
作者&投稿:终省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

C 试题分析:传统文化的主要形式是传统习俗的继承、传统建筑的继承、传统文艺的继承、传统思想的继承,②观点错误且与题干主旨不符。④观点错误。①、③正确且与题干主旨相符。本题答案C。


It's obvious that currently wehave been affected by foreign festivalsalot,such as Valentine's DayWe'dlovetogive eachother flowers gifts,orevenholdaparty onthesedays邮箱给我我帮你写百度限制一百字

Nowadays,it is common to celebrate the foreign festival surround us.Espectially some popular western festivals,such as Christmas and the Valentine's day,have a huge influnence to our culture.

On weekdays, I often help my parents clean my bed rooms every morning and wash dishes after supper. At weekends, washing clothes and mopping the floor is my duty. And I also help my parents carry something heavy from the supermarket.As the saying goes’ One can't make a big...

There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours, causing great inconvenience and heavy economic losses every year. Limited road capacity and people’s weak awareness of traffic laws con...

假设你是李华,目前正在一所中学做交换生,上周末你的英国 同学Andrew邀请...
showed us around the farm. I had some fresh milk in the farm and it was very nice. I was very glad that Andrew invited me and we had fun. I should invite him to my flat for Chinese food some time!

一般现在时的英语作文 My father gets up everyday at 6 am to cook the breakfast for our family. Then she wakes me up at 6:30 and drives me to school at 7:20. She goes to her work after driving me to school at 7:50. My mom starts working at 8 in the morning and...

with the serious situation of being employed increasing sharply , this kind of stress is becoming a problem not only educated students should face to but also high school students must think about .分段 As high school students , we must put our study into the first place . ...

1.学校限制我们的自由;2.学生和社会接触少;3.学生的兴趣和爱好不能得到充分的发展,因此...有的同学认为:1.学校是学习知识的地方;2.学生应该安心在学校里学习;3.学生缺乏自觉性,离开了老师,可能会...你的看法是什么?Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long.We ...

Today in China,many families have only one child.So the children usually doted upon by all family members.Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently.There are some ways to help children to be independent.Firstly...

As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great ...

英语作文:My current knowledge of English is not very good but I am starting to improve I know a lot of grammar rules but I have trouble actually understanding complicated English texts and speaking English well. My English writing skills are average, but it's better than my ...

求英语作文一篇,my view on university ranking 1.目前高校排名相当盛 ...
employment list is a very important reference index. Not only such, public disclosure universities employment rate charts, can make the employment of college after depend constantly urges efforts to improve itself, this school graduates employment environment, so as to improve graduates.

蒙城县18474849429: 写一篇英语作文.目前有不少西方节日,如圣诞节、情人节,对我们国家影响很大.每当这些节日来临时,人...写一篇英语作文.目前有不少西方节日,如圣诞节... -
段干绿思美:[答案] Nowadays,it is common to celebrate the foreign festival surround us.Espectially some popular western festivals,such as Christmas and the Valentine's day,have a huge influnence to our culture.

蒙城县18474849429: 求一篇介绍西方国家节日的英语作文,80词左右,急 -
段干绿思美:[答案] 一、元旦( New Year's Day,1月1日) 我们通常说得"阳历年"就是元旦,它源于西方国家,现在已成为全世界的公共假日.二、 情人节( Valentine's Day,2月14日) 西方国家民间的传统节日.三、 愚人节( April Fool's Day,4月1日) 在这天我们可以...

蒙城县18474849429: 西方节日的英语作文100字 -
段干绿思美: Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in North America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens. However, to many people, its meaning is lost. It has become simply ...

蒙城县18474849429: 英语作文西方节日,谁知道的写一篇给我参考,要少一点的起码要有作文本的5行不要超过5行啊,看到的写一篇参考一下,急呀.不要超过5行啊,看到的写... -
段干绿思美:[答案] Christmas Day On December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. Christmas has ...

蒙城县18474849429: 急求一篇英语作文,关于现在年轻人过西方节日的作文 急急急急急 -
段干绿思美: YONG PEOPLE 过western 节日

蒙城县18474849429: 求The Celebration of Western Festivals英语作文要求:1.现在国内不少人喜欢过西方的一些节日2.产生这种现象的原因3.这种现象可能带来的影响 -
段干绿思美:[答案] Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China.Christmas cards become popular withstudents.People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts.A lot or TV and radio programs about...

蒙城县18474849429: 120字左右的英语作文西方节日要求:1、现今,青少年日益喜爱西方节日 2、出现这种现象的原因 3、我对这种现象的看法,针对这种现象英语不好的不要... -
段干绿思美:[答案] This is economic globalization brings the cultural globalization. Of every culture appears, will be another culture to accept or ... western holidays in China is more and more popular, explain the western culture in China is accepted, but this one must exist ...

蒙城县18474849429: 求描述西方节日的英语文章共5篇,有一篇发一篇 -
段干绿思美:[答案] Once again , it's Christmas . Christmas is on every December 25th . Chrstmas is a day that we give and get presents . Father Christmas also gives gifts to children on this speacial day in the year . For decoration , people usually decorats the house with...

蒙城县18474849429: 帮忙写个英语作文,急.1.现在越来越多的中国人开始庆祝西方的节日,如圣诞节,情人节.2.有人认为这有利于文化交流.有人则担心这会导致传统文化的丧失.... -
段干绿思美:[答案] In recent years,more and more western holidays are universally known in China like Christmas,Valentine,Easter etc.And ... have a influence for Chinese tradition and eventually our tradition will lose for being overcoming by western holiday as people ...

蒙城县18474849429: 帮忙写一篇英语作文.近年来,一些西方节日在中国越来越流行.引起热议.谈谈你对这种社会现象的看发.是一篇看图作文,图中有很多人,商场挂着很多情人节... -
段干绿思美:[答案] Capital economic growth leads to globalization which is inevitable unless u want China quits the global market ,i believe the ... but the most important thing is to conserve and preserve our own culture instead of avoiding the coming of western ones. one ...

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