急求冰雪奇缘的英文台词 配音用的

作者&投稿:薛差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Stronger than a hundred men!

2、Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.

3、This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining.

4、Split the ice apart!

5、Strike for love And Strike for fear.

Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on let’s go and play!
I never see you anymore,
come out the door,
it’s like you’ve gone away
We used to be best buddies
and now we’re not, I wish you would tell me why
Do you want to build a snowman?
It doesn’t have to be a snowman
Okay, bye
Do you want to build a snowman?
Or ride our bike around the halls?
I think some company is overdue,
I started talking to, the pictures on the walls
Hang in there, Joan!
It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms,
just watching the hours tick by…
Please I know you’re in there,
people are asking where you’ve been
They say ‘have courage,
and I’m trying to,
I’m right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other,
it’s just you and me, what are we gonna do?
Do you want to build a snowman?



公主撕逼大战的英文台词内容,白雪公主和冰雪公主那段,要完整无错喔_百 ...
ELSA: 冰雪奇缘艾尔莎 Who the hell are you to step to me?An aimless airhead with a vitamin D deficiency You got no skills ‘cuz you’re focused on your looks And let’s get to what was up with you and those seven shnooks (Hi, ho!)I’ve heard you sing – it’s a ...

《冰雪奇缘》的英文名为Frozen 《冰雪奇缘》《冰雪奇缘2》

冰雪奇缘的英文是Frozen。《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)是2013年华特迪士尼公司出品的3D动画电影,由克里斯·巴克、珍妮弗·李执导,克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔等参与主要配音。该片于2013年11月27日在美国上映 。该片改编自汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生童话《白雪皇后》,讲述小国阿伦黛尔因一个魔咒永远地被冰天雪地...

冰雪奇缘 [词典] Frozen;[例句]《冰雪奇缘》很不错。也许和你听说的那样,它的电影原声甚至比电影更棒。And as you may have heard, the soundtrack is even better.

冰雪奇缘英文内容简介是:1、英文简介:《Snow and ice》tells that the small country Ellen dale is forever covered with ice and snow because of a magic spell.In order to find the summer, Princess Anna, mountain folk Christopher and his reindeer partner set out in a team to embark ...

《冰雪奇缘》经典英文台词:    1、We can head down this mountain together.you don't have to live in fear.Cause for rhe first time in foreve...2、I will be right here 3、Do you wanna build a snowman 4、It doesn't have to be a snowman 5、...

百度 射手网 专业字幕网站 纯英文 中英双字 都可以下载

The movie "frozen" tells a moving story about a kind girl called Anna helping her sister Elsa feel love in the world, and bring back the frozen summer.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地覆盖,为了寻回夏天,艾莎的妹妹——小公主安娜和...

冰雪奇缘英文简介:The movie "frozen" tells a moving story about a kind girl called Anna helping her sister Elsa feel love in the world, and bring back the frozen summer.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地覆盖,为了寻回夏天,艾莎的妹妹...

一、英文简介:It tells the story of Queen Asha, who had the magic of ice and snow since she was a child. Because of an accident, her kingdom, arendale, was covered with ice and snow forever.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地...

船山区18954786574: 冰雪奇缘的英文台词啊!求!!!!!
涂荔小儿: he snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm ...

船山区18954786574: 冰雪奇缘,魔发奇缘,经典中英台词各要5句,急!!满意提20,中英!! -
涂荔小儿: 冰雪奇缘

船山区18954786574: 冰雪奇缘中英台词 -
涂荔小儿: 最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:hfwqw51♪BornofcoldandWinterairAndmountainraincombining,♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2♪Thisicyforcebothfoulandfair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲3♪...

船山区18954786574: 大家有木有冰雪奇缘的经典台词,中英文的,最好五句以上,时间紧迫,发就采纳 -
涂荔小儿: 1.在迷人的阿伦黛尔,诞生了一位神秘的女王,她天生拥有呼风唤雪的魔力,却被恐惧孤独地包围.魔力被一直隐藏,却终有释放的一天. 1 in the charming Allen Dale, the birth of a mysterious queen, she was born with a suction call snow magic,...

船山区18954786574: 刚刚看完FROZEN百合无误!!求这动漫配音等资料……还有歌…… -
涂荔小儿: 配音列表:(我只给了只有主要的喔.Anna 克里斯滕 贝尔Elsa 伊迪娜·门泽尔Kristoff 乔纳森·格罗夫Olaf 乔什·...

船山区18954786574: 冰雪奇缘英语台词 -
涂荔小儿: 《冰雪奇缘》经典英文台词: 1、we can head down this mountain together.you don't have to live in fear.cause for rhe first time in foreve... 2、i will be right here 3、do you wanna build a snowman 4、it doesn't have to be a snowman 5、olaf!you're ...

船山区18954786574: 需要冰雪奇缘台词,求帮助.中英文都有最好,配音要用(全部)
涂荔小儿: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/872422669787696732.html?oldq=1 那个我回答的中英文字幕,你下载下吧

船山区18954786574: 急求适合两个女生的英语配音视频三分钟,冰雪奇缘要消音的.求各位大神帮助!!! -
涂荔小儿: 看看英语流利说、英语趣配音或是英语魔方秀,里边一般都会有(都是练习英语口语的软件),而且时间一般也是三分钟左右

船山区18954786574: 求推荐英语动画或电影 需要一个小片段进行配音 要求生动有趣有男女声 最好里面有歌曲 谢谢啦! -
涂荔小儿: 里约大冒险,冰雪奇缘现在还蛮火的,飞屋环游记,老雷斯的故事,魔发奇缘,仙度瑞拉

船山区18954786574: 学校组织英语配音大赛,我想配《冰雪奇缘》,5~6分钟,3个女生3个男生(男生可删减),有合适的片段吗? -
涂荔小儿: 可以用刚开始的时候,艾尔莎不小心伤到了安娜,然后国王带着皇后抱着安娜带着艾尔莎找地精问未来的那段,但是单词好像有点难...

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