特丽萨麽 英文简历

作者&投稿:濯滢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

是说英文简历哈.... RESUME Personal Information: -Family Name: 姓什么 -Given Name: 名字 -Eglish name: 你的英文名字 -Gender: 性别是男或

Email address: XX
Handset: XX
Date of birth: In June, 1985
Nationality: China
Registered permanent address locus: Jilin Province
Political appearance: Member Self- appraisal/professional goal
Self- appraisal: The graduating student management study andlegal science double bachelor the degree result is good In school period once held the post of the student associationimportant position to work earnestly is responsible Has certain English reading and the exchange ability Familiar financial software application Seeks employment the intention Expects the wage: In front of tax monthly salary RMB1500 Expectation work nature: The full-time employment expected isengaged in the occupation: Accountant, teller, human resources Work experience In January, 2005 - February, 2005 practises/the financedepartment operating location: Jilin Province snow-capped mountaincity Jiang Yuanxian Work responsibility and achievement: Assists accountant to reorganize, to check the accounting document anduses accountant software to carry on the simple treatment to theaccount Leaves job/changes the guard the reason: Practice conclusion Project managerial experience In December, 2005 - December, 2005 project name: Simulates theaccounting firm Project description: Finely simulates the accounting firm - -to believe the accounting firm, the entire flow mainly includes thecompany to register, the property appraised, the audit, the handlingof traffic, the tax affairs prepare, to edit the report form and so onthe main step, and respectively has the specialty to instruct teacher,the entire school teachers and students all may participation, withthe economical correlation specialty schoolmate, may be familiar inparticular, the consolidated professional knowledge through this flow,the enhancement begins to operate the ability. Responsibility description: Is responsible for the tax affairs toprepare the department, the simulation and the help solution has thecustoms duty to plan the aspect the question Educational background In October, 2003 - July, 2007 Jiangxi finance and economicsuniversity Specialized: Chartered accountant specialized second degree:Legal science In school period information Wins an award the recording: 2.006/06 million school studentassociation outstanding student cadre 校级 2.005/12 million school party school outstandingly organizesindividual 校级 2.005/11 million games organizes the work second prize 校级 2.005/09 million student sleeps the plumber to make theorganization Advanced Individual second prize academy level 2.004/12 million courtyard party school studies theoutstanding student academy level 2.004/06 million student sleeps tube work Advanced Individual校级 And joint effort with the bedroom member obtains the modelbedroom title many times Obtains the bedroom in 2004 to design big game 2 and so on theprize Social activity: 2005/09--2006/09 Accountant instituteDirector Lou Guanhui duty The building management committee is responsible for thestudent bedroom security and the cultural propaganda departmentMagistrate belongs to various institutes party committee 2004/06--2005/09 accountant the institute sleeps tubedepartment vice-minister 2006/09-- until now the bedroom is long Foreign language/dialect English rank: University English takes a test four levels Has certain English reading and the exchange ability Proves the person XX Jiangxi finance and economics university general party branchsecretary/teacher in charge
Telephone: XX
Basketball traveling reading classical novel

Mother Teresa (特雷莎修女/德兰修女)
Born in 1910, Yugoslavia, Teresa joined a monastery in Ireland at the age of 18 and became a nun. In the same year, she was assigned to India. She operated several organizations for the poor and dying, and then won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
One day, she picked a man up from the drain half eaten by worms, and brought him home. “I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.”
After winning the prize, she said, ”I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. I believe that love begins at home and if we can create a family for the poor, I think that more and more love will spread. Through understanding love better, we will be able to bring peace to the poor, who are in our own family, in our country and in the world. So let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other, naturally we want to do something.”
On September 5th, 1997, the angel of love, Mother Teresa, peacefully died in the convent, Calcutta. The whole fortune belonging to this nun, was a micro statue of suffering Jesus pinned on the Cross, a pair of sandals and three blue-hemmed white cotton clothes—one was waiting to be washed, one was put on her, one was to be repaired.
She devoted all herself to the poor and led a monastic life, thus reaching the top of her life with her endeavor. She is the best spokesman of the Jesus. Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Mother Teressa

纳溪区18855365292: 特丽萨麽 英文简历 -
伯牙吾台红多维: Mother Teresa (特雷莎修女/德兰修女) Born in 1910, Yugoslavia, Teresa joined a monastery in Ireland at the age of 18 and became a nun. In the same year, she was assigned to India. She operated several organizations for the poor and dying, ...

纳溪区18855365292: 英国新首相特丽莎.梅出生年月日 -
伯牙吾台红多维: 特丽莎·梅(Theresa May,1956年10月1日-)

纳溪区18855365292: 女生叫Teresa的英文名好不好啊我想起个英文名叫着顺口,又不
伯牙吾台红多维: Teresa---特丽萨 /泰丽萨 Teresa这个词的希腊语的意思是"收割者 收获者" 它有另一种更普遍的拼法Theresa多了一个字母h,但是发音相同.在亚洲各个国家,家喻户晓的女歌星邓丽君其英文名就是Teresa. 这个英文名的形象代表了温柔,黑发,少语,个性直爽,对人类怀有高度的爱心. 别名:Tere Tess Terri Terry Tessa Theresa 以上的内容摘自中国大百科全书出版社出版的《Lucky English Names》

纳溪区18855365292: T打头的女性英文名字? -
伯牙吾台红多维: 倪明同学:你好!起英文名字一般采用中文名字拼音的谐音,姓直接用拼音.下面推荐个,希望你能喜欢.Tianna:蒂安娜Tamia:塔米娅Tyanna:泰安娜Tanja:覃佳Tangi:谭淇Tirzah:特尔姹Teresa:特蕊莎Tammie:塔米Tameka:塔米卡...

纳溪区18855365292: 英文名Teresa、Effy 哪个好?说说意思,谢谢!! -
伯牙吾台红多维: Teressan.特里萨(女子名) 特丽萨来源于希腊语,含义是“收获者”(the harvester) 昵称Terry,Tess,Tessa,Tracy.Effy 原形是Effie,埃菲(女子名, Euphemia 的昵称, 亦作Effy, Effye),意为 “如歌的谈话莺声燕语、歌唱的喜鹊、愉悦的闹声”, 想要更加新颖好记的的就选effy吧.

纳溪区18855365292: Karina和Teresa这两个英文名哪个比较大众?? -
伯牙吾台红多维: 你好: Carlos 卡洛斯 在不同语系里有不同的意思, 如下: 法语: 男人, 像男人一样 美语,西班牙语: 强壮的, 有力的 Teresa 特丽萨 也有不同的意思, 如下: 希腊语: 收获者 美语: 这个名字是从两个圣徒的名字演变过来的 意大利语,西班牙 英文名,大众\karina,teresa 你好: Carlos 卡洛斯 在不同语系里有不同的意思, 如下: 法语: 男人, 像男人一样 美语,西班牙语: 强壮的, 有力的 Teresa 特丽萨 也有不同的意思, 如下: 希腊语: 收获者 美语: 这个名字是从两个圣徒的名字演变过来的 意大利语,西班牙

纳溪区18855365292: 邓丽君个人简历? -
伯牙吾台红多维:邓丽君(1953年1月29日-1995年5月8日),生于台湾省云林县褒忠乡田洋村, 邓丽君(6张)原籍河北省邯郸市大名县 万堤区大街乡(原属北门口乡,北门口乡1996年并入大街乡)邓台村,是出生于台湾...

纳溪区18855365292: 找一个冷酷沉默黑暗高贵的女生英文名字 -
伯牙吾台红多维: Tina 蒂娜 活力充沛的 Teresa 特丽萨 美丽的 Tiffany 蒂法尼 神圣的 Terry 特莉 喜欢追求乐趣的男孩 Tracy 特蕾西 有勇气的

纳溪区18855365292: 哪个英文名好听 -
伯牙吾台红多维: Queena 昆娜 女很高贵、贵族化的 kanan [地名] [印度尼西亚] 卡南Teresa [女子名] 特丽萨.来源于希腊语,含义是“收获者”(the harvester) 昵称Terry,Tess,Tessa,Tracy Kama(印神)爱神 卡马河(...

纳溪区18855365292: 陈楚婷……想要个好听的英文名……不要那些什么Christine的名字……我要想傅颖那些好听的名字 -
伯牙吾台红多维: Tesia 受神喜爱的 Thadine 受表扬的,被赞美的

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