
作者&投稿:羿映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一 Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is a great story. Try not to look at it as a naive cartoon just about fish swimming around. If you really look into it deeply. You will learn lots of value.
At first Nemo was just a kid as any kids. He thought he can do everything. When he tried to prove how brave he was. He swam alone far away. And then got caught by human.And after that is the story about how Nemo's father try to rescue his son and Nemo how to escape by himself. And in the procedure Nemo has learned he was only a kid. Something he can not do. He should not be that naughty and let his father worried about him. In another way, his father felt regret about how rude he treated his son. At the end of the story, the met again. And they finally knew the relationship of family is the most valuable thing in the world.
Nemo's story actually happen to every kids and parents. Parents want their children become better and their children always want to show they have already grown up. From the story, I think they should both learn something.

二Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhaust the adjective store of even the most hyperbolic film hack (ahem). One word just about does the job: genius. Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified whe n a passing diver whisks him away. Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son... It's a familiar formula for the digi-drawn dynamics of Pixar, whose Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. have proved such critical and commercial hits. How increasingly impressive the achievement, then, that Finding Nemo feels so fresh. There is beauty and brilliance in every frame. Tasked with creating an undersea environment, the animators have excelled themselves, capturing textures, light, shade and movement that could be photo-real, were it not for the clever way the makers have subtly caricatured landscapes, as well as characters, lending a warm cartoonish quality to the stunning visuals. The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running.

滑稽,令人兴奋的无尽的新颖、《海底总动员》是一个令人敬畏的水生动画,店的形容词累趴下,即使是最双曲电影黑客(恩)。一个词只是工作做:天才。在某些地方,在海中,weak-finned小丑鱼尼莫(亚历山大-高德)生活在他的焦躁不安的父亲、马林鱼(艾伯特·布鲁克斯)。给窒息了流行的妄想,他经营企业离开礁,但他父亲的畏惧是正当的当经过的潜水员产生他走了。送往坦克在悉尼一家牙医,尼莫遇到吉尔(威廉·达福)协同作战和co -友好的梦想的鱼跑到大海。与此同时,马林鱼碰到一个蓝色的唐名叫多利(-利),并且列出了拯救他的孩子……这是一个熟悉的公式,其动力学digi-drawn皮克斯动画工作室《玩具总动员》和怪物有限公司已经证明了这种临界和商业支安打。怎么越来越令人印象深刻的成就,就《海底总动员》感到很新鲜。有美丽、卓越在每一个框架。海底环境创造一个任务背后都超越自己,捕捉纹理、光、帘与运动,可以photo-real,如果不是聪明的办法制造商巧妙地卡通景观,以及特点,贷款一个温暖的卡通亮丽的视觉品质。自然历史那阿了相匹配的蓝色星球上剧本的机智和恒星。巴里·汉弗莱斯有着美妙的客串作为一个白色的大鲨鱼不共戴天的不杀生(记住,鱼类是朋友,不是食物!),而德吉恩里斯就提供了一个最理想的时间和声调就跟他的嘴,短期记忆的损失是永不停止工作。

主角是一对可爱的小丑鱼(Clownfish)父子。父亲玛林本来有一个幸福的家庭,但在一场意外中妻子珊珊和大部分孩子都被鲨鱼吃掉,只剩下唯一的儿子尼莫。他们一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着安定而"幸福"的平静生活。但在那巨大的打击后鱼爸爸玛林一直谨小慎微,行事缩手缩脚,虽 然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为远近闻名的胆小鬼。也正因为这一点,儿子尼莫常常与玛林发生争执,甚至有那么一点瞧不起自己的父亲。直到有一天,在父亲玛林的不信任眼神中,游向了停在海上的游轮底部。正当尼莫回返时,却被潜水员捉住了。并将它带到了澳洲悉尼湾内的一家牙医诊所。
虽说是已下定决心,但这并不代表玛林可以在一夜之间抛弃自己怯懦的性格。途中与大白鲨布鲁斯的几次惊险追逐,很快便令它萌生退意,险些使父子重聚的希望化为泡影。但幸运的是,玛林遇到了来自撒马力亚(Samaritan)的蓝唐王鱼(Regal Blue Tang)多莉(Dory)。多莉是一只热心助人、胸怀宽广的大鱼。虽然严重的健忘症常常搞得玛林哭笑不得,但是有多莉在身边做伴,却也渐渐令玛林明白了如何用勇气与爱战胜自己内心的恐惧,也懂得了一生中有一些事情的确是值得自己去冒险去努力的道理。
Protagonist is a pair of cute clown fish (Clownfish) and his son. Father Malin had a happy family, but in an unexpected wife, Shan and most children are eaten by sharks, only only son Nemo. They have been in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia in stability and "happiness" to live in peace. But in the huge hit Malin fish father has been timid, timid to act, although already a father, but did not influence it became known far and wide for a coward. It is because of this, son Nemo often quarrel with Malin, even a little less despised his father. Until one day, in the eyes of the father Malin distrust, swam to the bottom of the sea in the cruise stop. While the return of the nimodipine, but was caught by the divers. And bring it to a dental clinic in Australia in the bay of Sydney.
At the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef, hovering between life and death of the beloved son, the news suddenly, for Malin fish father is tantamount to a bolt from the blue. Although now in order to save the timid and overcautious, beloved children, it only takes numerous Malin has. It is determined to keep up with the current Australia, on a course for his son.
Although it is determined, but this does not mean that Malin can abandon their timid character overnight. Bruce and the way of a great white shark several thrilling chase, soon will make it tuiyi initiation, the father and son reunited nearly hope evaporated. But fortunately, Malin encountered from the SA sanmariya (Samaritan) blue Tangyu fish (Regal Blue Tang Dory, Dory). Dolly is a warmhearted, broad-minded fish. Although severe amnesia often engage in Malin dumbfounding, but dolly in the side companion, but also gradually make Malin understand how to use and courage to love conquer fear in your heart, but also how to have a life is something really worthy of take risks to work on their own reasoning.
So and the two fishes in the vast Pacific Ocean adventure to make them the hands of all kinds of friends, and suffered all kinds of crises. Malin father and the fish finally overcome, reunited with his son and safely returned to their hometown. The past let his son are looked down upon the coward Malin, after the test become son eyes of the true heroes! A family reunion in this drama, eyes full of tears came to a close.
《海底总动员》是一部由皮克斯动画工作室制作,并于2003年由华特迪士尼发行的美国电脑动画电影。这部电影的故事和剧本是由安德鲁·史丹顿编写的,导演则是史丹顿以及李·安克里治两人。故事主要叙述一只过度保护儿子的小丑鱼马林和它在路上碰到的蓝唐王鱼多莉两人一同在汪洋大海中寻找玛林失去的儿子尼莫的奇幻经历。在路途中,玛林渐渐了解到它必须要勇于冒险以及它的儿子已经有能力照顾自己了。该影片一经上映即获得了空前好评,并于2004年成功收获奥斯卡最佳动画片奖 。

电影原文片名是Finding Nemo,中文译为海底总动员

《海底总动员》Finding Nemo

这个电影Finding Nemo


《海底总动员》英语台词 Nemo: Wake up, wake up! First day of school.Marlin: I don't want to go to school—five more minutes.Nemo: Not you. Dad, me.Marlin: Ok.Nemo: Get up, get up. It's time for school, time for school.Marlin: All right, I'm up.Nemo: Whoa!Marli...

电影《海底总动员》里,Nemo 的配声是谁?
nemo 的配声 尼莫(Nemo):片中小主角,是一只黄色带条纹的小丑鱼,爱冒险的它调皮而顽强。英文原版配音演员是亚历山大·古尔德(Alexander Gould),是一位新人。中文配音演员未知…… 影片介绍 中文名称:海底总动员 英文名称:Finding Nemo (寻找尼莫) 发行时间:2003年5月30日 导演:安德鲁·斯坦顿 ...

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是海底总动员吧。是要剧情介绍吗?A clownfish, Nemo, is captured by scuba divers and brought on land. His father Marlin sets out to rescue him. Marlin meets a blue tang Dory along the way, who joins him in his journey. They go to Sydney to find Nemo.Meanwhile, Nemo is ...

用英语介绍四部电影,哈利波特和魔法石,木乃伊回归,少林足球,海底总动 ...

Somewhere, under the sea, clownfish Nemo lives with his fretful father, Marlin . His farther is a coward,so Nemo don't like his father.He want to go to the sea to take risk.One day,he swims out his home and go to deep sea.Suddenly,a passing diver takes him away.In ...


星座:魔羯座 导演 - 安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew StantonJohn 还执导过:Carter of Mars (2009)A Princess of Mars Wall-E (2008)海底总动员 Finding Nemo (2003)海底奇兵 虫虫特工队 A Bug's Life (1998) ... 6 (co-director) 虫虫危机 \/ 虫虫总动员 \/ 虫虫特攻队 Bugs 另外还是一名出色的编剧...

求 电影《海底总动员》观后感 要英文的!
Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhaust the adjective store of even the most hyperbolic film hack (ahem). One word just about does the job: genius.Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander ...

海底总动员 英语经典台词
让我们来宣读誓言:let us all say the pledge.我是一只好鲨鱼,不是一只没有头脑只会吃的机器。i am a nice shark,not a mindless eating machine.如果我要改变这个形象...lf i am to change this image...我必须要从改变自我开始。i must first change myself.鱼类是朋友,不是食物。fish ...

遂宁市18082962407: 海底总动员用英语怎么翻译? -
党征伤痛: 你说的是不是电影名字呀?这个电影Finding Nemo Nemo就是里面那个可爱的小鱼了!

遂宁市18082962407: 海底总动员用英语怎么说
党征伤痛: Finding Nemo

遂宁市18082962407: 海底总动员英文名是什么 -
党征伤痛: 尼莫 海底总动员的英文名就叫FINDING NEMO (寻找尼莫)

遂宁市18082962407: 影片<<海底总动员>>的英文是什么?

遂宁市18082962407: 海底总动员的英文名字
党征伤痛: 海底总动员的英文名:Finding Nemo (寻找 尼莫) 海底总动员的英文翻译:Seabed general mobilization

遂宁市18082962407: 总动员电影完整版免费观看(总动员)
党征伤痛: 1、没什么意思的,都是国内翻译过来的,例如海底总动员.2、英文名是finding nemo(寻找尼莫),跟总动员一点都不沾边,我也老搞不懂为什么国内翻译的电影名总爱用“总动员”这三个字!

遂宁市18082962407: 《功夫熊猫》《冰河世纪》《海底总动员》用英语怎么说
党征伤痛:功夫熊猫:Kung Fu Panda 冰河世纪: Ice Age 海底总动员:Finding Nemo

遂宁市18082962407: 海底总动员英文介绍,跪求!! -
党征伤痛: A clown fish named Marlin living in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo, after he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. Nemo is abducted by a boat and netted up and sent to a ...

遂宁市18082962407: 谁知道《海底总动员》的英文名是什么? -
党征伤痛: 剧情 [编辑本段]主角是一对可爱的小丑鱼(Clownfish)父子.父亲玛林和儿子尼莫一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着安定而"幸福"的平静生活.鱼爸爸玛林一直谨小慎微,行事缩手缩脚,虽然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为远近闻名的胆...

遂宁市18082962407: 英语翻译翻译:今天 我和我的搭档将为一部电影配音.电影的名字叫《海底总动员》. -
党征伤痛:[答案] today my partner and i will dub a film named "Finding nemo" 上面的翻译都不好,

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