
作者&投稿:前韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
没有人能把我们分开,. 译下英文..谢谢`~~

No one can separate us(from each other).

下面请XX同学说下介绍下,我们校园代理的任职条件 Here is presented under XX students said, we are agents agent working conditions on campus
1. 在校学生 In school
2. 诚实守信,工作耐心细致,责任心强
Honest and trustworthy, patient and meticulous work, strong sense of responsibility
3 . .勤奋踏实,有极强的自我推动力和成功欲望
Diligent, steadfast, self-driven and have a strong desire to succeed

Here is the next XX was introduced to the students that our campus into the election agent requirements:
Agents into the condition of our campus selection include the following aspects
1. 愿意尝试新鲜事物,口头表达能力强,有较好的交际能力
Willing to try new things, verbal ability, good interpersonal skills
2. 具有较强的业务开拓能力和客户沟通能力;
Strong business development and customer communication skills;
3. 做事认真负责 ,执行力强,服从安排, 有一定的策划、宣传、组织能力等等。
Serious and responsible work, and strong execution, subject to arrangements, there are some planning, advocacy, organizational skills and so on.
Here is the next XX was introduced to the students that the work content of our campus proxy

Our agents work on campus include the following:
responsible for product sales in the school campus under the jurisdiction of agency work
participate in or cooperate with the company's product promotion in schools, student interaction, and promotional activities
Sustained attention to market trends campus and do investigation and analysis and submit recommendations to rationalize the campus promotion.

Summary: Hello everybody, I think you have to learn more about the school part-time positions related to agents of this information, thank you all for listening to our report on this business idea.

affect:have an influence on (sb/sth) 影响
brutally:violently and cruelly 残酷地
commitment:a promise to support sb/sth 承诺
consistently:always in the same way,opinions,or standards一贯地,一致地
demanding:making others meet high standards 挑剔的
destiny:that which happens to sb/sth (thought to be decided beforehand by fate) 命运
enhance:increase (the good qualities of sb/sth) 提高
fund:sum of money (saved or made available for a particular purpose)资金
handle:deal with, manage or control 处理、应对
identify:recognize sb/sth (as being the specified person or thing) 发现、找出
personally:by a particular person rather than by sb acting for them: 私人地、个人地

consistently(一致地,一贯地) in a systematic or consistent manner
demanding(挑剔的)requiring more than usually expected ,being picky
fund(资金)a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
handle(处理,应付)deal with, cope with
identify(发现,找出)recognize as being,tell the name of sth or sb
personally(私人地,个人地)in person

affect :to have an influence on someone or sth
brutally:behaviour that is very cruel or violent showing no feelings for others
commitment:sth that you must do because of your promise
consistently:always and never
demanding:requiring more than usually expected or thought due
destiny:an event that will inevitably happen in the future
fund:a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
handle:deal with verbally
identify:recognize as being and give the name
personally:as yourself

让我们的英语单词怎么写 让我们的英语单词如何写
1、让我们的英语单词是lets。2、地方监狱的普遍状况让我们震惊。We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons。3、体操老师们让我们靠水泥墙排成队。The gym teachers lined us up against the cement walls。4、他没完没了的抱怨让我们忍无可忍。His constant complaints were s...

我是一个特别爱好英语的女孩子,就拜托妈妈给我报了一个英语学习班。我刚来到教室里,同学们“啪啪……啪啪”那热烈的掌声,使我心中洋溢着一种快乐和温馨……开始上课了,只听一声“Hello,Class one!”可是把我给吓坏了,老师让我们把书翻到第一课,开始上单词了,老师教我们用英语单词做游戏,...

我们学校的英语老师每天让我们背英语 我如果没背完英语,她就不让吃饭...

小心站台间隙 Caution, Gap 当心夹手 Caution, Risk of Pinching Hand 禁止倚靠 Leaning on the Door Prohibited 禁止吸烟 No Smoking 紧急出口 Emergency Exit 紧急呼叫 Emergency Call 紧急制动 Emergency Braking

他在教学上有个笨办法,就是让我们把单词读音都用汉语标注在后面,譬如“苹果”标为“爱跑”,“学校”标为“是苦”等等,还要求每篇课文必须会背,靠这些死办法,当时我的英语成绩还是挺好的。 2、他个头矮小,其貌不扬,又不修边幅,形象邋遢,在学校没有地位。 在学校,他的地位好像不高,开会时总坐在后面,属于那...

pipa琵琶 erhu二胡 piano钢琴 然后……好像……也许……我也忘了,不过我的书都还在,找不到了


望老师给我改过自新的机会.老师是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,做一个对社会有用的人,一个正直的人,使老师心慰的好学生,老师如同父母对我们的爱都是无私的,所以我 也要把老师对我们的无私精神去发扬,通过这件事情我深刻的感受...

更正楼上答案如下,保证准确率!Our English teacher wants\/wanted us to memorize as many words as we can\/could.还可以把句中的we can\/could改成一个单词:possible.注:注意句中wants和can对应,而wanted和could对应。如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

一、感谢老师的话用英语可以这样说:1、Thank your for imparting the knowledge and skills to me!感谢老师,教给了我们知识,让我们成为一个有用的人!2、Thank my teacher, for teaching me knowledge and how to conduct myself!感谢老师,教会我知识和做人!二、重点词汇解析:1、thank:谢谢,...

晋源区13126957612: 老师让我们写出正确的英语单词的英语翻译 -
唐景贝复: The teacher required me to get the English wors and the English translation right.【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

晋源区13126957612: “老师让我们将很难的单词划出来并查字典”用英语怎么翻译?
唐景贝复: The teacher let us be very difficult words come and look it up in the dictionary

晋源区13126957612: "背单词"翻译成英文怎么翻译 -
唐景贝复: I memorize new words. 我背单词. I have a hard time for memorizing words. 我背单词都背怕了. My English lesson is boring, the teacher always asks us to recite words. 我的英语课很无聊,老师总叫我们背单词. Professor Li: Actually I was ...

晋源区13126957612: 词典中的英英解释有什么用?很多老师都强调词典一定要有英英解释,是查词时得看看英语解释,对比一下?还 -
唐景贝复: 我是英语专业的,我知道 之所以要求看英文的解释,是因为有挺多英语单词的中文意思本身就是翻译过来的,汉语和英语本身存在着一定的差异,起中文意思并不能完全表达它的意思.例如: study和learn的动词都有“学习”的意思,从词典里...

晋源区13126957612: 老师让我讲解 a great deal of 那位英语学习好的帮我详细讲解一下 -
唐景贝复: A great deal of 用法详解 一、词组解释 a great deal可单独使用,也可以用在形容词或副词的比较级前,表示“大量;许多”;而a great deal of只能用在不可数名词前,表示“大量的”.如: We learned a great deal from them. 我们从他们那里...

晋源区13126957612: “英语老师让我们用英语做自我介绍,还介绍了学习方法 ”翻译成英语 -
唐景贝复: 你好! 英语老师让我们用英语做自我介绍,还介绍了学习方法 The English teacher let us use English to introduce myself, learning method is introduced in the paper

晋源区13126957612: 如何用多媒体激发学生学英语的兴趣 -
唐景贝复: 如何运用多媒体 1.创设情境,激发学生兴趣,营造语言氛围 利用计算机多媒体辅助教学系统能较便利地展现感性材料,创设最佳情境,把学生带入到一个崭新的、轻松愉悦的氛围中去,达到“课伊始,趣亦生”的效果. 如:高二下册课文Life ...

晋源区13126957612: 帮忙用英语翻译一下 比较简单的英语 拜托了 -
唐景贝复: The new term has started.Honestly speaking,I can't suit the life of middle school, especlly English subject.I feel learning English is difficulty because the teacher's speed is very fast,i can't catch up with the speed.I found the teacher have treated us sa ...

晋源区13126957612: 老师让我们背单词.背好了单词后,我看到英文单词的拼写,我能说出中文,你给个中文我可以读出英文且拼写,问题是当老师读出英文且快速写出来我就不... -
唐景贝复:[答案] 那就要多练习听力. 提高听力不是一时半会儿的事情,一定要坚持不懈的努力. 建议你下载一些VOA的慢速听力来练习听写,就是人家读一句,你写一句,直到写会为止,每天听写一篇1分钟左右的短文,两个月之后,你的听力水平会大幅度提高的. ...

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