifices for us, often putting aside their own dreams and desires to ensure that we have everything we need.

We should never take our parents for granted, but rather show them our appreciation and gratitude every day. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything you have done for me.


  1. Selfless(形容词):不关心自己的;无私的

  2. Dedication(名词):致力于某项任务或目标的品质

  3. Sacrifice(名词):为了其他事物而放弃某些有价值的东西的行为

  4. Perseverance(名词):尽管遇到困难或延迟仍坚持不懈做某事的毅力











Grateful to My Parents

I'm grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me. They work hard to provide for our family and give us a good life. They always show their love and care for me, making sure I have everything I need. They also teach me important values and principles that will guide me through life.

I appreciate all the sacrifices my parents have made for me and I want to do my best to make them proud. I hope to repay them by being a responsible and successful person, and by showing them the same love and care they have shown me.


  1. Grateful (adj.) - 感激的;感谢的

  2. Provide (v.) - 提供,供应

  3. Sacrifice (n.) - 为了别人牺牲的事物

  4. Repay (v.) - 偿还,回报





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