
作者&投稿:闾盲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Though he's fool, I like him nonetheless.
虽然他很笨, 我仍然喜欢他。
She'll probably disagree, though it's worth trying.
她很可能不同意, 但不妨去试一下。
I'll call to see you this evening though I can stay only a few minutes.
今晚我一定去看你, 即使我只能停一会儿。
T-it was late, we decided to set out.
虽然已经晚了, 我们还是决定动身了。
I will try it, though I may fail.
即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下。
He is better, though not yet cured.
他好一点了, 虽仍未痊愈。

Though Shanghai is a big city , Shanghai's environment is terrible

Though he is rich, his life is not happy.
It was a hard job, he took it though.
Though it was raining,we went there.
Though it was barely four o’clock, the lights were already on.
It’s hard work; I enjoy it though.
He is looking fit, though.
You can count on him, though.
She closed her eyes as though she were tired.
We felt as though we had witnessed the whole thing.
He is an honest man, I must say, even though I have opposed him.
She was always afraid of men, even though she had lots of boyfriends.

Though he is tall,he isn't good at playing basketball.

7、Though they disagreed on many things, they remained good friends.尽管他们在许多事情上意见不合,但他们仍然是好朋友。8、Though he is talented, he lacks confidence in his abilities.尽管他很有才华,但他对自己的能力缺乏自信。9、Though the road was long and difficult, they never gave...

Though he's fool, I like him nonetheless.虽然他很笨, 我仍然喜欢他。She'll probably disagree, though it's worth trying.她很可能不同意, 但不妨去试一下。I'll call to see you this evening though I can stay only a few minutes.今晚我一定去看你, 即使我只能停一会儿。T-it was ...

用though造句 10句
Though it was raining,we went there.虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿.Though it was barely four o’clock,the lights were already on.尽管才四点钟,灯已经亮了.It’s hard work; I enjoy it though.工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干.He is looking fit,though.但他看起来很健康.You can count on...

though 能和but 连用吗?
释义:可是,但是,做副词;但是,做介词。造句:(1)、尽管;虽然 Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school...盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。(2)、不过;可是;然而 I look back on it as the ...

用if unless though (although)怎么造句?
it doesn't rain,I will go with you.=Unless it rains,I will go with you.如果不下雨,我就和2113你一起去。Though\/Although it rains hard,I still go with you.虽然雨下得很大,我仍5261然 和你一起 去。(句中4102although和though均是连词)。1653 此外,though还可以做副词,经常放在...

用if unless though (although)怎么造句?
you.如果不下雨,我就和你一起去。Though\/Although it rains hard, I still go with you.虽然雨下得很大,我仍然和你一起去。(句中although和though均是连词)。此外,though还可以做副词,经常放在句尾。例句:You can't depend on yourparents,though.但是,你不能再依靠父母了。

2个词通常情况可以互换 但是though可以作为副词,放在句末尾,而although不行,只能作为连接词使用 though可以用作状语,although不行 Though you were agaist me,I should still hold to my opinion.虽然你反对我,但我还是坚持我的观点。在这里though是让步状语,不能用although代替。but 是但是,和...

用go though造句,急需...
we have to go through.它是我们必须办理的一项手续。All the banking transactions go through the computer.全部银行业务都由计算机完成。It's a formality that we have to go through.这是我们必须办理的手续。Go through the door on your right and into the office.穿过右边门到办公室去。

I will go there though she is unhappy.However,her mother will go there instead.

...adj though to do sth造句5个
2 I look back on it as the bloodiest ( though not literally) winter of the war.我现在回想起来,觉得那是战时最血腥的(但并非字面意义上的)一个冬天。3 I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes.我喜欢他,不过他有时惹我生气。柯林斯例句库 4 I'm a good cook, though I ...

万盛区13613741297: 用though造句.初二英语 -
坚泪强筋: I am playing basketball outside,though it is raining.(尽管外面在下雨,我还是在打篮球)

万盛区13613741297: though造句5组 -
坚泪强筋: although 与 though的用法区别 一、用作连词表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式:Though [Although] it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿.Though [Although] it was barely four o...

万盛区13613741297: 用though , even though , 分别造一个句子? -
坚泪强筋: though(虽然)I will go though it is raining even though(即使)I will go evev it will rain

万盛区13613741297: though造句5组 -
坚泪强筋:[答案] Though he's fool,I like him nonetheless.虽然他很笨,我仍然喜欢他.She'll probably disagree,though it's worth trying.她很可能不同意,但不妨去试一下.I'll call to see you this evening though I can stay only...

万盛区13613741297: though造句初一水准 -
坚泪强筋:[答案] Though she tried very hard,she failed in the examination. 虽然她很刻苦,她考试还是没有及格.

万盛区13613741297: though造句, -
坚泪强筋: wangming go to school, though he is ill

万盛区13613741297: 用though造句
坚泪强筋: Though alone, he is happy. 虽然他独自一人,却很幸福

万盛区13613741297: though造句初一水准 -
坚泪强筋: Though she tried very hard,she failed in the examination.虽然她很刻苦,她考试还是没有及格.

万盛区13613741297: though当副词时造句 -
坚泪强筋: I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes...我喜欢他,不过他有时惹我生气.

万盛区13613741297: 用though造句要描述城市 急用好的再加30 -
坚泪强筋: Though Shanghai is a big city , Shanghai's environment is terrible 即使上海是个大城市,上海的环境还是很糟糕

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