
作者&投稿:郁咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On the way to school, I noticed a fire. I called the fire department immediately. In a few minutes, the fire fighters came and started work. But, it was not easy to put out the fire, because there was not enough water. In addition, the wind was high, which made the situation worse. The fire fighters were doing their best. But, all of a sudden, a foreign lady rushed to the fire fighters for help. She was talking quickly in English and made lots of gestures to show the fire fighters what was happening. But, the fire fighters could not understand what she was saying. They tried to call the fire station for an interpeter. But, the lady started crying. I waved to her and asked her what had happened. She was very excited to see someone speaking her language. She told me her baby was in her bedroom on the second floor. I told the fire fighters right away and they sent one man there by a high ladder. Her baby was rescued and the lady gave me a big hug. I felt excited because I made use of my English learnt from my school.

In 1903, American seaman Henry Adams (Gregory Peck) is stranded penniless in England and gets caught up in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver (Ronald Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Wilfrid Hyde-White). They persuade the Bank of England to issue a one million pound banknote, which they present to Adams in an envelope (only telling him that it contains some money). The reason for this is that Oliver believes that the mere existence of the note will enable the possessor to obtain whatever he needs, while Roderick contends that it would actually have to be spent for it to be of any use.

Once Adams gets over the shock of discovering how much the note is worth, he tries to return it to the brothers, but is told that they have left for a month. He then finds a letter in the envelope, explaining the wager and promising him a job if he can avoid spending the note for the month.

At first, everything goes as Oliver had predicted. Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and has no trouble getting food, clothes and a hotel suite on credit, just by showing his note. The story of the note is reported in the newspapers. Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles, meeting the American ambassador and English aristocracy. He becomes very friendly with Portia Lansdowne (Jane Griffiths), the niece of the Duchess of Cromarty.

Then, fellow American Lloyd Hastings (Hartley Power) asks him to back a business venture. Hastings tells Adams that he does not have to put up any money himself; the mere association will allow Hastings to raise the money he needs to start up a gold mine by selling shares.

Trouble arises when the Duke of Frognal (A. E. Matthews), who had been unceremoniously evicted from the suite Adams now occupies, hides the note as a joke. When Adams is unable to produce the note, panic breaks out amongst the shareholders and Adams' creditors. Fortunately, all is straightened out in the end, and Adams is able to return the note to the Montpelier brothers at the end of the month.

The pound, a unit of currency, originated in England, as the value of a pound mass of silver. For a long time, �0�51 worth of silver coins were a troy pound in mass.

Today, the term may refer to a number of current (primarily British and related) currencies, and a variety of now-obsolete currencies.

英镑的英语:Pound Sterling。英镑的历史可以追溯到大约775年,当时在英格兰的各地区都有自己的货币系统。直到1066年,威廉征服者(William the Conqueror)将这些系统整合为一个国家性的货币,即英格兰镑(Pound of the Tower),这就是现代英镑的前身。英格兰银行于1694年成立,开始发行纸币,进一步稳定了...

说明:在英语中,当提到货币时,如果使用的是单数形式,通常会在货币单位后面加上"s"来表示复数。例如,"300 pounds"是正确的表达方式,因为它表示300个英镑。1. 当你想要表达300英镑时,应该说"300 pounds"。2. 如果你想要表达的是300个英镑,那么你应该说"300 pounds"。3. 在英语中,当提到货币...

英语作文 假如我有一张百万英镑 写你自己假如有一张百万英镑
The million pound bank noteIt took place in 1903.Two brothers,Roderick and Oliver,have make a bet.One believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.The other doubt...

求救,急急急!!求一篇英语作文:推荐电影 百万英镑给别人,要有大体故事...
英文简介:In 1903, American seaman Henry Adams (Gregory Peck) is stranded penniless in England and gets caught up in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver (Ronald Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Wilfrid Hyde-White). They get a bank to issue a one ...

您好,很高兴能为您解答这个问题,或许不能给您写一个英语作文,但是能可以参考中文的思路去写一篇英文的。中文的话,如下:标题的话是 英镑贬值利弊兼有 自2008年岁末以来,英镑持续贬值已经成为市场关注的焦点,其走低速度更可用“触目惊心”来形容。英镑不仅有骄人的历史,也曾有着沉甸甸的价值。就...

货币单位: 英镑(�0�5,GBP)国家代码: GB,GBR 国际域名缩写: .uk 国际电话区号: +44 官方语言:英语 国家简介:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(英语:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;威尔士语:Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawra Gogledd Iwerddon;苏格兰...

3.必修三Unit 3 THEMILLION POUND BANK NOTE百万英镑 Act I, Scene 3第一幕,第三场 NARRATOR: 旁白: It is thesummer of 1903. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made abet. 1903年的夏天,一对老年又富有的兄弟,罗德里克和奥利弗,打了一个赌。 Oliver believes ...


1. 英镑在英文中的名称是"Pound",其发音为:[paʊnd]。2. 英镑是英国的货币单位。尽管英国曾是欧盟的成员国,但它并未加入欧元区,因此仍然使用英镑作为官方货币。英镑主要由英格兰银行发行,但也有其他机构参与发行。3. "Pound"这个词在英文中有多个含义,它可以指代重量单位“磅”,也可以指...

故事发生在20世纪初的英国,一位身无分文的美国人Henry Adams偶然来到伦敦。他靠在船上做工来抵押船票才来到了英国。一对富豪兄弟用一张面值一百万英镑的现钞打赌,看一个人是否能靠这张钞票能在伦敦生活一个月。Henry在人行道上游荡时被着两个兄弟发现。他们给了他一个信封。里面装着一张银行发行的...

依兰县15689713532: 用英语介绍英镑
申炒怡瑞: The pound, a unit of currency, originated in England, as the value of a pound mass of silver. For a long time, £1 worth of silver coins were a troy pound in mass. Today, the term may refer to a number of current (primarily British and related) currencies, and a variety of now-obsolete currencies.

依兰县15689713532: 英镑的英文描述是什么? -
申炒怡瑞: 你好.英镑 翻译成英语是:Pound.音标是[paʊnd].——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

依兰县15689713532: 美元和英镑用英语可以有多少词语可以表示? -
申炒怡瑞:[答案] 美元 dollar [经] buck,dlr,dollar,U.s.dlr,U.s.dollar 英镑 pound [经] English pound,pound sterling,sterling

依兰县15689713532: 美元,欧元,日元,英镑的基本介绍 -
申炒怡瑞: 1. 美元(英语:United States Dollar),又称(美国)联邦储备票据、美圆、美金等,是美国作为存款债务的官方货币,它的出现是由于《1792年铸币法案》的通过.同时也作为储备货币在美国以外的国家广泛使用.美元通常可以使用符号“$...

依兰县15689713532: 急!用英文介绍美国和英国货币的情况 -
申炒怡瑞: In the United States, the currency is USD, namly United States Dollars($). And In England, the currency is pound.

依兰县15689713532: 美元的符号是$,英镑是什么?如题
申炒怡瑞: 英镑是英国官方货币和货币单位名称.英国虽然是欧盟的成员国,但尚未加入欧元区,故仍然使用英镑.英镑由英国中央银行发行,最常用的表示英镑的符号是£.国际标...

依兰县15689713532: Penny wise and pound foolish怎么用英语解释? -
申炒怡瑞: 中文意思是 “小事聪明,大事糊涂.” A penny is a small amount of money and a pound is a larger amount. "Penny-wise, pound-foolish" is to be cautious (wise) with small amounts of money but wasteful (foolish) with larger amounts. Example: ...

依兰县15689713532: 英镑英文简写?
申炒怡瑞: 英镑 Pound, Sterling £;£ Stg. GBP 1GBP=100 new pence(新便士) 去这里看看吧.

依兰县15689713532: 常见国家的货币用英语的单词事啥 ? -
申炒怡瑞: afghani 阿富汗尼(阿富汗)baht 铢(泰国)balboa 巴波亚(巴拿马)birr 比尔(埃塞俄比亚)bolivar 玻利瓦(委内瑞拉)cedi 塞迪(加纳)CFAF 非洲金融共同体法郎colon 科朗(哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多)cordoba 科多巴(尼加拉瓜)cruzeiro ...

依兰县15689713532: 英镑的英文名称是什么?
申炒怡瑞: GBP就是英镑的缩写: GREAT BRITAIN POUND GREAT BRITAIN 就表示英国的意思, 而POUND就是英镑啦.

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