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作者&投稿:慎娇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关键词:古龙小说 现代观念 反传统意识
as a master of the new-style swordsmen novels, Gulong exerts himself on the novelty, alterability and breakthrough of the novels, while at the same time maintains the tradition. With a strong anti-traditional sense,he rejuvenates the swordsmen novels with innovation from idelogy to arts.
Gulong's novel, modernity, anti-traditional sense

1. Baidu competitive ranking system based or agent.
2. BBS
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4. Print Media
5. Portal
6. This part of the market resumed its operation Market

Enterprise Business Strategy is very important to the sustainable development of a enterprises.Small and medium enterprises(SMEs,中小型企业) have become an important carrier for the development of the diverse forms of ownership in our country , and Enterprise Business Strategysmall is the most effective way and the foundation to achieve the vision and objectives of the SMEs' strategy.

This articles concretely describes and analyses the admissible business strategy, about the transnational operating, characteristic operating, green operating,innovation, for SMEs. Moreover,It also proposes what problems should be payed attention to the Implementation of business strategy.


Enterprise management strategy, for enterprise's sustainable development has a very important significance.Small and medium-sized enterprise has become China's joint development of diversified forms of ownership, and an important carrier of small and medium-sized enterprises management strategy is to realize the goals and vision that the most effective method and basis.Article for China's smes how to correctly to management strategy, this paper introduces and analyzes the specific characteristic management multinational management innovation of green management of small and medium-sized enterprises can use business strategy, and puts forward the implementing strategy should pay attention to the problems.

Business strategy has a very important significance on sustainable development of enterprises. SMEs have become an important carrier of the development of diverse forms of ownership in our country, and business strategy becomes the most effective way and the foundation in achieving the vision and goals of the small and medium business. In the SMEs Articles stated clearly how to conduct business strategy properly in our country, the specific description and analysis of the transnational business, operating characteristics, green business, innovation, business strategy can be adopted by SMEs, and it even stated the problem which need particular attention during the proposing of business strategy.

注:SME = Small and Medium Enterprises. 也就是中小企业。在英文的简写是这样写的。

the management strategy of a business is very important for the sustainable development of a company. The mid and small companies have became momentous supporters of all kinds of ownership economical system. But the management strategy is the most effective way and basis that can achieve the hopeness and the goal of the mid and small companies. The paper introduced and analysed how to make the right management strategies for the mid and small companies to run the transactional operation, unique operation, green operation and innovating and so on. Aslo, the paper put forward some peoblems of the management strategises.
你这是论文摘要吧 呵呵!

Pick toEnterprise management strategy, for enterprise's sustainable development has a very important significance. Small and medium-sized enterprise has become China's joint development of diversified forms of ownership, and an important carrier of small and medium-sized enterprises management strategy is to realize the goals and vision that the most effective method and basis. Article for China's smes how to correctly to management strategy, this paper introduces and analyzes the specific characteristic management, multinational business, such as green operation, innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises can use business strategy, and puts forward the implementing strategy should pay attention to the problem.

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