
作者&投稿:桂疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Ugly Duckling

One evening, the sun was just setting in with true splendor when 1)a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful. They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks. They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry. They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas.

They 2)mounted so high, so very high, and the ugly little duckling became strangely uneasy. He circled around and around in the water like a wheel, 3)craning his neck out into the air after them. Then he uttered the shriek so 4)piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. Oh, he could not forget those beautiful birds, those happy birds and as soon as they were out of sight. He 5)ducked right down to the bottom and when he came up again, he was quite beside himself. He did not know what the birds were or where’d they flew. But all the same, he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before. He did not envy them in the least. How could it occur to him even to wish to be such a marvelous beauty? He wouldn’t be thankful if only the ducks would have tolerated him among them, the poor ugly creature.

Early in the morning, a peasant came along and saw him, he went out onto the ice and hammered a hole in it with his heavy wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. There, it soon 6)revived. The children wanted to play with it. But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan, and the milk 7)spurted out all over the room. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. Then it flew to the butter-cask and down into the meal-tub and out again. Oh, just imagine what it looked like by this time. The woman screamed and tried to hit it with the 8)tongs, and the children 9)tumbled over one another in trying to catch it, and they screamed with laughter.

By good luck, the door stood open and the duckling flew out among the bushes and the new fallen snow. And it lay there, thoroughly exhausted, but it would be too sad to mention all the privation and misery had to go through during that hard winter. When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckling was in a marsh, lying among the rushes. The larks were singing, and the beautiful spring had come. Then all at once, it raised its wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before and bore him off vigorously. Before he knew where he was, he found himself in a large garden with the apple trees were in full blossom. And the air was scentedly with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake. Oh, the spring freshness was so delicious. Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a 10)thicket. With 11)rustling feathers, they swam lightly over the water. The duckling recognized the majestic birds, and he was overcome by a strange melancholy.

“I will fly to them, the royal birds, and they will hack me to pieces because I who am so ugly venture to approach them. But it won’t matter. Better to be killed by them than be snacked up by the ducks, 12)pecked by the hens, or 13)spurned by the hen wife, or suffer so much misery in the winter.” So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans. They saw him and darted toward him with ruffled feathers. “Kill me, oh, kill me.” said the poor creature. And bowing his head towards the water, he awaited his death. But what did he see? Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. He was himself, a swan.







Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl. One day, she went to give her grandmother a cake.
The grandmother was not at home. The big wolf was stealing something to eat in the house.
Hearing the knock at the door, the big wolf quickly put on the grandmother's clothes and lay on the grandmother's bed.
"Grandma, why are your ears so big?" "My ears are big so that I can hear what you say."
"Grandma, why are your hands so big?" "My hands are big so that I can catch you!"

"Grandma, why is your mouth so big? It's really scary!" Little Red Riding Hood was about to dodge, but the big wolf jumped up, and completely swallowed her.
The big wolf was full. It lay on the bed to sleep and began to snore.
The grandmother came back. Hearing such a big grunt, the grandmother thought it was strange.
Wow! This is bad!
The brave grandmother brought a pair of scissors and cut the big wolf's stomach open ...
Little Red Riding Hood jumped out of the stomach.
She and her grandmother happily ate the cake together.
Later on, the grandmother and Little Red Rid-ing Hood sent the big wolf to a remote moun-tain.

Have a girl call little redhood!Her grandmother is the most painful she.Once, her mother made the grandmother whom she brought chicken cake and wine to get sick eat!The little redhood walks to arrive halfway up, met big ash wolf, the big ash wolf fools her to forest in adopt a flower, get to grandmother's home to swallow grandmother into belly.Then swallow little redhood into belly again.Be luckily seen by the hunter, the hunter tore off the belly of wolf.Saved grandmother and little redhood, from now on, the little redhood wasn't cheated by the other people any further!



还有另外可以复制的:题目是Little Red Cap ,正文是Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by every one who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else. So she was always called little red-cap.

One day her mother said to her, come, little red-cap, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother, she is ill and weak, and they will do her good. Set out before it gets hot, and when you are going, walk nicely and quietly and do not run off the path, or you may fall and break the bottle, and then your grandmother will get nothing. And when you go into her room, don't forget to say, good-morning, and don't peep into every corner before you do it.

I will take great care, said little red-cap to her mother, and gave her hand on it.

The grandmother lived out in the wood, half a league from the village, and just as little red-cap entered the wood, a wolf met her. Red-cap did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him. "Good-day, little red-cap," said he.

"Thank you kindly, wolf."

"Whither away so early, little red-cap?"

"To my grandmother's."

"What have you got in your apron?"

"Cake and wine. Yesterday was baking-day, so poor sick grandmother is to have something good, to make her stronger."

"Where does your grandmother live, little red-cap?"

"A good quarter of a league farther on in the wood. Her house stands under the three large oak-trees, the nut-trees are just below. You surely must know it," replied little red-cap.

The wolf thought to himself, what a tender young creature. What a nice plump mouthful, she will be better to eat than the old woman. I must act craftily, so as to catch both. So he walked for a short time by the side of little red-cap, and then he said, "see little red-cap, how pretty the flowers are about here. Why do you not look round. I believe, too, that you do not hear how sweetly the little birds are singing. You walk gravely along as if you were going to school, while everything else out here in the wood is merry."

Little red-cap raised her eyes, and when she saw the sunbeams dancing here and there through the trees, and pretty flowers growing everywhere, she thought, suppose I take grandmother a fresh nosegay. That would please her too. It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time. And so she ran from the path into the wood to look for flowers. And whenever she had picked one, she fancied that she saw a still prettier one farther on, and ran after it, and so got deeper and deeper into the wood. Meanwhile the wolf ran straight to the grandmother's house and knocked at the door.

"Who is there?"

"Little red-cap," replied the wolf. "She is bringing cake and wine. Open the door."

"Lift the latch," called out the grandmother, "I am too weak, and cannot get up."

The wolf lifted the latch, the door sprang open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother's bed, and devoured her. Then he put on her clothes, dressed himself in her cap, laid himself in bed and drew the curtains.

Little red-cap, however, had been running about picking flowers, and when she had gathered so many that she could carry no more, she remembered her grandmother, and set out on the way to her.

She was surprised to find the cottage-door standing open, and when she went into the room, she had such a strange feeling that she said to herself, oh dear, how uneasy I feel to-day, and at other times I like being with grandmother so much. She called out, "good morning," but received no answer. So she went to the bed and drew back the curtains. There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.

"Oh, grandmother," she said, "what big ears you have." "The better to hear you with, my child," was the reply. "But, grandmother, what big eyes you have," she said. "The better to see you with," my dear. "But, grandmother, what large hands you have." "The better to hug you with." "Oh, but, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have." "The better to eat you with."And scarcely had the wolf said this, than with one bound he was out of bed and swallowed up red-cap.

When the wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, fell asleep and began to snore very loud. The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought to himself, how the old woman is snoring. I must just see if she wants anything.

So he went into the room, and when he came to the bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it. Do I find you here, you old sinner, said he. I have long sought you. Then just as he was going to fire at him, it occurred to him that the wolf might have devoured the grandmother, and that she might still be saved, so he did not fire, but took a pair of scissors, and began to cut open the stomach of the sleeping wolf. When he had made two snips, he saw the little red-cap shining, and then he made two snips more, and the little girl sprang out, crying, ah, how frightened I have been. How dark it was inside the wolf. And after that the aged grandmother came out alive also, but scarcely able to breathe. Red-cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed at once, and fell dead.

Then all three were delighted. The huntsman drew off the wolf's skin and went home with it. The grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine which red-cap had brought, and revived, but red-cap thought to herself, as long as I live, I will never by myself leave the path, to run into the wood, when my mother has forbidden me to do so.It is also related that once when red-cap was again taking cakes to the old grandmother, another wolf spoke to her, and tried to entice her from the path. Red-cap, however, was on her guard, and went straight forward on her way, and told her grandmother that she had met the wolf, and that he had said good-morning to her, but with such a wicked look in his eyes, that if they had not been on the public road she was certain he would have eaten her up. Well, said the grandmother, we will shut the door, that he may not come in. Soon afterwards the wolf knocked, and cried, open the door, grandmother, I am little red-cap, and am bringing you some cakes. But they did not speak, or open the door, so the grey-beard stole twice or thrice round the house, and at last jumped on the roof, intending to wait until red-cap went home in the evening, and then to steal after her and devour her in the darkness. But the grandmother saw what was in his thoughts. In front of the house was a great stone trough, so she said to the child, take the pail, red-cap. I made some sausages yesterday, so carry the water in which I boiled them to the trough. Red-cap carried until the great trough was quite full. Then the smell of the sausages reached the wolf, and he sniffed and peeped down, and at last stretched out his neck so far that he could no longer keep his footing and began to slip, and slipped down from the roof straight into the great trough, and was drowned. But red-cap went joyously home, and no one ever did anything to harm her again.

Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf.That's a good idea.Little Red Riding Hood, the ...

A long time ago, there is a little girl and parents living in the forest next to her grandmother to live in the forest. The little girl like to wear a red hat with a small basket shaking. Therefore, we call her "Little Red Riding Hood." One day, her sick grandmother, ...

Long long ago,there was a girl called XiaoHongmao.Because she was always in a red hat which her grandma sent to her.One day,her mother asked her to go to her grangma's home to send some food for her grandma.Because grandma was ill.So she started.She was very happy.At ...

小红帽的故事(英语版)急急急…… 简短一点
具体型 : (5 0 0 0 字 上)Little red cap once upon a time there was a lovely little girl, who met with love, but the most like her is her grandmother, just give her what she needs. Once, grandma gave the. Once, grandma gave the little girl a velvet do little ...

急求小红帽故事英文版三百个单词左右,如果可以请附上中文翻译。感激_百 ...
Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met a wolf.That's a good idea.Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers ...

Have a girl call little redhood!Her grandmother is the most painful she.Once, her mother made the grandmother whom she brought chicken cake and wine to get sick eat!The little redhood walks to arrive halfway up, met big ash wolf, the big ash wolf fools her to forest in ...


亲。这个比较简单的,当时我参加比赛时就用的这个,10分钟左右就可以把台词记住,然后再排练下就好啦。可以根据自己需要修改一下。欢迎采用。Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:  (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着...

Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽)Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother's house,a wolf noticed her.The wolf had a plan.He went to ...

小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。“瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。”狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后...

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娄厚小儿:[答案] Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time,there was a little girl.Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day,her grandma was ill.Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way,she met (遇见) a wolf. That's a good idea. Little Red Riding ...

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娄厚小儿: It is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood, after the red hooded cape or cloak she wears. The girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother. A wolf wants to eat the girl but is afraid to do so in public. He approaches the girl, ...

神木县13830873343: 小红帽故事英文版
娄厚小儿: Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met a wolf. That's a good idea. Little Red Riding ...

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娄厚小儿: Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi...

神木县13830873343: 英语小故事50字小红帽请用英语简单的描述"小红帽"的故事,要少越好!英语!简写!字数要少!!!! -
娄厚小儿:[答案] It is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood,after the red hooded cape or cloak she wears.The girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother.A wolf wants to eat the girl but ...

神木县13830873343: 小红帽的英文故事 -
娄厚小儿: 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma ...

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娄厚小儿: zhidaoOne day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers,but the wolf saw,so the big bad wolf ran granny,grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother...

神木县13830873343: 小红帽英语故事,200字左右,3分钟的时间 -
娄厚小儿: 我修改过了,自己写了点,你看看吧~~Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother's house,a wolf noticed her....

神木县13830873343: 英文版《小红帽》的故事简介是什么? -
娄厚小儿: 以下是《小红帽》英文版故事的简短版本:Little Red Riding Hood was a young girl who loved to wear a red hooded cloak. One day, her mother asked her to take some food to her sick grandmother who lived in a cottage in the woods. Little Red ...

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