
作者&投稿:暨定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




晋平公说:“太师, 您撞谁呀?”


宗泽上书皇上回到京城20多次,每次都被潜善等所阻挠,忧愤成疾,于背上生疽。宗泽感叹说:出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟! 第二日,风雨交加,天昏地暗。宗泽没有一句话问到家事,却连呼三声过河,然后去世!

1. The reason for choosing Hong Kong as the place to study is that the study condition suits me better. I am good at communicating and cooperating with others, and I am capable to plan my studies and work independently. Compared with the study condition at home, Hong Kong can offer a more open platform for me to give full play to my creativity and leadership.

2. As a member of the society, I have been longing to investigate and serve society. Through the four-year studies in the university, my professional ability and comprehensive quality will be enhanced that will lay solid foundation for my lifelong development.


1.Choice's coming to studying in Hong Kong is because of the study here environment to suit me fine more.I am good at associating with person with the cooperation, having the independent arrangement study,work of ability.Compare in inside of of study environment, Hong Kong is a terrace that opens more, can make my creative ability,the leadership practical ability get better exertive with expand.
2.Be a social member, research society,serve society to make I always of ideal, pass in four years of university, undergraduate course education, my professional ability with comprehensive will certainly get to promote very greatly with character, and for develop to lay foundation stone the whole life.

1. I choose to study in Hongkong because I found that Hongkong give me more chance, espcially its good evironment. I am good at communicate with others, cooperate with others. In study, however, I can mearsure my time properly. In Hongkong, however, give me a place to open my eyes. Compared with mainland, Hongkong is more open. It give me a chance to learn how to creat, to be a leader.
2. As a person in the society, do some investigation, sever the society became my dream.... 睡觉了,明天再续。

1. Because of the study environment here, i think it very fit for me to study in HongKong. i'm good at communicating and coorperating with people and i'm able to arrange my study and work independently.
Compare with that in backland, Hong Kong is more exoteric and ir is a good chance to exert my own abilities.
2. As a member of the society, my dream is to study and service it. During my four-year's undergrate studies, i've improved a lot. Cos it provides me a solid foundation for my lifelong development.

1.你知道站在台上,所有的眼睛都看着你是一种什么感受吗?(Do you know what it is like to...)Do you know what it is like to stand on the stage with all the eyes staring at you?2.听到人质已被安然无恙的营救出来的消息,我们大家才松了一口气。(..breathed a sigh of relief ...

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:说是几个句子,其实凑起来就是一个文章了,各位大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙!!下面是翻译内容:1什么是时尚?也许一提起时尚这个词大家就会想到衣服,鞋子,发型。2在我们这个年龄,几乎都是与家长一起逛商店,买衣服。几乎妈妈给我买什么我就穿什么,既穿6元的也穿...

1。Last week I tried to catch a mouse.上周,我设法抓住一只老鼠 2. I followed it around the house.我追着它满屋子跑。3.It ran behind the bedroom chair .它躲到了卧室的椅子下面。4.And then I followed it down the stair.接着,我追着它到了楼下。5.It moved quickly across...

beyond us, that we can hardly say it will ever be ours 一种观点下的事实是,国家文化这种事已经到了这样一种境地(pass不好译,就译成境地了),在某种意义上我们必须将外来(这里指外来文化)赶出去,否则的话随着日子的消逝,我们已经不能把握主动,那么我们再也不能说这是我们的文化了。

你可以清楚地看到有人快要淹死了(drown),而你却没有采取行动救他们。(take action)you could clearly see someone drowning, but you didn't take any action to save them.包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。(including)including weekends, there are only 12 days left to ...

1。Many animals have faced such campaigns, but against no other animal has the campaign reached such heights of cruelty.(字面:很多动物都经历过这般的战争,但其他动物之间的战斗的残暴程度却从未到达过如此的高度。)【意译】【战斗在动物中普遍存在,然而如此残暴的战斗却世间罕见。】其中后半句...

1.That simple act delighted my daughter so much that she was full of joy all day.那个简单的举动是如此地使我女儿高兴,以至于她高兴了一整天.2.Several said that it was fun and convenient to help someone with homework or teach something,or help a person with a problem-all good ...

1、没有一个参赛者能追上那个不知疲倦的领跑者。Not one of the contestants can overtake the tireless leader.2、球员们完全不在状态,结果以2:3输掉了比赛。The players off completely, results to 2:3 lost the game.3、如果你花很大力气练习英语口语的话,迟早会取得好效果的。If you spend...

翻译句子的英语:Translated sentence。Translated发音: 美 [trænzˈleɪtɪd];释义:译本;v. 翻译(translate的过去分词);原形translate。sentence发音: 英 [ˈsentəns] 美 [ˈsentəns];释义:sentence句子,命题;宣判,判决vt. 判决,宣判;过去...

1)这扇朝南的窗户是破的 The window which is facing to the souch is broken 2)我们的班主任是位受人爱戴的女性 Our headmaster is a lady who is respected by other people.3)那位教授在学生们簇拥下,高兴的坐在那 The professional was sitting there happily ,with his students surrounded...

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译句子!! -
纵廖脑安: "公被衽而避"翻译:晋平公连忙收起衣襟躲让. 师旷撞晋平公① 晋平公与群臣饮,饮酣,乃喟然叹曰:“莫乐为人君②!惟其言而莫之违③.”师旷侍坐于前④,援琴撞之.公披衽而避,琴坏于壁⑤.公曰:“太师谁撞⑥?”师旷曰:“今者...

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译英语句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1.请买车票.Please buy the tickets. 2.我没有零钱.(两种译法) I have no small change. 3.我也没有.(两种译法) I also have no.4.你有零钱吗?Do you have some change? 5.没有.(两种译法) No. 6.那位乘客有零钱吗? The passengers ...

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1.When he got to school, he found that he had left his schoolbag at home. 2.When he woke up, he found that he had overslept. 3.She said that she had gone to The Great Wall twice. 4.The mo...

满洲里市19297614760: 英语翻译句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1.My favourite sport is swimming.2.Do you finish your writing?3.I'm sorry I came late.4.He came in without voices.5.He came in and did not be seen.

满洲里市19297614760: 用英语翻译句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1.I'm not sure whose this book is.(后半句为陈述句语气)2.Mr.Brown comes to China in order to look for more beautiful future.(将来为不可数名词,前面不能加a)3.I am considering changing a job.(consider后接doing sth)4.He teared down two chairs in order to make a sofa.5.I appreciate those people who work hard in order to seach for the lake.

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译英语句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1. You and your friends to the Park by bike2. Saw a boy fell off his bike3. The boy's right leg was broken.4. You take the boy to hospital5. The boy's parents I am much obliged to...

满洲里市19297614760: 英文翻译句子 -
纵廖脑安: 1.When I go out when I see them play football2.EMMA playing guitar every day, but today she did not bomb3.Yesterday in the evening they play very happy

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译汉语句子
纵廖脑安: 1.他变得对电脑有兴趣了 he became found of computer 2.看起来像要下雪了 Seems like it going to snow. 3.马力出生于七十年代 Mary was born in the 1970's 4.你高兴什么就做什么 Just do whatever you want to do. 5.不仅我们而且他也能完成工作 ...

满洲里市19297614760: 英语.. 翻译句子. -
纵廖脑安: 1, we are for the upcoming preparation for the trip. 2, I'm not interested to see a movie. 3, the two coat match each other very well. 4, jacket is not suitable for this importa...

满洲里市19297614760: 翻译句子中译英 -
纵廖脑安: 1. Guangzhou is a beautiful city, has a history of over 2000 years 2 there are many s...

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