本人急需鹿的英文介绍 带中文翻译的

作者&投稿:衡钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love how they decide to sit by me, whatever room of the house I am in, and sleep in my empty bed next to me. I love how they use their noses as tools to make me pet them. I love how they smell like corn (more like corn chips, its just a dog thing) after theyve been asleep or while they are sleeping. I love my puppy who I will have to say goodbye to soon. I will miss everything about him but I love the time I have spent with him. Whatever happened with me and the ex, he sure did raise a hell of a dog. Or maybe it was just my dogs own self, maybe he was just always going to turn out that loving. Either way, I love them and think they have saved my life.


New Zealand

Island country, South Pacific Ocean. Area: 104,454 sq mi (270,534 sq km). Population (2005 est.): 4,096,000. Capital: Wellington. Most of the people are of European origin; about one-tenth are Maori, and some are Pacific Islanders and Chinese. Languages: English, Maori (both official). Religions: Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic); also Buddhism, Hinduism. Currency: New Zealand dollar. New Zealand consists of the North Island and the South Island, which are separated by Cook Strait, and several smaller islands. Both main islands are bisected by mountain ranges. New Zealand has a developing market economy based largely on agriculture (dominated by sheep raising), small-scale industries, and services. It is a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house; its chief of state is the British monarch represented by the governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Polynesian occupation dates to c. AD 1000. First sighted by Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642, the main islands were charted by Capt. James Cook in 1769. Named a British crown colony in 1840, the area was the scene of warfare between colonists and native Maori through the 1860s. The capital was moved from Auckland to Wellington in 1865, and in 1907 the colony became the Dominion of New Zealand. It administered Western Samoa from 1919 to 1962 and participated in both World Wars. When Britain joined the European Economic Community in the early 1970s, its influence led New Zealand to expand its export markets and diversify its economy. New Zealand also became more independent in its foreign relations and took a strong stand against nuclear proliferation. The literacy rate is nearly 100%. The cultural milieu is predominantly European, although there has been a revival of traditional Maori culture and art, and Maori social and economic activism have been central to political developments in New Zealand since the late 20th century.

Between 1861 and 1919, more than 250 red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) were released in New Zealand for sport. 1861年和1919年之间,超过250红鹿( 马鹿 )被释放在新西兰的运动。 They were either brought directly from the UK or came via Australia.他们要么直接从英国带来的或通过澳洲来了。 The liberation of red deer continued until 1926.红鹿的解放,一直持续到1926年。 Most came from the great English parks and some from the Scottish Highlands.大部分来自伟大的英国公园和来自苏格兰高地的一些。 Only the Scottish deer were from pure wild strains.只有苏格兰的鹿是从纯野生菌株。

Red deer were the most successful of the introduced deer ( Cervidae family).马鹿是大多数)成功引进的鹿( 鹿科动物的家庭。 However, also liberated were fallow deer ( Dama dama ), originally from the Middle East; wapiti (North American elk, Cervus canadensis ); sambar ( Cervus unicolour ), sika ( Cervus nippon ) and rusa ( Cervus timorensis ) from Asia; and white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) and moose ( Alces alces ) from North America.不过,也解放了法洛迪尔(大鹿 ),最初是从中东和鲁萨( 鹿timorensis)由亚洲;)北美麋鹿, 梅花鹿黄花 );水鹿( 鹿unicolour),梅花鹿( 梅花鹿马鹿( 日本和白色尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus)和驼鹿)来自北美( 驼鹿驼鹿 。 By the early 2000s, red deer were the most common deer in the wild.到2000年初,马鹿是在野外最常见的鹿。 Wapiti are found in northern Fiordland; fallow deer occur in low-altitude forests; and sika, sambar and rusa live in North Island forests.马鹿被发现在北部峡湾;法洛迪尔发生在低海拔的森林,以及梅花鹿,水鹿和鲁萨居住在北岛的森林。 White-tailed deer are found on Stewart Island and near Lake Wakatipu.白尾鹿被发现在斯图尔特岛和附近的瓦卡蒂普湖。

(中文名、英文名、拉丁文学名、命名人) 普度鹿Southern pudu Pudu pudu (Molina) 马鹿
驯鹿Reindeer, Caribou Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus) 驼鹿Moose, Elk, Alaskan moose Alces alces (Linneaus) 南美泽鹿Marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger) 秘鲁马驼鹿Peruvian guemal, Huemul Hippocamelus antisensis (d'Orbigny) 智利马驼鹿Chilean guemal Hippocamelus bisulcus(Molina) 墨西哥鹿Red brocket Mazama americana (Erxleben) 布氏鹿 Mazama bricenii 矮墨西哥鹿 Dwarf brocket Mazama chunyi (Hershkovitz) 褐墨西哥鹿 Brown brocket Mazama gouazoubira (G.Fischer) 倭墨西哥鹿 Mazama nana 小墨西哥鹿 Little red brocket Mazama rufina (Bourcier et Pucheran) 黑尾鹿 Mule deer, Black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus (Rafinesque) 维基尼亚鹿 White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann) 草原鹿 Pampas deer Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Linnaeus) 北普度鹿 Northern pudu Pudu mephistophiles (De Winton) 豚鹿 Hog deer Axis porcinus 白唇鹿 White-lipped deer Cervus albirostris Przewalski 阿氏鹿 Cervus alfredi 沼鹿Swamp deer, Barasingha Cervus duvaucelii G.Cuvier 马鹿Red deer, Macneilly's deer, North American wapiti Cervus elaphus Linnaeus 坡鹿、泽鹿Thamin, Eld's deer Cervus eldi M'Clelland 梅花鹿 Sika deer Cervus nippon Temminck 宿氏鹿Schomburgk's deer Cervus schomburgki Blyth 鬣鹿Timor deer, Rusa deer Cervus timorensis Blainville 水鹿、黑鹿Sambar deer Cervus unicolor(Kerr) 黇鹿Fallow deer Cervus dama Linnaeus 驼鹿(图2)
美索不达米亚鹿 Mesopotamian fallow deer Dama mesopotamica 麋鹿(四不像)Milu (Pere David's deer) Elaphurus davidianus (Milne-Edwards) 毛冠鹿 Tufted deer Elaphodus cephalophus Milne-Edwards 水鼷鹿 Water chevrotain Hyemoschus aquaticus (Ogilby) 斑鼷鹿 Tragulus meminna(Erxleben)鹿(20张) 鼷鹿 Lesser Malay chevrotain Tragulus javanicus(Osbeck) 大鼷鹿Greater Malay chevrotain Tragulus napu (F.Cuvier) 花鹿Spotted deer, Chital, Axis deer Cervus axis Erxleben 加岛花鹿 Calamanian deer, Calamanian hog deer Axis calamianensis 巴岛花鹿Bawean hog deer, Kuhl's hog deer Axis kuhlii [1] 叶麋 Muntiacus putaoensis

【Latin scientific name: Cervus axis
【English name】: Erxleben
【Category】: Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae
】 【Body length: 0.75 ~ 2.90 m
】 【Shoulder height: 0.3 ~ 2.20 m
【Weight】: 9 ~ 800 kg
【Form】: Deer are hoofed the purpose of a Division, a total of 16 genera and about 52 species, most species generally have the following characteristics: long and thin limbs, short tail, the body of the male, than female. Males are usually angular, and some types of male and female have horns, or have no angle.
【Coat color】:
Most species darker coat color, from black, brown, yellow, dark red to yellow range. However, the individual reindeer will appear white.
】 【Life: ranging from 8 to 45 years
】 【Protection level: the national level to protect animals, deer
Differences 【populations:
Deer a wide range of shapes and sizes, a total of 16 genera and about 52 species, from the largest to the smallest of the mouse deer moose between the variety.
】 【Distribution: a wide variety of deer, a total of 16 genera and about 52 species in the world except Antarctica, are distributed outside Africa.
】 【Species status:
Most common types of places, a few species are endangered species. One deer is a national level to protect animals.
】 【Habits: In addition to most types of social life outside the Moose.
【Living environment: mountains, grasslands, forests are distributed.
】 【Types of food: leaves, grass, fruit, seeds, lichen, moss, shrubs, flowers, weeds, bark, twigs, saplings.
】 【Physiological characteristics: general 3 to 4 months in spring mating, pregnancy and 4 to 10 months, 1 to 3 cubs per litter. 2 to 3 years of maturity.
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Economic value

本人急需鹿的英文介绍 带中文翻译的
鹿介绍 Between 1861 and 1919, more than 250 red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) were released in New Zealand for sport. 1861年和1919年之间,超过250红鹿( 马鹿 )被释放在新西兰的运动。 They were either brought directly from the UK or came via Australia.他们要么直接从英国带来的或通过澳洲...


在20世纪初,在美国西部凯巴伯森林中约有4000头野鹿,而与之相 伴的却是凶残的狼,威胁着鹿的生存。1906年,美国开展了一场除 狼行动,到1930年约杀了6000多只恶狼。狼不见了。于是鹿在那里开始 “无计划”地生育了,不久鹿增长到10万余头。兴旺的鹿群啃食一 切可食的植物,吃光野草,毁坏林木...

寂寞空灵的土地 正饱受风雨 那些叶子早已唇裂 那些湖泊也已干涸 在月亮里吃草的鹿群 早已转移到露珠 一种温润如玉的期盼 一个绝望又不安的灵魂 (2)于我 黎明只是管状物 切割草原的黑夜和白昼 那些爱情早已在我面前崩塌 那些欲望也已随着山丘 沙化,松软,夷为平地 我不知道我是谁 我爱的人是谁 ...

关于狼与鹿的故事的作文素材,急需~!!! 鹿和狼的故事20世纪初叶,美国亚里桑那州北部的凯巴伯森林还是松杉葱郁,生机勃勃。大约有四千只左右的鹿在林间出没,凶恶残忍的狼是鹿的大敌。美国总统西奥多·罗斯福很想让凯巴伯森... 鹿和狼的故事 20世纪初叶,美国亚里桑那州北部的凯巴伯森林还是松杉葱郁,生机勃勃。

急需!!!请快点 解析:在20世纪初,在美国西部落基山脉的凯巴伯森林中约有4000头野鹿,而与之相伴的却是一群群凶残的狼,威胁着鹿的生存。为了这些鹿的安宁,1906年,美国总统决定开展一场除狼行动,到1930年累计枪杀了6000多只恶狼。狼在凯巴伯林区不见踪影了。于是鹿在那里开始无忧无患“无计划”...

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 白杨即毛白杨名称: 毛白杨学名: Populus tomentosa Carr别名: 大叶杨、响杨科属: 杨柳科 杨属类别: 落叶乔木形态特征落叶乔木,高达30m,胸径lm,树干通直,树皮灰绿至灰白色,皮孔菱形,老树基部黑灰色,纵裂。幼枝被毛,后脱落。叶芽卵形,长枝叶宽卵形或三角...

噢,给我一个家,那里有水牛漫步,那里有鹿和羚羊在玩耍, where seldom is heard a discouraging world and the skies are not cloudy all day. 那里很少听到令人泄气的话,那里万里无云终日晴朗。 Home, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play, 家,草原上的家,那里有鹿和羚羊在玩耍, ...

合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 恐鸟,林鼠,海鼬,白臀叶猴,斑驴,小兔猼,袋熊,弹鼠,猫狐,旅行鸽,袋狼,沙猫,袋狸,豚鹿,云豹。 10 这是世界上18,19世纪灭绝的一些动物。我急需他们的英文名。谢谢!... 这是世界上18,19世纪灭绝的一些动物。我急需他们的英文名。谢谢! 展开...

Mary,请允许我向你介绍我们新财务经理Mike Jones。Mike,这位是Mary Lewis。 Mr. Jones: So you’re the famous Miss Lewis! So nice to meet you at last! I’ve heard so much about you. Jones先生: 你就是那位Lewis小姐!终于见到你,十分高兴!我常常听人提起你。 Miss Lewis: All good, I hope. ...

张掖市18822834251: 鹿的英语是 -
牟于同仁: deer(统称) 鹿milu 或 elk 麋鹿reindeer 驯鹿moose 驼鹿caribou 北美驯鹿spotted deer或者sika deer 梅花鹿sambar 水鹿brow-antlered deer 眉杈鹿hog deer 豚鹿musk deer 麝, 香麝red deer 麋tufted deer 黑麂(毛冠麂)water deer 獐river deer 獐white-lipped deer 白唇鹿giraffe 长颈鹿

张掖市18822834251: 山羊、鹿、兔和马的简单介绍(用英文) -
牟于同仁: 草食性反刍家畜.哺乳纲偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)牛科 (Bovidae)山羊属.乳、肉可食用,绒、毛和皮可作工业原料.Herbivorous ruminants. Breast-feeding program cloven-hoofed Head (Artiodactyla) cattle Branch (Bovidae) is a goat. Milk 、 ...

张掖市18822834251: 急需一篇中英文互译的简单的英文的自我介绍
牟于同仁: Good morning everybody.Would you like to know about me? Let me give you a brief introduction of myself. My name is 某某某 and I am a girl/boy . I was born in 某地 and I am a student now .I am ** yeas old, I am very happy because I have lots of ...

张掖市18822834251: 关于鹿晗的英语介绍,高一水平,急需,求各位亲帮帮忙吧 -
牟于同仁: Details of the mission, SM EXO China, Chinese zodiac members: MaGender: maleBirth place: Haidian District of BeijingLocation: Seoul, KoreaBorn: April 20, 1990astrological sign: AriesHeight: 178 CMBlood type: TYPE OSpecializes in: ...

张掖市18822834251: 急需!!!~~英文自我介绍的翻译~ -
牟于同仁: Les membres examinateurs Bonjour, Mon nom est **, cette année, 22 ans, diplômé de l'Université de droit **, par amour pour la loi et se réjouit de ses recherches approfondies, je appliquer le droit de l'Université ** professionnelle, je trésor la ...

张掖市18822834251: 我急需一篇中学生英文自我介绍.附上中文.不要太难. -
牟于同仁: dear teacher,my name is **,i'm 12 years old,my intersts are performing,english,and reciting,I like stage,so my wish is to be an english speaking presider as chinese saying,more haste,less speed,the passage of time is just like the flow of water ,which...

张掖市18822834251: 急需两种普通动物的英文简介(介绍)请速回答!!!! -
牟于同仁: Panda—the National Treasure Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, ...

张掖市18822834251: 驯鹿的简单英文资料 -
牟于同仁: 驯鹿:Caribou动物界 Fauna → 脊索动物门 CHORDATA → 脊椎动物亚门 Vertebrata → 哺乳纲 Mammalia → 真兽亚纲 Tberia → 偶蹄目 ARTIODACTYLA → 反刍亚目 Ruminantia → 有角下目 Pecora → 鹿总科 Cervoidea → 鹿科 Cervidae → 美洲鹿亚科 Odocoileinae → 驯鹿属 Rangifer → 驯鹿 rangifer tarandus

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