
作者&投稿:柳寒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My hometown is Beijing. I have been living in Beijing since I was born. I love my hometown full of laughter and laughter.

There are many ancient buildings in my hometown, such as Temple of Heaven Park, Palace Museum, and some snacks: sugar man, sugar gourd, hot pot and so on. They are very delicious.

The spring, summer, autumn and winter in the hometown are also very beautiful.

In spring, sister Liu took off her white dress and changed to green wedding dress. The mischievous little brother came out of his little head, and his little sister showed her white cheek. We children play on the lawn. The birds seemed to be attracted and sang. Beautiful echoes in the beautiful countryside.

In summer, streams are streaming. We children are playing by the river. Adults talk in the shade. Cicada cried, as if he were saying, "the heat is dead, the heat is dead!" Birds fly freely and happily in the sky. Good memories were left in that beautiful field.

In autumn, the maple elder sister drifting down the red leaves, as if to welcome a bumper harvest year. Floret is going to bid farewell to her brothers and sisters. Composition birds flock together to say goodbye to everything here. A good farewell voice was left in the field full of laughter.

In winter, heavy snow falls underground. We played happily on the path. All the plants have yielded, only the holly trees are standing proudly in the snow. Most of the animals hibernate. In this secluded winter, I left my footprints of my sister in winter.

I love my hometown most: Beijing!











一、历史文化 我们的故乡是一座历史文化名城,地处中国著名的四大古都之一,是中国古代华北地区政治、文化中心。这里曾经诞生过伟大的人才和科技成果,是中国近现代史上重要的革命圣地。充满文化底蕴的古城墙、城门楼、城隍庙、孔庙等文化遗址无不诉说着这座城市的悠久历史。此外,我们也有许多传统文化活动如庙...





介绍自己故乡是北京的英语作文:My hometown is Beijing. I have been living in Beijing since I was born. I love my hometown full of laughter and laughter.There are many ancient buildings in my hometown, such as Temple of Heaven Park, Palace Museum, and some snacks: sugar man, ...

1、介绍自己的家乡(Introducing your hometown);2、补充背景和细节描述(Adding background and details);3、表达自己对家乡的喜恶(Talking about what you like or dislike about it);4、描述家乡的变化(Talking about how it has changed over time)。正文:My hometown - Yang Village, is...

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