
作者&投稿:冯广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The country will be a wise one with wise youngsters. It'll be wealthy, strong, independent, liberal and progressive with wealthy, strong, independent, leberal and progressive youngsters. Our country will outwit Europe if our youngsters outwit the Europeans, and our country will be outstanding on the earth if our youngsters are outstanding in the world.

Young Chinese, China's responsibility. Therefore, in the day, and all the others in my youth. Wisdom is young, rich countries, wisdom, strong GuoFu is strong, young independent kingdom is an independent kingdom, young liberty progress is free, young nation, young than European countries in Europe, while young males than countries in the earth in the earth, the male countries. Red, the greater light is, River, a vast ChuFu diarrhea, Dive location confusius LinZhao,. Milk HuXiao valley, all seismic shatter, YingSun XiZhang dust; try wing, Flowers, Yu Yu HuangHuang early, There will be sent, the kam-kwong. Days, the land, wearing the yellow, There are eight jar, like the sea, future, longer. Beauty is my young Chinese youth, and the days, Alas, my Chinese teenagers zhuang and WuJiang! !!!!!!!

Today's responsibility, not is others, and all in my youth. Young wisdom is kingdom wisdom, young rich is kingdom's rich, young strong is kingdom’s strong, young independent kingdom, Young freedom is kingdom's freedom, young progress is kingdom progress, young than Europe, it kingdom is better than Europe, young males in the earth, the kingdom on earth. Male The sun shone, tao bright light. River ChuFu flow, one have diarrhoea ocean; Dive longteng abyss, LinZhao float in the sky, Milk reported hearing roars valley, shock beasts; confused Eagles try wing, dust absorption zhang, Wonderful flower early Yu Yu weirdly; womb, Ganjiang Xing, have their hair awn; Days wear the verdant, land ludaoli its yellow, Even though a historic, horizontal eight drought; Future still time, as the sea. Beauty zai, I young Chinese, and days is not old! Zhuang zai, I China youth, and country as one!


我提前祝你新年快乐英文是:I wish you a happy New Year in advance.新年是中国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,在历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。中国是个多民族的国家,各民族过新年的形式各有不同。春节是汉族最重要的节日,满、蒙古,瑶、壮、白、...

用英文表达是:Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China。春节(Spring Festival),即中国农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈岁祭祀演变而来。万物本乎天、人本乎祖,祈岁祭祀、敬天法祖,报本反始也。春节的起源蕴含着深邃的文化内涵...

Chins has a five-thousand- year history.

在最近30年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化 用英语怎么说
In the recent 30 years ,great changes have taken place in China

中国的英语:China,读音:['tʃaɪnə]。China英 ['tʃaɪnə] 美 [ˈtʃaɪnə]n.中国;[电影]中国1971。China的用法示例如下:1.China's industry is developing at an unprecedented rate.中国工业正以空前的速度发展。2.China ...

今天是2018年农历初七,一个充满浪漫气息的中国传统节日——七夕节,尽管不是法定假日,但它的关注度不容小觑。七夕节在英文中有多种叫法,如Qixi Festival、Double Seventh Festival、甚至Magpie Festival。然而,对于最直接的翻译,电脑百事我要个性小编认为最恰当的应是"Chinese Saint Valentines Day",即...


我们希望您年年都来中国! 用英文怎么说?
we hope you come china year by year

所有人新年快乐英文:Happy New Year to all.1、春节起源于殷商时期岁末年初的祭祀祭祖活动。把农历新年正式定名为春节,是在中华民国北洋政府时期,为了与西方接轨,决定采用西历记年。为了区分西历与中国传统农历新年,将西历的1月1日确定为元旦,将农历正月初一改称为春节。也就是说,中国正式使用春节...

China 2012 is the year of the dragon

文圣区13826311638: 少年中国说选段 英文翻译 -
漕聂头孢: Make the eldest brother of today Chinese, Chinese worthless old man then of 冤 industry also;The one who make a young and Chinese future, Then Chinese young responsibility also. Make youth and fruit of the whole country as youths also, my ...

文圣区13826311638: 关于梁启超《少年中国说》的英文翻译? -
漕聂头孢:[答案] 少年中国者,则中国少年之责任也.故今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年.少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球.红日...

文圣区13826311638: 少年中国说 翻译为英文 -
漕聂头孢: china said or china says

文圣区13826311638: 梁启超的少年中国说有没有英文版的?少年智则国智 少年富则国富 少年强则国强 少年独立则国独立 少年自由则国自由 少年进步则国进步 就这一小段如果没... -
漕聂头孢:[答案] Youth wisdom country wisdom few time of strength and vigor national wealth youth country strong youth independent country independent youth free country free the youth progresses the country to progre...

文圣区13826311638: 英语翻译A萧何治未央宫.(《高帝纪下》)B我黄帝子孙,聚族而居.(《少年中国说》)C 族秦者秦也,非天下也.(《阿房宫赋》) -
漕聂头孢:[答案] 萧何整顿未央宫. 我们黄帝的后代,(向来是)同族人聚集在一起居住. 使秦国灭亡的是秦国自己,而不是天下.

文圣区13826311638: 少年中国说英文版 -
漕聂头孢: 你好! 少年中国说 Young Chinese said

文圣区13826311638: 翻译(少年中国说) -
漕聂头孢: 如果全国的年轻人果真都是青春年少,那么我们中国将成为新兴的国家,它的发展进步是不可估量的.如果全国的少年也成了老朽,那么我们中国就象过去一样仍然是落后的国家,它的灭亡也就指日可待了.所以今天的责任,不在于他人,全在...

文圣区13826311638: 关于《少年中国说》最后一段的译文 -
漕聂头孢: 三十年来风尘仆仆,所成就的功名,轻微如尘土;带兵沙场南征北战八千里,看到的只是天上的云和月. 不要虚度光阴,等到老了才来知道后悔.

文圣区13826311638: 求《少年中国说》的 全文和译文 -
漕聂头孢: [译文] 日本人称呼我们中国,一张口就叫老大帝国,再张口还是叫老大帝国.这种言论,大概是沿袭着西洋人的说法翻译过来的.唉!我们中国难道果真是老了吗?我梁启超说:不!这是什么话,这是什么话!在我的心目中只有一个少年中国存...

文圣区13826311638: 求梁启超《少年中国说》的全部译文 -
漕聂头孢: 日本人称呼我们中国,一张口就叫老大帝国,再张口还是叫老大帝国.这种言论,大概是沿袭着西洋人的说法翻译过来的.唉!我们中国难道果真是老了吗?我梁启超说:不!这是什么话,这是什么话!在我的心目中只有一个少年中国存在....

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