英语高手帮忙把两句汉语翻译成英语 。

作者&投稿:苌陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一心多用也影响到青少年人在大学和在工作场所的表现,当问及他们对现代器具对他们工作表现上的影响的观点时,许多年轻的人给予了肯定的回答 。不过,从世界教育界来看似乎并不太乐观。教育工作者认为,孩子们的一心多用,严重影响了后来学习技巧的发展。他们认为,很多大学生现在需要帮助以改善他们的学习技巧。同样地,雇主认为年轻的人进入就业市场需要重新被全部教过,现代的小工具使得有使得他们不必要去学习特殊的技巧来适应他们的工作了。

I would like to improve the account the amount of funds to friends account. Can only transfer $ 215 a week now. I need to do to have a higher authority

Streghten the publicizing of the hazard of illegal migration,
and establish a national opinion circurmstance to defend against it.
International cooperation should be enhanced. Besides the short term act,such as exchanging information and technology, cooperating in police sevice, and accepting or repatriating the illegal migrants, it should also inculde the training of labor skills for internal labor copartnership so as to bring in extra labor from the source nations in a sound way.

1.Increase of illegal immigrants harm propaganda, establish universal prevent public opinion environment

2.To strengthen international cooperation between countries cooperation should not only stay in information and information technology exchanges policing cooperation accept and repatriation illegal immigrants assistance, and other short-term sexual behavior, more should international labor service cooperation, provide labor skills training, from regular channels attracting illegal immigrants source of surplus labor force

1. increase the publicity against illegal immigrants, the establishment of national public opinion against the environment.
2. to strengthen international co-operation between the co-operation between countries should not only stay in the exchange of information and intelligence and technology, police cooperation, acceptance, and repatriation of illegal immigrants to help short-term sexual services should be international cooperation, to provide work skills Training, from the formal channel to attract illegal immigrants, the country of origin of surplus labor.

1. The increase of illegal immigrants harm propaganda, establish universal prevent public opinion environment.

2. Strengthen international cooperation between countries cooperation should not only stay in information and information technology exchanges and police cooperation, accept and repatriation illegal immigrants assistance, and other short-term sexual behavior, more should international labor service cooperation, provide labor skills training, from regular channels attracting illegal immigrants source of surplus labor force.


1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...

2.在中国,出去吃饭被视为一种庆祝方式。In China, eating outside is viewed as a way of celebration.3.香港被认为是以贸易和金融著称的城市。Hong Kong is viewed as a city known for its commercial and financial industries.4.一个聪明的老板会把失望的食客看作是他的财源。Disappointed ...



由于货物存储量的下降,A区许多的货位都是空的。但为了不影响夜班的操作,库内的照明灯全部都点亮,造成了能源的浪费。Due to the decrease of stock, there are now enough vacancies in Zone A.But in order to keep smooth operation for night shift, all lamps in wareshouse are kept always...

高手帮忙翻译两句话(汉译英)谢绝机器 在线等,急,翻译的好还有加分!_百 ...
越来越多的志愿者投入到了环境保护的行列中去。More and more volunteers join to protect the environment.同时仍然有不少人没有对美化我们的地球作出贡献。In the meantime, there are still some people haven't done anything for the beautification of our Earth.所以我认为,最重要的是从实际出发...

1.당신은 저한테 있어서 만질수 없는 빛과 같은 존재입니다.당신은 저를 ...

3)把快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。sooner or later must receive the joyful establishment in above others' pain's person the retribution 4)当那辆公共汽车冲出路边翻了车时,许多小朋友被困在里面 when that bus runs out the roadside overturned a vehicle, many children ...

作品《黑白联合国》是用1945年联合国51个原创始国国旗为媒材创作的 The work "the Black and white United Nations" was United Nations 51 initiates the country national flag originally with 1945 for the intermediary material creation 。“平等、公正、公平” “equal, is fair, is fair”是...

Shiyan City is located in the northwest of Hubei Province and it is on board with Hubei, Henan, Chongqing, Shaanxi Pro vince. It is a beautiful mountain city and also, an emerging modern car-industry-based city. Additionally, it is the only 'Garden City' in the inner ...

龙安区14792365427: 英语高手帮帮忙~~~把两个中文句子翻译成英文..要优美动人~~~~~~~!!!!!! -
源朱益谱: 我愿意在您孤独无助时紧紧拥抱着您:I am willing when you are lonely no use embrace tightly you 我愿意在您悲伤时吻干您的泪水:I am willing when you are sad the lips do your tears

龙安区14792365427: 两句汉语译英.请帮忙把下面句子翻译成英语,要正确的谢谢.【你的努力终于得到了回报,你越来越出色,但是请时刻保持谦虚的态度.再接再厉.相信你的未来... -
源朱益谱:[答案] Your efforts finally paid off,you more and more excellent,but please always keep humble attitude.Make persistent efforts.I believe your future better.I always supports you

龙安区14792365427: 下面是两句汉语,求助高手将其翻译为英语,急用!! -
源朱益谱: 1) if for him 300% profit, he dares to despise and to trample theworld all laws, even is willing to brave the danger which executes byhanging! 2) each people all long for the money and the right, but the questionis (natural function losing which these ...

龙安区14792365427: 求英语高手把中文翻译成英文,有固定句式.
源朱益谱: Here are some rules to make sure that you will have a great trip In order to protect the forest,please don't make fire in the woods Please don't throw waste about Villagers here get drink water from the river nearby,so please keep the river clean At the ...

龙安区14792365427: 几句简单的中文翻译成英文请英语高手指教 -
源朱益谱: Thanks for your gifts, and also your trust and your words. At last wish you and your family all the best.

龙安区14792365427: 请英语高手帮忙把下面汉语翻译成英语哪位大神能帮我美化一下的话那就更好了 不过美化后的意思要告诉我 谢谢了翻译:如果真的有上帝,我愿用一生为你... -
源朱益谱:[答案] If there really is a God,I am willing to spend each and every day of my time praying for you,and you will always be safe,joyful ... joy and happiness. 两句话用的是基本对应的结构.意思如下: 如果真的有上帝,我愿用我人生的每一天来为你祈祷,而你将永...

龙安区14792365427: 哪位老大帮我把这两句汉语翻译成英语?谢谢了! -
源朱益谱: 微微煽情版:1、This is the last time I leave my tears to you, farewell, my passion, my dearest love.准确班:2、It is my last tear for you, adieu, my dearest...

龙安区14792365427: 请高手翻译两句话,中文翻译成英语
源朱益谱: 诚信是现代企业经营之本 Credibility is the foundation for managing modern enterprises 诚信 credibility 企业诚信 enterprise credit 或 credit of enterprises 企业诚信缺失 lack of credit in enterprises 诚信氛围Credit and Honesty in enterprises 参考 ...

龙安区14792365427: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我把一段中文翻译成英文:我要一步一步往上爬,在最高点乘着叶片往前飞,让风吹干流过的泪痕,总有一天我有属于我的天.请不要... -
源朱益谱:[答案] I want to climb step by step,the highest point of riding in the leaves to fly forward,let the wind blow through the main stream of tears,one day I had my own day 超准

龙安区14792365427: 求英语高手翻译,帮我把中文翻译成英文!谢谢了翻译这句,“我永远不会给哪个女孩搞内伤” -
源朱益谱:[答案] Which girl I will never give up due to

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