
作者&投稿:桂刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn't go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier.

After October 1960, Lei Feng served as an out-of-school counselor for Jianjie Primary School (now Lei Feng Primary School) and Benxi Road Primary School in Fushun City.
Lei Feng took advantage of his lunch break or the days when he could not get out of the car on rainy and windy days to ask for leave to go to school to find teachers, talk with his classmates, or conduct other counseling activities.
He is good at uniting children, inspiring them to study hard and make progress every day.




One evening, there was heavy rain in the world. Lei Feng saw a woman holding a child in her arms and holding a child in her hand. She still carried a baggage and walked step by step in the heavy rain. 

Lei Feng was busy in front of the inquiries, only to know that the big man came back from the field to visit relatives, to go to the scorpion ditch more than a dozen miles away, she said anxiously: "Comrade, today, the rain has cast me confused, and this Child, I cried and cried too home!" 

Lei Feng put the raincoat on the big cockroach, and picked up the older child to go to the scorpion ditch in the rain, preferring to drench themselves and not let them suffer. They have been walking for more than two hours before they send the mother and child safely home.







One Sunday in the early summer of 1960, Lei Feng had a terrible stomachache. He came to the regiment and prescribed some medicine.When the medicine was dispensed, a construction site was being constructed in full swing. It was originally built for Benxi Road Primary School. 

There are several empty cars beside the water shed. Lei Feng pushes up and goes to the bricks. Miss broadcasters learned about the situation to interview him and asked him why he came, what he called and which army. 

He said: "I am a contribution to the socialist construction, and I, like everyone, as long as I have done a little bit of their own obligations, is also a contribution to do." Without leaving his name, he went on to work. 







In August 1960, when the flood occurred in Fushun, the transportation was connected to the order of flood fighting and rescue. Lei Feng endured the pain of his burned hands and fought seven days and seven nights with his comrades in battle at the dam of Shangsi Reservoir. He broke his nails and got a second-class record.

Wanghua District held a large-scale production appeal and mobilization conference, the momentum is very strong, Lei Feng on the street to see this scene, he took out the passbook in the factory and the army saved 200 yuan, ran to the office of the Party Committee  District to donate to contribute to the construction of the motherland,。






After October 1960, Lei Feng served as an outside counselor of Jianjie Primary School (today's Leifeng Primary School) and Benxi Road Primary School in Fushun City. 

Lei Feng usually works and studies very busy. He can only use his lunch break or rainy days when he can not get out of the car to ask for leave to go to school to find teachers, talk to classmates, or other counseling activities. 

He is good at uniting children, inspiring them to study hard and make progress every day. Through Lei Feng's patience, Jianjianlu sixth grade Xiaoma students gradually overcome the shortcomings of playfulness and playfulness, made progress in their studies and wore red scarves.







Lei Feng often takes out his books for everyone to study, known as the "small Lei Feng library". He helped comrades learn knowledge. His classmate, Qiao An Shan, was not well educated. Lei Feng taught him how to read and how to do arithmetic. 

His classmate, Xiao Zhou's father, was seriously ill. When Lei Feng knew it, he wrote a letter to his family in the name of Xiao Zhou and sent him another 10 yuan. His comrade-in-arms, Han, burned several holes in sulphuric acid when he got out of the car at night. 

When Lei Feng came back on duty and found out, he took off his hat and patched his trousers needle by needle for Han and gently covered him. Qiao Anshan, who knew the situation, said, "Lei Feng has not slept for half a night to make up your trousers."










On December 18, 1940, Lei Feng was born in the family of a poor peasant in Jianjiatang, Leifeng Town, Changsha, Hunan Province. He joined the Chinese Young Pioneers in 1954, the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1960 and the Communist Party of China in November of the same year. In August 15, 1962, Lei Feng died in office on the age of 22.

Lei Feng's spirit, named after him, is the most influential one. Lei Feng's spirit refers to the revolutionary spirit which is constantly enriched and developed in practice with Lei Feng's selfless dedication as its basic connotation. It influenced the Chinese people from generation to generation.

The essence and core of Lei Feng's spirit is to serve the people wholeheartedly and selflessly for the cause of the people. It has become a synonym of spiritual civilization and a symbol of advanced culture in our times. 

Premier Zhou summed up Lei Feng's spirit comprehensively and incisively as "the distinct class standpoint of love and hate, the revolutionary spirit of unity of words and deeds, the communist style of public selflessness, and the proletarian fighting spirit of desperation".



Once, Lei Feng returned from Anton to transfer in Shenyang. As he was carrying her backpack through the underground passage, he saw a gray-haired old lady with a stick and a heavy burden on her back, walking with difficulty step by step. Lei Feng came forward and asked, "Aunt, where are you going?"

The old man was out of breath and said, "I came from Guan and went to Fushun to see my son!" As soon as Lei Feng heard that he was on his way, he immediately took over his heavy burden and held the old man in his hand and said, "Go, Aunt, I'll take you to Fushun." The old man was so moved that he praised him for a good child.

When he got into the carriage, he found a seat for her. He stood by, took out the bread he had just bought and stuffed it into her hands. The old lady pushed out and said, "Son, I'm not hungry. You can eat it!" "Don't mention it, aunt. First pad your stomach. " "Child" this kind name, gave Lei Feng very big feeling, he felt like the mother called his nickname as kind. He was around the old man, and he kept on with the old man.

The old man said that her son was a worker and had been out for several years. She was the first time to come. She didn't know where she lived. She took out a letter and Lei Feng took it. He didn't know the address above. The old woman asked Lei Feng eagerly, "do you know this place, son?"

Although Lei Feng did not know the address, Lei Feng knew the old man's eagerness to find his son and said, "Auntie, you can rest assured that I will help you find him." Lei Feng did what he said. When Fushun arrived, he took up the old man's burden and helped the old lady to look for his son with the map for more than two hours.

When mother and son met, the old lady said to her son, "Thanks to the PLA, otherwise, you will not be found." Mother and son repeatedly thanked Lei Feng. Lei Feng said, "thank you, this is what I should do."



老人上气不接下气地说 “俺从关内来,到抚顺去看儿子!”雷锋一听跟自己同路,立刻把大包袱接过来,用手扶着老人说:“走,大娘我送您到抚顺。”老人感动极了,一口一个好孩子地夸他。


老人说,她儿子是工人,出来好几年了。她是第一次来,还不知道住在什么地方哩 说着,掏出一封信,雷锋接过一看,上面的地址他也不知道。老大娘急切地问雷锋:“孩子,你知道这地方吗?”










In August 1960, a flood occurred in fushun, where the transportation was connected to the order to fight against the flood.

Wanghua call for mass production mobilization meeting was held, momentum, lei feng to handle affairs just saw this scene, he took out the passbook in factories and forces on saving 200 yuan to 203 yuan (passbook) run to donate to wanghua district party committee office, making contributions for the construction of the motherland, serve his comrades can't refuse his this friendship, so we have to take half. Another 100 yuan in liaoyang donated to the liaoyang people's worst floods. 

In our country under the condition of serious natural disasters, for national construction, to the disaster area donation from all have savings, but loathe to give up drinking a bottle of soda.










In August 1960, when the flood occurred in Fushun, the transportation was connected to the order of flood fighting and rescue. Lei Feng endured the pain of his burned hands and fought seven days and seven nights with his comrades in battle at the dam of Shangsi Reservoir. He broke his nails and got a second-class record.

Wanghua District held a large-scale production appeal and mobilization conference, the momentum is very strong, Lei Feng on the street to see this scene, he took out the passbook in the factory and the army saved 200 yuan, ran to the office of the Party Committee  District to donate to contribute to the construction of the motherland,。








Lei Feng (December 18, 1940 - August 15, 1962) was a example of the soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China.
LeiFeng,formerly named Lei Zhengxing, was born in a poor farmer's family in Dec 18 1940 in Jianjia Tang Disctrict,Wangcheng Town, Changsha City of Hunan Province. Lei was orphaned at 7 years old. He became a member in the Communist youth corps when he was young and joined a transportation unit of the People's Liberation Army at the age of twenty

雷锋(1940年12月18日-1962年8月15日),被中华人民共和国政府树立为中国人民解放军的模范.雷锋,原名雷正兴, 1940年12月18日,雷锋出生在湖南省长沙望城县简家塘一个贫苦农民家里.雷锋7岁成为孤儿.雷锋加入了中国共产主义青年团,20岁被分到人民解放军运输连.

Lei died in 1962 at the age of 22, when a telephone pole, struck by an army truck, hit him while he was directing the truck in backing up.


After Lei's death, his diary was published, and Lei was built up as a good example to the Chinese people to be cheerfully selfless and noble in thought.


On March 5, the anniversary day, many volunteers took part in various social commonweal activities at their spare-time. They could be seen everywhere, such as campus, public squares, residential communities and bus stops. They contributed their love in forms of teaching English, counseling in law affairs, taking care of orphans, cleaning notice boards, and so on.







百度百科 雷锋

于是雷锋顶风冒雪的跑回宿舍,叫了二十几个小伙子,又把自己的衣服、被子都抱到现场,盖在水泥上,大家经过一场雨夜激战,使七千二百多袋水泥没受到损失,可雷锋的衣、被却连泥带水搞了个一塌糊涂。4,雨中相助 有一天傍晚,天下起大雨,雷锋见公路上一位妇女怀里抱着小孩,手里还拉着小孩,身上...


电台作了广泛的宣传,雷锋同志陆续收到来自全国各地热情赞扬他的来信,他在日记中写下了这样一段话:“我的一切都是党给的,光荣应该归于党,归于热情帮助我的同志,至于我个人做的工作,那是太少了,我这么一点点贡献,比起对我的要求和期望还是很不够的……”6、关于雷锋的诗歌 《歌咏雷锋同志》...


雷锋故事一: 苦练 1960年1月8日,雷锋和新战士们一起,乘火车来到营口车站。这时,月台上锣鼓喧天,口号阵阵。新战士一走下火车,团首长和老战士们就立刻迎上来,热情握手,问寒问暖,争抢背包…… 雷锋被编入运输连手工艺新兵排,不久军事训练便开始了。 雷锋所在班的班长是个扎实、苦干的战士。他看雷锋个子小,力气...





民国二十九年(1940年)12月18日出生,雷锋在湖从雷锋身上体现出了艰苦朴素、 克勤克俭的共产主义高尚品德南长沙雷锋镇简家塘一户贫苦农民家里出生,这一年是农历庚辰年,父母给他取乳名叫“庚伢子”。1954年加入中国少年先锋队,1960年参加中国人民解放军,同年11月加入中国共产党。1961年5月,雷锋作为...

洛宁县18746344572: 关于雷锋乐于助人的一个英文小故事关于雷锋帮助别人的英文小故事最多70词、不超过80词.一个两个都可以、词汇简单些,.急明天要交、拜托了 -
贯解恒孚:[答案] Once Lei Feng to go out when the change in Shenyang Railway Station,a wicket,found a group of people around to see a ... lived in china". 一次雷锋外出在沈阳站换车的时候,一出检票口,发现一群人围看一个背着小孩的中年妇女,原来这位妇女从...

洛宁县18746344572: 雷锋的故事(英文版) -
贯解恒孚: Leifeng was a strange youngman in China.He's a fake man,produced to wash peasant's brain ,hypnotism 'em,made 'em belive if they give all their own to the others,and...

洛宁县18746344572: 谁能告诉我关于雷锋的事迹.要英语 -
贯解恒孚:[答案] From the beginning of 1961,Lei Feng was often invited to field a report,he is on business opportunities,serves for the people the opportunity to more people,circulating a such words:" Lei Feng travel ...

洛宁县18746344572: 关于雷锋的英语短文 -
贯解恒孚: Leifeng was a solider and a kind man.He was ready to help the other people.For example,for the blind men,we call them the disabled.Usually,they cannot see anything and this makes them very bored.When they go into the streets,it is not very easy ...

洛宁县18746344572: 谁能告诉我关于雷锋的事迹.要英语 -
贯解恒孚: Since 1961, Lei Feng has often been invited to report in other places. He has more opportunities for business trips and more opportunities for the people. People have said this: "Lei Feng is on a business trip for a thousand miles. ". When Lei ...

洛宁县18746344572: 关于雷锋的英语作文一定要原创的 -
贯解恒孚:[答案] Teacher esteemed and beloved ,beloved schoolmates:Everybody be fine!Today I ask the examination questions giving a lecture to be "Lei Feng by me ".Spring breeze in March can't blow the motherland earth green,all things on earth reveal we ...

洛宁县18746344572: my hero英语作文雷锋 -
贯解恒孚: My heroIn my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.LeiFeng is a person who are very famous in chinese history.In the past,many people knew him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.He ...

洛宁县18746344572: 谁能提供两个英文的雷锋典型故事,并配上中文说明 -
贯解恒孚: 雷锋真是好人呀.1他自己不吃零时,只喝白开水的.把钱寄给队友的妈妈看病用!2.雷锋很会做菜.给队友吃菜.真是好人呀.

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