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Winston Churchill (30 November 1874 –24 January 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, historian, writer, and artist. He is the only British Prime Minister who has ever received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

During his army career, Churchill saw action in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame and notoriety as a war correspondent and through contemporary books he wrote describing the campaigns. He also served briefly in the British Army on the Western Front in World War I, commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers.

At the forefront of the political scene for almost fifty years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the Asquith Liberal government. During the war he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli caused his departure from government. He returned as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air. In the interwar years, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative government.

After the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against the Axis powers. Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the British people and embattled Allied forces.

After losing the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition. In 1951, he again became Prime Minister before finally retiring in 1955. Upon his death the Queen granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of statesmen in the world.

Winston Churchill was also an accomplished artist and took great pleasure in painting, especially after his resignation as First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915. He found a haven in art to overcome the spells of depression—or as he termed it, the "Black Dog"—which he suffered throughout his life. As William Rees-Mogg has stated, "In his own life, he had to suffer the 'black dog' of depression. In his landscapes and still lives there is no sign of depression". He is best known for his impressionist scenes of landscape, many of which were painted while on holiday in the South of France, Egypt or Morocco. He continued his hobby throughout his life and painted hundreds of paintings, many of which are on show in the studio at Chartwell as well as private collections. Most of his paintings are oil-based and feature landscapes, but he also did a number of interior scenes and portraits.

Despite his lifelong fame and upper-class origins Churchill always struggled to keep his income at a level that would fund his extravagant lifestyle. MPs before 1946 received only a nominal salary (and in fact did not receive anything at all until the Parliament Act 1911) so many had secondary professions from which to earn a living. From his first book in 1898 until his second stint as Prime Minister, Churchill's income was almost entirely made from writing books and opinion pieces for newspapers and magazines. The most famous of his newspaper articles are those that appeared in the Evening Standard from 1936 warning of the rise of Hitler and the danger of the policy of appeasement.

Churchill was also a prolific writer of books, writing a novel, two biographies, three volumes of memoirs, and several histories in addition to his many newspaper articles. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values".Two of his most famous works, published after his first premiereship brought his international fame to new heights, were his six-volume memoir The Second World War and A History of the English-Speaking Peoples; a four-volume history covering the period from Caesar's invasions of Britain (55 BC) to the beginning of the First World War (1914).


Essential facts:

Born: 30 November 1874 (Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire)
Died: 24 January 1965 (28 Hyde Park Gate, London)
Nickname: "Winnie"
Education: Harrow and Royal Military College, Sandhurst
Family: Churchill was the elder of 2 sons. He was married to Clementine Hozier, and had 1 son and 4 daughters

Age at appointment: 65 years, 163 days; 76 years, 331 days
First entered Parliament: 3 October 1900
Maiden Speech: 18 February 1901 in the debate on the King's Speech on the Boer War
Total time as PM: 8 years, 240 days


"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind"

"I am prepared to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter"

On Attlee: "a modest man who has much to be modest about"

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years men will still say 'This was their finest hour'"

On the RAF following victory in the Battle of Britain: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"


Winston Churchill was a politician, a soldier, an artist, and the 20th century's most famous and celebrated Prime Minister. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill, a Nineteenth Century Tory politician. He was educated at Harrow and at Sandhurst Royal Military College, after which he saw service in India and the Sudan, and acted off-duty as a war correspondent.

Churchill left the army in 1899 to take up politics, but first travelled to South Africa as a journalist. Although taken prisoner by the Boers, he made a daring escape and returned to safety despite the price on his head. His consequent fame no doubt aided his success as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Oldham in 1900.

Churchill was instinctively independent, willing to work with any side agreeing with his goals. Thus his stand against protectionism led him to join the Liberals in 1904. As President of the Board of Trade in Asquith's Liberal government he set up labour exchanges and unemployment insurance. As Home Secretary in 1910 he improved safety in the mines and prevented the employment of child miners, though disappointed radicals by deploying troops in Wales during a miners strike.

In 1911 he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, and ensured the Navy was ready for the outbreak of war in 1914. However, he was blamed for failed Dardanelles Campaign in 1915, and was demoted in the coalition government. He resigned his post and went to the Front.

In 1916 Lloyd George appointed him Minister for Munitions, in which post he developed the use of the tank in warfare. In 1918 he took responsibility for demobilisation.

He returned to the Conservative Party in the 1920s and spent 5 years as Stanley Baldwin's Chancellor, but again fell out with his party. Unpopular and ostracised for a decade, his warnings from the backbenches of Fascist imperialism went unheeded. His influence, it was said, had fallen to zero. However, Chamberlain's policy of appeasement failed, leading to his resignation and to the vindication of Churchill's position. George VI then asked Churchill to form a government in 1940 at the age of 65.

Asking the House of Commons for its confidence in his small War Cabinet, he said "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." His evocative and stirring rhetoric, employed in many famed speeches, is seen as representing the spirit of wartime Britain, and was essential to raising national morale. He was renowned as a great character and a great leader but was a paradoxical man. Possessed of astonishing vision, he also made disastrous mistakes. Nevertheless, he brought Britain to victory against Germany on the 8th of May, 1945.

Following the Labour landslide in the post-war 1945 election, a surprised Churchill found himself leading the Conservative Opposition. He then served four years as a peacetime Prime Minister. The second Churchill administration did not realise his hopes of ending the Cold War. In contrast to the stark choices of the second world war, he found the problems facing post-war Britain elusive and intangible.

Frustrated and in poor health, he resigned in 1955, aged 81. Following his death in 1965, Churchill's body lay in state for 3 days at Westminster Hall before his state funeral.

Winston Churchill, the son of Randolph Churchill, a Conservative politician, was born in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, on 30th November, 1874. His mother, Jennie Jerome, was the daughter of Leonard Jerome, a New York businessman.

After being educated at Harrow he went to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. Churchill joined the Fourth Hussars in 1895 and saw action on the Indian north-west frontier and in the Sudan where he took part in the Battle of Omdurman (1898).

While in the army Churchill supplied military reports for the Daily Telegraph and wrote books such as The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899).

After leaving the British Army in 1899, Churchill worked as a war correspondent for the Morning Post. While reporting the Boer War in South Africa he was taken prisoner by the Boers but made headline news when he escaped. On returning to England he wrote about his experiences in the book, London to Ladysmith (1900).

In the 1900 General Election Churchill was elected as the Conservative MP for Oldham. As a result of reading, Poverty, A Study of Town Life by Seebohm Rowntree he became a supporter of social reform. In 1904, unconvinced by his party leaders desire for change, Churchill decided to join the Liberal Party.

In the 1906 General Election Churchill won North West Manchester and immediately became a member of the new Liberal government as Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies. When Herbert Asquith replaced Henry Campbell-Bannerman as Prime Minister in 1908 he promoted Churchill to his cabinet as President of the Board of Trade. While in this post he carried through important social legislation including the establishment of employment exchanges.

On 12th September 1908 Churchill married Clementine Ogilvy Spencer and the following year published a book on his political philosophy, Liberalism and the Social Problem (1909).

Following the 1910 General Election Churchill became Home Secretary. Churchill introduced several reforms to the prison system, including the provision of lecturers and concerts for prisoners and the setting up of special after-care associations to help convicts after they had served their sentence. However, Churchill was severely criticized for using troops to maintain order during a Welsh miners's strike.

Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty in October 1911 where he helped modernize the navy. Churchill was one of the first people to grasp the military potential of aircraft and in 1912 he set up the Royal Naval Air Service. He also established an Air Department at the Admiralty so as to make full use of this new technology. Churchill was so enthusiastic about these new developments that he took flying lessons.

On the outbreak of war in 1914, Churchill joined the War Council. However, he was blamed for the failure at the Dardanelles Campaign in 1915 and was moved to the post of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Unhappy about not having any power to influence the Government's war policy, he rejoined the British Army and commanded a battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the Western Front.

When David Lloyd George replaced Herbert Asquith as Prime Minister, he brought Churchill back into the government as Minister of Munitions and for the final year of the war, Churchill was in charge of the production of tanks, aeroplanes, guns and shells.

Churchill also served under David Lloyd George as Minister of War and Air (1919-20) and Colonial Secretary (1921-22). Churchill created great controversy over his policies in Iraq. It was estimated that around 25,000 British and 80,000 Indian troops would be needed to control the country. However, he argued that if Britain relied on air power, you could cut these numbers to 4,000 (British) and 10,000 (Indian). The government was convinced by this argument and it was decided to send the recently formed Royal Air Force to Iraq.

An uprising of more than 100,000 armed tribesmen took place in 1920. Over the next few months the RAF dropped 97 tons of bombs killing 9,000 Iraqis. This failed to end the resistance and Arab and Kurdish uprisings continued to pose a threat to British rule. Churchill suggested that chemical weapons should be used "against recalcitrant Arabs as an experiment." He added "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes to spread a lively terror" in Iraq.

The divisions in the Liberal Party led to Churchill being defeated by E. D. Morel at Dundee in the 1922 General Election. Churchill now rejoined the Conservative Party and was successfully elected to represent Epping in the 1924 General Election.

Stanley Baldwin, the leader of the new Conservative administration, appointed Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer. In 1925 Churchill controversially returned Britain the the Gold Standard and the following year took a strong line against the General Strike. Churchill edited the Government's newspaper, the British Gazette, during the dispute where he argued that "either the country will break the General Strike, or the General Strike will break the country."

With the defeat of the Conservative government in 1929, Churchill lost office. When Ramsay MacDonald formed the National Government in 1931 Churchill, who was now seen as a right-wing extremist, was not invited to join the Cabinet. He spent the next few years concentrating on his writing, including the publication of the History of the English Speaking Peoples.

After Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party gained power in Germany in 1933, Churchill became a leading advocate of rearmament. He was also a staunch critic of Neville Chamberlain and the Conservative government's appeasement policy. In 1939 Churchill controversially argued that Britain and France should form of a military alliance with the Soviet Union.

On the outbreak of the Second World War Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and on 4th April 1940 became chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. Later that month the German Army invaded and occupied Norway. The loss of Norway was a considerable setback for Neville Chamberlain and his policies for dealing with Nazi Germany.

On 8th May the Labour Party demanded a debate on the Norwegian campaign and this turned into a vote of censure. At the end of the debate 30 Conservatives voted against Chamberlain and a further 60 abstained. Chamberlain now decided to resign and on 10th May, 1940, George VI appointed Churchill as prime minister. Later that day the German Army began its Western Offensive and invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Two days later German forces entered France.

Churchill formed a coalition government and placed leaders of the Labour Party such as Clement Attlee, Ernest Bevin, Herbert Morrison, Stafford Cripps and Hugh Dalton in key positions. He also brought in another long-time opponent of Chamberlain, Anthony Eden, as his secretary of state for war. Later that year Eden replaced Lord Halifax as foreign secretary.

Churchill also developed a strong personal relationship with Franklin D. Roosevelt and this led to the sharing and trading of war supplies. The Lend Lease agreement of March 1941 allowed Britain to order war goods from the United States on credit.

Although he provided strong leadership the war continued to go badly for Britain and after a series of military defeats Churchill had to face a motion of no confidence in Parliament. However, he maintained the support of most members of the House of Commons and won by 475 votes to 25.

Churchill continued to be criticized for meddling in military matters and tended to take too much notice of the views of his friends such as Frederick Lindemann rather than his military commanders. In April 1941 he made the serious mistake of trying to save Greece by weakening his forces fighting the Desert War.

One of the major contributions made by Churchill to eventual victory was his ability to inspire the British people to greater effort by making public broadcasts on significant occasions. A brilliant orator he was a tireless source of strength to people experiencing the sufferings of the Blitz.

After Pearl Harbor Churchill worked closely with Franklin D. Roosevelt to ensure victory over Germany and Japan. He was also a loyal ally of the Soviet Union after Adolf Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa in June, 1941.

Churchill held important meetings with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at Teheran (November, 1943) and Yalta (February, 1945). Although Churchill's relationship with Stalin was always difficult he managed to successfully develop a united strategy against the Axis powers.

Despite intense pressure from Stalin to open a second-front by landing Allied troops in France in 1943, Churchill continued to argue that this should not happen until the defeat of Nazi Germany was guaranteed. The D-Day landings did not take place until June, 1944 and this delay enabled the Red Army to capture territory from Germany in Eastern Europe.

In public Churchill accepted plans for social reform drawn up by William Beveridge in 1944. However, he was unable to convince the electorate that he was as committed to these measures as much as Clement Attlee and the Labour Party. In the 1945 General Election Churchill's attempts to compare a future Labour government with Nazi Germany backfired and Attlee won a landslide victory.

Churchill became leader of the opposition and when visiting the United States in March 1946, he made his famous Iron Curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri. He suffered the first of several strokes in August 1946 but this information was kept from the general public and he continued to lead the Conservative Party.

Churchill returned to power after the 1951 General Election. After the publication of his six volume, The Second World War, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Churchill's health continued to deteriorate and in 1955 he reluctantly retired from politics. Winston Churchill died on 24th January, 1965.

Name:Winston Churchill
Date of birth:1874-1965
Acquisition awards:In 1953 Nobel literature prize

British biographer, historian, politician of the · Churchill( the Winston Churchill,1874-1965) of WEN SI DUN4.Was born in the oxford nearby cloth temple.Grandfather, MA3 BO2,, Luo, the general has the military merit of neutrally in the war.The father pulls a man lord to once allow the English Chancellor of the Exchequer.He was then differ to send into the boarding school to study since the childhood, once studying in the of of hello school, but the born nature pertinacity, study the result not good, like the history, literature and the military games only.Tested into the virtuous of mulberry unwillingly in 1893 especially the army officer school after, because of share common interest, graduating the result to come out in front, getting the military officer qualifications.In 1895, with the second lieutenant the soldier title plait went into the Royal fourth to ride the large unit.Empress because of the combat life that hope earnestly to take a risk, the body that to volunteer the soldier and war correspondent attends Spain successively to Cuba of colony war and the British troops war in India, Sudan, South Africa, with the battle brave, presume the to risk danger to be known for nearly.In the interval, in two years that India garrison, he still read history, philosophy, religion and the work of the economies extensively, to make up the oneself in the lack on the education.At the same time, announced the reportage 《 the virtuous expedition of MA3 LA KAN3 record 》 (1898), 《 the war on the river 》 (1899), 《 South Africa joins the army to record 》 (1908) and novel 《 the sand Luo pull 》 (1899) etc., widely popular.
In 1899, the Churchill retired from the army to participate in politics, winning an election for the lower chamber councilman in 1900.Went into the 阁 to serve as to colonize the vice- big minister with a first time of the liberal party body in 1906, served as the big minister of big minister, domestic affairs of business behind, the first world war night before last served as the First Lord of the Admiralty, war the period served as the big minister of army supplies.In October after the revolution victory, he plans anti- Su once and actively.In 1924, served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the conservative party body again, keep go to 1929 the conservative party is in the election fiasco but leave the government, long unemployed decade.He published this period five originally memoirs 《 crisis of world 》 (1923-1931), the biography work 《 my early years life 》 (1930), four originally 《 MA3 BO2's Luo spread 》 .(1933-1938)
30's, because of the method west influence of rising, the European situation is increasingly nervous, the Churchill
resolute objection the English method etc. the appeasement policy of the country, become hard-liner's leader.He makes a speech everywhere, making public the danger of the war.He delivers a speech the surging eloquence of speech, a of , drive generally accepted is an outstanding declamation house.In 1939, the World War II break out, the Churchill
appointed the First Lord of the Admiralty of ZHANG BO2 LUN2's cabinet.In 1940, he accepted order in hour of danger, serving as the prime minister, lead the British people to protect three islands of England, and the all levels launched the diplomacy activity actively, forming alliance with beautiful Su, becoming the international anti- method west united front, doing a major contribution for the end victory of the anti- method west war.
In 1945, at the anti- method west victory night before last, failed in the election because of the conservative party, the Churchill lost prime minister's post.Afterward, he completed with six years six originally 《 memoirs of World War II 》 .(1948-1954)In 1951, the conservative party elected to win to win in all aspects, the Churchill served as the prime minister again with 77 years old advanced age.1955 retires because of the high resignation of age, composing with concentration four originally 《 English race history 》 .(1956-1958)January of 1965 dies because of the apoplexy.
Although the whole life of the Churchill mainly is engaged in the political activity, his history say to achieve the famous with the biography literature writing also.1946 start, he then is nominate for the candidate of the Nobel literature prize, and finally in 1953," because he is describing the scholastic attainment of the history and biography, at the same time because of him that defends the lofty person of value of glorious speech", acquire the Nobel literature prize.Sweden college compare he make" have the west fills Luo literary talent of big emperor of Caesar".( 《 make awards the 》 )


Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, FRS, PC (Can) (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was an English statesman, soldier, and author, best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Well-known as an orator, strategist, and politician, Churchill was one of the most important leaders in modern British and world history. He won the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature[1] for his many books on English and world history. Sir Winston Churchill was voted the greatest-ever Briton in the 2002 BBC poll the 100 Greatest Britons.[2]

Name:Winston Churchill
Date of birth:1874-1965
Acquisition awards:In 1953 Nobel literature prize



3. 吉尔·拜登的背景:在成为第一夫人之前,吉尔·拜登是一名教育工作者,她对于教育事业有着深厚的热情。在拜登就任总统后,她依然关注教育问题,并努力推动相关政策的实施。除此之外,吉尔·拜登也是一名军人家庭的一员,她的儿子曾是一名军人,因此她也积极参与到关心军人家庭的活动...

一、吉尔的基本背景 吉尔是一位拥有丰富经验和卓越战斗技能的战士。在游戏中,他以其冷静、沉着和专业的态度,赢得了玩家的信赖。作为特别战术研究小组的一员,他擅长应对各种生化危机情境,展现出非凡的生存能力和战术智慧。二、吉尔在生化危机系列中的角色发展 随着生化危机系列游戏的推进,吉尔的角色逐渐...


吉尔·斯图尔特(Jill Stuart)的时尚之路源于一个时尚世家。她的父母在纽约经营着一家知名的女装精品店,这使她从小就沉浸于时尚氛围中。自小便展现设计天赋的她,10多岁就开始涉足珠宝和手袋设计,她的一个配饰系列在15岁时就获得了纽约精品店Bloomingdale's的青睐。从手袋和配饰起步,吉尔·斯图亚特逐渐...

Fate zero里七位英灵的背景



盘点《生化危机》中的8名女性角色:吉尔身材最好 克莱尔颜值最高_百 ...

大方县15143219019: 请将温斯顿 丘吉尔的简介写出来.要求:字数不要太多.中英文都要有.Thank you. -
星时香砂: Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)was a combination of soldier. writer, artist,and statesman, renowned for his courage,imagination,oratory and intellect.In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and ...

大方县15143219019: 英文好的同学 帮忙翻译几段丘吉尔的简介 -
星时香砂: 谷歌翻译不会出错啊: October 1900, on behalf of the British Conservative Party elected members of the successful candidates Churchill, was the beginning of political career over 61 years. 1939 World War II, the following year, Churchill became ...

大方县15143219019: 二战时期的英国首相丘吉尔的历史故事?
星时香砂: 丘吉尔从7岁开始,先后在阿斯科特贵族子弟预备学校、布赖顿预备学校读书.他任性而倔强,从来不肯用功读书,从而失去了上大学的机会.父母只好让他进人军校....

大方县15143219019: 有人能帮我写一篇以介绍丘吉尔为主题的英语演讲稿吗?谢谢啦:)
星时香砂: Winston Churchill(丘吉尔)可以参考:)~~ SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL (1874-1965), British leader. English on his father's side, American on his mother's, Sir Winston Churchill embodied⑴ and expressed the double vitality⑵ and the national ...

大方县15143219019: 丘吉尔是哪个国家的前首相? -
星时香砂: 英国 温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔,英国政治家、历史学家、画家、演说家、作家、记者,出身于贵族家庭,父亲伦道夫勋爵曾任英国财政大臣.

大方县15143219019: 约翰·丘吉尔的介绍 -
星时香砂: 约翰·丘吉尔,第一代马尔博罗公爵(1st Duke of Marlborough),英国军事家、政治家.在西班牙王位继承战争中大展神威,成为近代欧洲最出色的将领之一.英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔是他的直系后裔.

大方县15143219019: 急求丘吉尔、华盛顿、林肯三人的英文简介及人物评价要求:必须英文,6级水平人物简介每人100词以内,人物评价是重点,每人200词左右紧急,今天下午... -
星时香砂:[答案] 丘吉尔 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill,(30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II.He is widely regarded as one of the great wartime leaders.He ...

大方县15143219019: 英国首相丘吉尔是一个非常有名的演讲家,他生命的最后一次演讲是在一所大学的结业典礼上,那次演讲的全过
星时香砂: (1)它强调成功者必备的品质是优良的意志品质.优良的意志品质包括自觉性、坚韧性、果断性、自制性等.它对一个人的健康成长和事业成功起着关键作用.(2)①明确提出锻炼意志的任务;②培养良好的行为习惯;③培养自我控制、自我调节的能力;④持之以恒,善始善终.

大方县15143219019: 请问,哪里有邱吉尔的英文介绍(300~500字).很急,谢谢! -
星时香砂: Winston Churchill (Winston Churchill) 1874年11月30 was born in British noble family, graduated from the British Royal Military Academy. 1895 at the 4th Corps Unit Qingqi easement. He is a soldier in the military are also journalists, writing for the London newspapers reported.

大方县15143219019: 大家帮帮忙啊~谁知道有介绍丘吉尔的英语文章,特别是二战期间的故事之类的~谢谢各位啦! -
星时香砂: Soldiers,sailors,and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force,you are about to embark upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you ,the hopes and prayers of libertyloving people ...

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