口语考试 请大家帮帮忙 感激不尽

作者&投稿:希季 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
马上就口语考试 请大家帮帮忙 感激不尽~


总之就是人机对话啦 有英汉互译

3.do you prefer big city or small town ?
I would perfer big city, since in the city, there are so many people.It it very convenient living in the big city.You can buy nearly anything/everything.There's also many jobs here, people can find job very easilly. City people seems to be more neat and clean, they are mainly highly educated people.For children, city is a great place for them to visit, there are lots parks, amusement park and play grounds for kids to entertain.

11.the most important thing in my life .
The most important thing in my life is money, simply none of us could survive without it. We need it to do everything. "Money" is something that's important to every single person in the World. We need money to buy foods in order to survive, we need money to build our homes, we need money to buy things that we need. All in all, the most important thing in my life is "Money"-it is something that all human expects

8.the differences between high school teachers and college teachers.

High school teachers seems to be more strict than the college teachers. In high school, when a student didn't do what the teacher requires, surely, the student would receive severe punishments. While, as a college teachers seems to be more reluctant to care their students.They are reluctant due to the growing age of the students. In high school, teachers must look after their students, to make sure they are on track what their students doing. WHile in college, teachers cannot look after them. Student varies, they are mainly adult, even their parents cannot look after them too.

3.do you prefer big city or small town ?
I would perfer big city, since in the city, there are so many people.It it very convenient living in the big city.You can buy nearly anything/everything.There's also many jobs here, people can find job very easilly. City people seems to be more neat and clean, they are mainly highly educated people.For children, city is a great place for them to visit, there are lots parks, amusement park and play grounds for kids to entertain.

11.the most important thing in my life .
The most important thing in my life is money, simply none of us could survive without it. We need it to do everything. "Money" is something that's important to every single person in the World. We need money to buy foods in order to survive, we need money to build our homes, we need money to buy things that we need. All in all, the most important thing in my life is "Money"-it is something that all human expects

8.the differences between high school teachers and college teachers.

High school teachers seems to be more strict than the college teachers. In high school, when a student didn't do what the teacher requires, surely, the student would receive severe punishments. While, as a college teachers seems to be more reluctant to care their students.They are reluctant due to the growing age of the students. In high school, teachers must look after their students, to make sure they are on track what their students doing. WHile in college, teachers cannot look after them. Student varies, they are mainly adult, even their parents cannot look after them too.

the most important thing in my life?
in my opinion ,the most important in my life is health ,someone think money is very important ,i don't think so ,if you have money but you can't buy health. we have good health can got more money ,so ,all of you have good health , can have money , all of you have enough money ,you can buy anything what you want .
hehe ,i am not very good at English , give me a chance ,thank you !!

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充芝脉络: 从容一些,不要慌张,一轮有二、三十人.随机抽取三个人一组到一个房间进行口试.最好利用考试分组前的一段时间和不相识的考生交流一下,以增进熟悉程度,运气好的话还可能是你的同伴呢.考场里有两名老师,一个负责提问,一个负责记录,还有摄象机.考试20分钟,分三个部分,第一部分:自我介绍,注意给老师的第一印象.第二部分:图片介绍,给出一张图片你来评价、描述.第三部分:自由讨论,你将和其他两名考生自由讨论.切记:不要慌张!这是我感悟的最大经验.考试分为5等A、B、C、D、E.C等以上为合格. 好了!祝你好运!

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充芝脉络: 如果是有备而战的.那就没问题啦.放松心情去考.睡眠要充足.那精神就十足了.如果平时没有发奋也不要紧,下次要努力哦.记住:多听,多读,多交流.还要多写.全面发展..

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