
作者&投稿:靳坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Factors that affect career choices

College career choice by a wide range of overt and hidden factors, which can basically be summed up as the main factor and the object of two major categories of factors.

(A) of the main factors

The main factor is the main internal generated, and self-consciousness is closely related to the impact of factors, including personality, ability, values, and so on, they are often college students about career choices of the main factors.

1, personality

Personality, temperament is among the stability of the personality, personality, temperament and how, on the career choices of college students and even professional success continued to play a role. U.S. assistant professor of psychology and Yuehanhuolan created the personality types and types of occupational theory, he thinks of every professional who can be carried out in accordance with the following description of the personality of the six: 1-reality: The people of this feat, there is interest in the work, like Take the time to do some mechanical things. They like and be good at the completion of more specific. Generally engage in the agricultural machinery industry and those who appear to be a significant feature of this. 2-study: people such as scientists, representatives of love with precision thinking and characteristics; for the patient to deal with abstract things, but I do not like social and leadership activities. 3-Art: Artists and musicians represented, with the creation of, and obedience are not the characteristics of self-expression; usually do not like routine and repetitive tasks. 4-society: teachers and counselors represented, in tend to like people, usually a service-oriented, export-oriented and like to understand people; but do not like the organization and prohibited the operation of machinery. 5-business: sales managers and represented, like social skills to manipulate people to achieve economic gains. 6 conventional type: Conference and bookkeeping for the industry representatives, like data type, do not like the ambiguity. Students with an inward-looking, for example, they generally choose not need more self-expression, self-emphasized that the occupation, such as salesmen, speech, lawyers, reporters such occupations. Even if such a choice of occupation, would have been very suited and the resulting barriers will affect their career success, and management books, theoretical research, computer operations, such as their occupations are more attractive, such as Professional exchanges between the people and less need for a high degree of care and patience needed in a quiet and lonely in the completion of the work.

Interest is the best teacher, university students interested in career choices play an important role. Sociological studies have shown that with the autonomy to choose their own interest, hobbies, in line with the capacity of professional workers, its labor productivity than workers do not meet the requirements of the higher 40%. It was also show that if a person has a particular interest in the work, will be able to maintain a longer period of time without feeling the fatigue of high efficiency; and the lack of interest, can only achieve its full 20% -30% Easily exhausted. The reason why college students in the profession have made outstanding achievements, or have a professional performance without the advantage, an important reason for this is that professional interest in the issue. Interest arising from the internal drive to form the work of the spirit of continuous improvement, not consciously rule out the possibility that they will promote the difficulties. Interests also change, but once identified, would be for the career choices are provide to the drive to lay a prerequisite for career success.

2, capacity

Refers to the ability to complete certain activities skills, including the completion of certain activities in specific ways, as well as the necessary psychological characteristics. Often in the same breath ability and knowledge, any of the jobs needed to complete the knowledge and ability to participate in and cooperate with. Ability to belong to the dynamic systems, knowledge systems belonging to the experience, knowledge must have a certain capacity for the prerequisite knowledge and capability requirements accordingly.

University students can enter the school, which have proved that they have a general ability that is in the fundamental activities of the show's ability, such as the ability to observe, and response capabilities, such as the ability to abstract and general. At the same time, after years of college-based learning and professional learning, but also has a special ability, that is, in the activities of the specialized requirements, such as writing skills, math ability, and so on. Both the general ability or special abilities, they are college students on career choices and provides a frame of reference locator. Professional choices, the ability of factors played a role in reference to the writing ability of poor people in general do not select news, literature, language and the ability of poor people in general will not choose English, the teaching profession; in career choices, since the capacity factor In the locator, poor college students to master the language will not give priority to civilian work, and have an initial capacity of the theoretical study and practical achievements of the university students is likely to continue post-graduate studies in order to obtain the maximum capacity The limits of play.

With its own strong and weak capacity as a career choice considerations, today's college students in common. Although they will be the ability to estimate the error, but the choice is still the capacity as a balance to the side. College students with low ability to consciously choose a high-capacity high-capacity professional or college students conscious style of low-capacity occupation, the reality is there. Both resulted in career choices or avian influenza adapted, or resulted in a waste of human resources, except those who choose to have full confidence with a professional or attractive enough, or should college students as much as possible in their own ability to allow the group to find the right career direction So that the possibility of career success will be greatly enhanced.

3, values

Values is a sense of who the core of the system, but also in the fundamental constraint on the other aspects of the main factors. It is a hidden factor in the stability of the deep, difficult to observe and feel, but this in no way impede the values of factors affecting college students and vocational orientation of the prime factors in selection.

Values are the values and specific direction, the values of a people's general attitude towards all types of things, this attitude shown by clear and compared with a single and feelings tend to become a value orientation. With the basic shape values, the values of university students have basic stereotypes. To understand the specific career fields, college students of a certain value and the pursuit of exclusive preference for certain types of things with the offensive, some of the emotional yearning for escape and become professional values with the closest. A college student can work to make a living, in order to avoid the emptiness of life and work, or in order to realize their dream and work. Students in view, the work of a wide range of possible significance, the significance of a direct role in the vocational orientation and choice.

Rule out the reality of occupation, only the pursuit of vocational study, the pursuit of university students is not without value performance, or the pursuit of a certain value. A class of professional is bound to reflect the value is bound to a certain degree of value for the support. Value from the point of view, if the professional is under the value of the lost support, then lost on this type of professional existence. Not so much the pursuit of material benefits-Students career, it is better to say that this is a real concern about the survival of the economic interests of the desire, and this is precisely the workers to become university students, farmers, and other low-income groups have a strong professional attitude of rejection of the values of the reasons. Students on the part of the reason why the spirit to achieve career-long for a strong, not because their survival and physical reality to achieve to take the attitude of indifference and even negative, but because they value the spirit of the structure of demand and the realization of the spirit over the material and material needs to realize that only Value lies in the structure of the spirit of the factors in the career choice to occupy the dominant position.
These are college students from the main point of talking about the value of professional orientation and selection. In fact, the University of values, professional values and community values are the parents of college students participated in vocational orientation and the process of building a choice, but they have been integrated into the university's main system of values, to become its values system .

(B) the object of the factors

Factor is the object of career options in the sum of environmental factors, including their own professional factors. If we say that the main factors that play a fundamental role, then the object is to play a factor in the checks and balances to contain the effects.

1, social evaluation

Students living in an ivory tower, is not living in the real state. Various types of professional occupations held by the Federation of tendentious attitude through the media habits, media and other channels to penetrate the psychological evaluation of the professional college students, community college students to become an important aspect of understanding. Although we often hear on the "division of labor, occupational not as high or low level" like to stress, but in reality, people generally there is a real professional levels as high or low points of understanding, the understanding is that the occupation Evaluation of the community. Professional social evaluation by a powerful psycho-social constraints. In general, what kind of social psychology, there is what kind of evaluation of the community, especially in the deep-rooted traditions are still psychology of contemporary society, professional assessment of the community often reflect the strong colors of traditional and conservative color. This is in the more developed regions, it is more obvious. Although the wealthy individual industrial and commercial households, but the community has been the evaluation is not high, and the phenomenon of ancient popular light business is closely related to the concept, but rather light business sense to become college students who entered the ranks of the major individual psychological barrier.

Social and professional evaluation is a dynamic process of development. The last century in the 1950s, the public career of the farmers showed great interest in the 1960s, interest shifted to social workers, professional people in the 1970s longing for the Israeli army, after the reform and opening-up of the 1980s, the administrative cadres, finance staff Become a hot career in the 1990s with the establishment of a market economy and development, many people turning back to the sea of career goals. Was a popular career, was so rapidly evolving, it is all the times the specific details of the decision.
Vocational college students on the evaluation of the social impact of career choices are subtle, it has entered college students in the field of social awareness and become unconsciously considerations, in particular, their lack of a professional in-depth understanding and personal experience, the evaluation of the social role Will be especially prominent. The community college students will also evaluate the content changes to update the concept, thinking of the impact of the adjustment of values will change its original contents, as well as the re-arranged, the ideal combination of professional sequence. However, changes in any case, social evaluation of the impact of college career choice is always exist, the problem only lies in the size of the impact.

2, the economic interests of

The economic interests of career choices in today's college students play an increasingly important role. In the development of commodity economy is bound to lead to awareness raising money, this is a good thing, not only is a good thing, among which there is a great and the possibility of conversion. It is a good thing, because the material must have professional incentives in order to maintain the attractiveness of long-term, they would not have access to those who choose to favor. It is not only a good thing, because if the money blindly expanding awareness is bound to harm the character of many of the professional, occupational will no longer be "professional" and degenerate into a tool for economic benefits. It has been said that, in contemporary Chinese society, money plays the role of God. His remark on the part of people can, and if it was the whole (including college students) can not help it radical. However, the money-conscious and to enhance the rapid spread of did that no one is an undeniable fact.

Historically, the phenomenon is more than the traditional sense of career choices of a strong reaction. Under the planned economy of career options firmly reject the economic factors involved in different occupations is almost the same income, the wages of college students after graduation by the provisions of national unity, a variety of occupational income differences rather smaller than in the career choices do not To be considered. With the economic structure reform, the income gap between different occupations began to expand rapidly, as well as to expand some of the professional income people can not accept that the level of social dissatisfaction, coupled with the existence of a large number of gray income, caused by a psycho-social The imbalance between the growing role of money, God is this imbalance of mind by the director of the drama scenes.
For just out of the ivory tower, has not yet entered the professional community college graduates, the economic factors can not be interpreted most vividly. They can only be in their power to the pursuit of economic income, financial income. However, if students can not pay the labor at a reasonable economic compensation to be realized, it will be to re-select their career and will put the economic interests of its consideration of a more important position. Students are not extraordinary refined the saints, rather than the supremacy of the spirit of the monster, economic levers of contemporary college students in career choices is playing an increasingly important role.

3, family

In the event of family life will leave a deep mark, in which university students on career choices integration of the will of the parents. Career choices are a prelude to the professional choices of their children, many parents choose to not tell the professional-style command, the parents more influence through nurturing family environment, the gradual integration of the university's psychological structure. Students from families of farmers, parents face the Loess back into the air farming life had a strong feeling from the parents of speech and deportment and inculcate in their children as the parents of university students will choose to refuse occupation. Art students from families in the long-term contact with family members, is likely to inherit their parents professional values, and thus embarked on a career path of their parents. However, when children and parents on career goals in the conflict, children or parents strongly out of the will, they will have a contradiction. Parents have a natural tendency, that is, to love their children with their children as well as control of interference simply equate the parents often say is: I do so in order to Hello. "This" is the parents control measures, "Hello" is the parent of the child's expression of love through such a simple word, parents control their children will be in the form of legal and emotional support.

After graduating from college, and university students faced with a specific career choice. At this time the role of the family will be evident. However, at this time it has far less influence as ever, because students are now more rich professional knowledge, professional awareness and more clear, is the psychological maturing of the corresponding psychological dependence on the family will be greatly reduced. However, families of university students As a back-up force, the career choices of play will not fundamentally affect the loss, especially when the children in career choices on the road and hesitate to seek help, parents will also enlarge the role of, their children's career choices Have a major impact. Some university students in full accordance with the wishes of their own choice of a career, some students were introduced parents hope their children are engaged in or occupation. In the latter case, the children of university students is the parents wish to be seen as an extension of, or on behalf of the family, their mission is to achieve the ideal of their parents. This effect of career choices can not be generalized, however, it is virtually a hidden danger that if the professional practice unsatisfactory, then the children will most likely be attributed to the results of such parents to allow parents to assume non-professional practice Ideal.

Career options for each of the university's life are of great significance. Despite the university's career choices were multiple factors as well as interference, but after years of university study, from the beginning of the first career choice. After trying to occupational reality, they found their own characteristics, as well as their ability to adapt to the occupation, or adhere to the preferred career, professional or make amendments until the search for a suitable career. It was also during this process, students complete awareness of the reality of professional, occupational and vocational capacity requirements and the realities of professional career can be an ideal balance。

Giel你提供你想要的 。好

What do I want to do when I’m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.
I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.
I play the piano when I’m ten years old. Now I’m in grand five. I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I’ll be harder and harder to practise.
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1 What is my dream job? I want to be a doctor. I think it’s great and interesting job. I can help many patient. It’s a hard job but I don’t mind it. I can find some happy in this job. Some people think doctors are work late. I don’t think so. If I feel happy, I can’t feel it’s very late.
If I am a doctor now, I like my job. I don’t regret it, I can say:” I found a good job!” I don’t think this job makes me tired, I think it makes me solidity and happy. I believe I am sure to succeed.
This is all of my dream job. I think I am sure to be a good doctor.

2 Everyone has his dream job.For me,I want to be an artist.
I show great interest in drawing.I like it very much.I am going to be famous when I grow up.Then how can I do that?I will finish my college.Then I will find a part-time job for a year or two to save some money.And I will move to Paris.I will learn to speak French at the same time.I am going to hold an art exhibition in the future.Because I want to be rich.Iwill buy a big house for my parents.
I am sure my dream can come true one day.Because I believe a saying"Nothing is impossible for a willing heart."What about your dream?Tell us.

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