------Did she find a well -paid job after graduntion ?

作者&投稿:莱玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and,___,she gets well paid for it.~

没错选B啊,他前面说马基幸运的找到了一个工作,后面说工资高,这两个都是乐观的东西,所以用whats more更好,是并且的意思

Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that what kind of job we should take,
People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.
Some peole treat their job as career and tend to find a job they are interested in so that they can work in cheerful mood.
While others think that the salary of the job is more important, because they can lead a cosy life with a descent wage.
In my point of view, I would rather get a job I am interested in.
In the first place, working accounts for a large part of out time. If we take a job less interesting, the rest of our life will be boring.
What's more, we should seize the golden chance to do what we want to do ,we must choose the career which we are interested in .
Last but not the least,If we do all that we are good at ,we will become more confident.In our career our hobbies can provide us with the rewards .only this way can we succeed and make more contributions to our country.
To sum up, We are the real master of ourselves !Let's make our own decisions with the consideration of our specific situations .I believe we can have a bright future

Lastly 最后,最终地。表示列举了很多事之后,最后总结。如:
Lastly I must explain that. 最后,我得解释一下那件事。
Unfortunately 不幸的是
Purposefully 有目的地

2.应当是With the air to hold some of the sun's heat....
选B。(我觉得是will be freezingly cold)will在这里是情态动词,表示叙述客观真理。would没有这种用法。D项中的can表示可能性,而“有了大气保住太阳的一部分热,地球在晚上就会变得太冷,冷得人类无法生存下去”是一种客观真理,不仅仅是一种可能性。

too heavy 太重。too是副词,修饰形容词heavy,表示程度。
much too heavy的much也是副词,修饰too,表示程度又更深了一层。
too much 太多。这个much与heavy一样,是一个形容词,修饰不可数名词。
I have much milk.加重语气就是I have too much milk.
(如果这句话中的milk改成books等可数名词,那么much就要改成many。即:I have too many books.)

Without the air to hold some of the sun's heat,the earth at night___,too cold for us to live
应该选A would be freezing cold
在这里是一种假设,意思是如果没有大气保持住太阳的部分热量,地球在晚上就会特别冷,冷到我们无法生存。看到了后面写着too cold for us to live 也知道并不是客观事实,由于题目本身写错的问题,影响选择啦(*^__^*) ~~

1 选A Eventually. 最终的意思.
2 选A 虚拟
3. 选B. too mchu 固定搭配


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