
作者&投稿:浦娴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Synthesis of pure air compressor oil is 100% PAO synthetic base oil quality and efficient composite additives, Antioxidants multifunction high-temperature materials, and other imports from the scientific modulation applied to various special air compressor, particularly applicable to high pressure and screw-type compressor blades. The products have excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability, and excellent abrasion resistance, sub-aqueous, rustproof preservation, right compressor to provide comprehensive protection. Oil changes for a long period, in normal use conditions, the service life of up to 10,000 hours.
2.Air compressor used oil imports depth hydrotreating high viscosity index base oil. Add imports efficient modulation from composite additives. apply mainly to rotary air compressor (including leaves and screw-type compressor). This product has excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability, and good abrasion resistance, sub-aqueous, rustproof preservation, right compressor to provide comprehensive protection. With the major air compressor manufacturer's performance requirements. In the normal use conditions, the service life of up to 2,000 hours.


自动控制理论:Automatic Control Theory
现代控制理论:Modern Control Theory
数字电子技术基础: Digital Electronics Fundamentals
模拟电子技术基础:Analogical Electronics Fundamentals
计算机文化基础:The Fundamentals of Computer
C语言程序设计: Programming in C Language
单片机原理: Principle of Single-Chip Computer
微机原理: Principle of Microcomputer
机械设计基础: Mechanical Design Basics
测控网络技术: Monitoring Network Technology
MATLAB编程: Programming in MATLAB

pitch motor power: 75KW 希望能帮上你。

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Selecting a low-strength bolt to be used with a Class 600 flange joint with proper gasketing will require the bolts to be torqued beyond their yield point, or, at the very least, beyond their elastic range, To explain this briefly, bolts act as springs when they are installed...

Roof Fans Take-frame right-left-upper and lower motor Take-up Take-up frame shifted to the right upper and lower electric motors Take-frame left frame right upper motor contactor closed closed closed rack shelf right lower contactor contactor closed upper left lower left frame contacto...

mechanical 是: 机械的,是形容词,表示:机械方面的,比如说:机械方面的问题,mechanical problem Machinery 是机械,表示一个概念,一个总称。when it comes to machinery,当我谈到机械的时候,我们总想到…… 这是一个没有特定说明那一个机器的概念。是虚词。Machine 是机器,机械,表示一个实体,...

the screw rod function quantity adjustment technology mature and provides the advanced automated control technology and so on, its screw rod type unit's superior appearance comes out, its screw rod type unit in the substitution lithium bromide absorption type refrigerator, from some lithium...

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1 roller bracket \/ pole rack position adjustment: take one to adjust the product, loosen two screws of the front roller bracket to hand roller bracket can move to, can not be too loose >; refer to fig.;2.松开磁极架后部两颗螺丝<以手按磁极架能移动即可,不可太松>;参见图二....

小弟是学机械的,毕业设计搞起重机吊臂,有一段英文急需翻译,望各位高 ...
这些是登上在看见去的船和使用的景气起重机从更大的货船转移货物到更轻的口岸去的船。 船产物基地励磁的挥动导致的行动在景气打翻, 从而服从酬载对pendulations。 海洋状况上升, 这些pendulations增量。在公海, 货物调动必须暂停的归结于到达不安全的水平的酬载行动。 这个限制在运输登上的起重机操作在...

In the case of a spring loaded slip ring, shrink locating ring with studs for guiding the springs for the slip ring seal onto the axle。在装有滑动环(或集电环)弹簧的情况下,为把支撑滑动环的几个弹簧密封在轴上,要回缩带有柱头螺栓的定位环。The assembly procedure described under ...

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 求哪位学机械的英语高手帮忙翻译一段话
荆嘉卡立: There must be the dual ultrahigh voltage contactor pump which connects the double plunger reciprocating pump and the designs of servo-control driving inlet valve invariable stroke (20μL ~100 μL) ; The user independent resolver compression factor ...

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 有没英语高手帮忙翻译一段文字(机械方面)的 -
荆嘉卡立: This article has carried on the system design, the host kinematic scheme design and the control system design to the stacker.Not only the main kinematic scheme the basis intensity design obtained parameter, also referred to the same type stacker ...

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 求教英语高手麻烦帮翻译一下,机电行业(比如绕线机之类的)的机械应该是用mechanical还是Machinery? -
荆嘉卡立: 工业或者行业都用industry 这个词,日用品是daily necessities .商务英语中也把commodity叫做日用品(是从商业角度说的)

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 请高手帮忙翻译 机械英语 -
荆嘉卡立: 在插槽孔要与CAM销(滑动销)在模具(不钻)和线程可以加工后制成-1槽中心孔可钻,然后线程可以被加工后 在脚孔可钻,然后线程可以被加工后

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 急求机械英语高手帮忙英译汉下,...
荆嘉卡立: 手刹的专业称呼是辅助制动器,与制动器的原理不同,其是采用钢丝拉线连接到后制动蹄上,以对车子进行制动.长期使用手刹会使钢丝产生塑性变形,由于这种变形是不可恢复的,所以长期使用会降低效用,手刹的行程也会增加.与手刹配套使用的还有回复弹簧.拉起手刹制动时,弹簧被拉长;手刹松开,弹簧回复原长.长期使用手刹时,弹簧也会产生相应变形.任何零件在长期、频繁使用时,都存在效用降低的现象.但这并不是意味着“不使用”,而是说针对零件的特点应该“正常使用”.

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 英语高手请进,请大家帮我翻译一下这段英语,要专业点的翻译啊!!好的话会再加分的,机械翻译的免进! -
荆嘉卡立: mainly engage in tooling jig design and development,can do mechanical layout with CAD and Proe, assembling,debugging and improving large scale auto machine.skillfully in using Office Software,Pro/E,AutoCAD.Good English in listening,speaking,reading and writting.

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 机械英语高手帮忙翻译一下电梯部件的名称 -
荆嘉卡立: 要翻译出具体机械部件名称~ 1,带两个可移动沟槽的放入存储结构 2,9.电梯公顷860 10.缸站 没有可参考的资料,不好翻译

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 请懂专业机械英语的高手帮忙!!!悬赏30分
荆嘉卡立: 1. The neat plane hydraulic pressure fast attaches 2. The spiral locking type belt valve hydraulic pressure fast attaches 3. Iron ball locking type belt valve hydraulic pressure fast attaches 4. Goes nonstop to the fingernail type fast attaches 5. The ear ...

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下中文说明,非常感谢,都是一些机械配件1、MICRO CYLINDER ISO DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDER DIAM.25 STROKE 502、... -
荆嘉卡立:[答案] 需要说明几点: 1.CYLINDER可以作为气缸或液缸,可以根据贵公司实际用途予以更改; 2.各个配件的牌号与件号很多,请根据实际订单查阅图纸; 3.可能有不到之处,请提出来商讨. 1、MICRO CYLINDER ISO DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDER DIAM....

禄劝彝族苗族自治县17554022779: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一篇机械短文300字左右(对滚破碎机)要求按我发的格式对应翻译~~! -
荆嘉卡立: 破碎作业,在主要原料工业部门中,占有相当重要的地位. Crushing operations, the main raw materials in the industrial sector, occupies important position. 现代化的破碎和粉磨作业中,主要采用各种类性的破碎机械和粉磨机械进行生产. ...

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