
作者&投稿:安田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear David,
How are you?
I am Li Hua and a middle school student. I live in Shanghai. I like collecting stamps and sports. I am very interested in English. I can sing many English songs. Many classmates in my class want to look for e-pals. I hope to get your help. I want to go to Britain for a visit.
Li Hua

Hello, David,
How do you do? My name is Hua Li, I found you on line. I'd like to be a net friend with you. We can help each other, you can help me with my English learning and I can help you in your Chinese learning. Will you please?
I'm a senior school student, I live in Beijing. I'm 16 years old. I like English very much. But I lack in practicing. Would you please help me with my English learning?
Welcome to China! I will show you to some famous senic spots in Beijing then.
Look forward to your writing back! Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Hua Li
May 25, 2012

Dear David, How are you . We have been known for each other for long in the internet.However ,let me introduce myself to you again .My name is Lihua , i am a middle school student ,and i live in Wuhan ,China.I love singing and sports . As a middle school student , i am very interested in English ,and i can sing many English songs . My classmates love English too ,and they want to make some foreign friends to improve their English,and wonder if you can help ,it will be much appreciated. I like Britain ,and i am planing to go there next year .If you are free then ,i will vist you there. Best wishes . Yours, Lihua 楼主,这样应该可以了,要做修改你可以说哦。或是你想自己改也行的


teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can’t sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion,

问题一:正确对待考试的英语作文 Different people have different opinons towards current exams.There are two views conerning exams.Some people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our students.Besides,still some against the view believe that the exam is n...

you are supposed to get enough sleep at the night before the exam. Trust yourself.Good luck!Best wishes xxx

As a student ,I don’t have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination.During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a ...

the test will be proud.It is also a question worth considering. 考试,是大多数学生烦恼的事情。其实,它有好处,也有坏处。好处是能让我们的词汇量、知识更加广阔。坏处是分数低了会让学生丧失信心,或者是会让学生感到烦躁而不想学。考得低会灰心,考得高会骄傲。这也是一个值得思考的问题。

Planning of the final exam 期末考试的打算 The final exam is knocking the door, everyone is in stress and going to prepare well for it. In order to make a good performance in the final exam, I made a revision plan for it.期末考试就要来了,每个人都很有压力的准备。为了在期末...

we can choose the subjects we like, take part in more activities and learn more through social practice, which will greatly benefit us in the future.In my opinion, it is. But our exams should be reformed. It should test not only our knowledge, but also our practical abilities.

so she encouraged me and gave a big confidence with me. It made me get much Confidence. at last ,I gota great grade . My teacher 's encouragement is very important for me to get ...

finding problems in time and solving them quickly can we be a qualified learner. I believe that with my unremitting efforts, my English score will be steadily improved.只有及时发现问题并迅速地解决问题才配做一个合格的学习者。我相信,在我坚持不懈地努力下,我的英语成绩定会稳步提升。

求初一英语作文:考试的一天 60字即可~加急!!!
您好,以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文,希望对您有帮助:My Exam Day Yesterday I took my English exam. It was a difficult exam, but I did my best. In the morning, I arrived at the classroom early, and waited for the exam to begin. During the exam, I was very concentrated ...

安源区19152989073: 一篇英语作文.假如你是李华.你的一个同学TAN因为考试的临近感到十分的焦虑.于是你给他写了一封信假如你是李华.你的一个同学TAN因为考试的临近感到十... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] Dear friends: I'm your friend li hua, I heard you take an exam recently, you on the exam some anxiety, I think I can give you ... li hua 亲爱的朋友: 我是你的朋友李华,听说你最近要考试了,你对考试有些焦虑,我想我可以给你一些建议: 1、你平时成绩...

安源区19152989073: 英语作文自我介绍假如你是李华.急阿!假如你是李华,要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况.短文应包括下列全部内容.姓名:李华 出生年月:1995... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] “ My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan province.I studied in GuangMing primary school ... 我叫李华,出生于1995年2月,四川成都.从2001年到2007年我在光明小学就读.现在我正在成都第七中学学习.我们的主要课程...

安源区19152989073: 英语作文考试假如你叫李华,你所在的城市要建一座人民公园,请用英语写封信给当地的一家英语报社,向编辑 -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] Dear Editor, A new people's park will be built in my district. I am in favour of the plan because people can relax themselves ... What's more, the management of the new park should also be taken into consideration first because it is very important. I hope ...

安源区19152989073: 英语考试,大家帮我写篇英语作文假如你是李华,最近举行了一次班会主题是:太空探险的意义.结合下面内容写一篇文章,客观介绍讨论的情况并表达你的观... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] we had a serious argument on this meeting,some of our students approve outer space explorations.in their's opinion ,ourter space explorations are more and more important in nowadays:first of all

安源区19152989073: 求人帮写篇英语作文,题目:假如你是李华你的美国笔友来信说期末考试快来了,她很焦急,请你给她写封信. -
卞娅盐酸: Dear Cathy, I am happy to receive your letter.Dont worry about your final exam.You are the best.If you meet some troubles ,you'd better ask your teachers,I think they are happy to help you.Please be confident ,you are always good at English and other ...

安源区19152989073: 英语考试作文 假如你是李华,一批外来参观者对你们家乡的文化感兴趣,希望你向他们介绍你的...英语考试作文 假如你是李华,一批外来参观者对你们家乡... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] Welcome to XX(城市名) city.I'm Lihua and willing to be a guide through your tour.XX(城市名) city is my hometown and famous for XXX(特产、特色、历史等等).XXX(特色环境的介绍 )文化的介绍Best regards an...

安源区19152989073: (1/2)求一篇英语作文:假如你是李华,你的朋友Lily考试失利,对自己失去信心,情绪很低落.请你给她写封...(1/2)求一篇英语作文:假如你是李华,你的朋... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] 有长度限制I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam.But as your friend, I just want to tell you that an exam is not everything, and you just cannot lose confidence in yourself. That's not wise.

安源区19152989073: 急,急求英语作文,要求如下…假如你是李华,你的美国笔友来信说期末考试快到了,她感到非常焦虑,请你根据以下提示,给她写一封信,1向老师寻求帮... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] Dear Cathy, I am happy to receive your letter.Dont worry about your final exam.You are the best.If you meet some troubles ,you'd better ask your teachers,I think they are happy to help you.Please be confident ,you are always good at English and other ...

安源区19152989073: 求一篇英语作文,要求. 假如我是李华作为交换生在英国学习期间结交的朋友Allen下月将要来中国学习汉语...求一篇英语作文,要求.假如我是李华作为交换... -
卞娅盐酸:[答案] Dear Allen Long time no see! I am glad to make friend with you in England. At that time ,we helped each other and learned together happily . Now , you will come to China, I welcome you to live in...

安源区19152989073: 一篇英语作文. 假如你是李华.你的一个同学TAN因为考试的临近感到十分的焦虑.于是你给他写了一封信 -
卞娅盐酸: Dear friends: I'm your friend li hua, I heard you take an exam recently, you on the exam some anxiety, I think I can give you some advice: 1, you usually result all very good, so you don't be afraid, you must keep good state of mind, have confidence in ...

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