the exhibition was held.这句被动语态是哪种基本句型?主+谓+?

作者&投稿:乐缸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

了解被动语态的构成 句型结构


主动语态的基本结构是主语+谓语 或 主语+谓语+宾语
被动语态就是将主动语态中的宾语改作主语,而主动语态中的主语用by引导的介词短语(有时不必说明事情是谁做的,by 短语可以省略)。
The company (主语,动作执行者)held (谓语)the exhibition(宾语,动作接受者). 这家公司举办了展览。
The exhibition (主语:动作接受者)was held (谓语)(by the company) (介词短语:动作执行者)

过去时态的被动 was/were done的形式
主语是the exhibition
谓语就是 was held

讲基本句型时,是从主动语态的角度来考察的。此句的主动形式即为:(Sb)held the exhibition. 故应属于 S+V+O 类型。

米脂县19147536483: Is this the museum - -- - the exhibition was held. -
昔馥舒肝: 还原成为陈述句: This is the museum ____ the exhibition was held. the museum后接的是定语从句,如果要用that,句中应该缺少主语或宾语或表语,而the exhibition was held是完整的,所以得用关系副词where,相当于in which 如:Is this the book that you lent him?(从句中缺少宾语)就可以用that

米脂县19147536483: the exhibition was held.这句被动语态是哪种基本句型?主+谓+? -
昔馥舒肝: 主动语态的基本结构是主语+谓语 或 主语+谓语+宾语 被动语态就是将主动语态中的宾语改作主语,而主动语态中的主语用by引导的介词短语(有时不必说明事情是谁做的,by 短语可以省略). The company (主语,动作执行者)held (谓语)the exhibition(宾语,动作接受者). 这家公司举办了展览. The exhibition (主语:动作接受者)was held (谓语)(by the company) (介词短语:动作执行者) 所以:被动语态没有宾语..

米脂县19147536483: 参观蔬菜展英语作文 -
昔馥舒肝: 您好:Yesterday I went to see the exhibition about future world.It was an interesting show.Lots of people waited out side to get in the exhibition and I listened to my MP3 while I was waiting.While I got inside,the future computer show is the one ...

米脂县19147536483: this is the museum - - - the exhibition was held.为什么不能填that 只能填where -
昔馥舒肝: 因为你第二个错了 His father... 只能用when 和 in which, 不能用that!!!因为如果可以用that的话 那样可以用which了,就不会说是in which.所以第一题那个博物馆的也是两种情况 where 和 in which 这里where/ in which表示状语 , 而that/which只能充当主语和宾语

米脂县19147536483: Is this the museum the exhibition was held? -
昔馥舒肝: c 原句改为肯定句This is the museum( )the exhibition was held.museum之后是定语从句 从句是个被动语态 主语the exhibition 谓语was held 被动语态中没有宾语 因此 这个从句只能是缺状语 由于现行词the museum是个表示地点的名词 只能在从句中做地点状语 所以选C

米脂县19147536483: Is this the museum - __ - the exhibition was held.that为啥不行 -
昔馥舒肝:[答案] 还原成为陈述句:This is the museum ____ the exhibition was held.the museum后接的是定语从句,如果要用that,句中应该缺少主语或宾语或表语,而the exhibition was held是完整的,所以得用关系副词where,相当于in wh...

米脂县19147536483: 毕业展览用英文怎么说 -
昔馥舒肝: 毕业展览 英文翻译如下:the exhibition of graduation 双语例句:We are busy to prepare the exhibition of graduation.我们正在为毕业展览忙碌.相关单词:1、exhibition 英 [,eksɪ'bɪʃn]美 [,eksɪ'bɪʃn] n. 陈列,展览; 展览品,陈列品;...

米脂县19147536483: the exhibition was held 这句话中的宾语是什么?怎么区分句子中是否缺少宾语? -
昔馥舒肝: the exhibition was held 这句话中没有宾语 因为这是被动语态 原来的宾语 已经变成了主语 本句 不需要宾语 区分句子中是否缺少宾语 应该先判断 谓语是主动还是被动 如果主动 然后在判断 动词及物不及物 如果是及物动词 后面就有宾语 否则 就没有宾语.被动语态中 可以有保留宾语,这是因为 原来是双宾语 其中一个变成了主语. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held 这句话 从句不缺宾语 所以不能填关系代词 只能填 关系副词 where =in which

米脂县19147536483: This is the museum that the exhibition was held. 其中that对吗,是不是必须用where呢 -
昔馥舒肝: 先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以要用where.

米脂县19147536483: “The flower exhibition was a feast for the eyes.”是什么意思?
昔馥舒肝: 看花展是件赏心悦目的事

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