
作者&投稿:林罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

最好是选其中的一个观点进行阐述,题目问你agree 还是disagree。analyse both views分析两个观点,难以很好地例证观点。最好一段总结观点不明确。先确定好观点,重新写吧,这样会比较好。
第一段, shuold拼写改为should; good比较级用better 不能用more good。
最好是选其中的一个观点进行阐述,题目问你agree 还是disagree。analyse both views分析两个观点,难以很好地例证观点。最好一段总结观点不明确。先确定好观点,重新写吧,这样会比较好。
第一段, shuold拼写改为should; good比较级用better 不能用more good。

in recent years, more and more students may have troubles in short-sightedness. what is worse,the short-sightedness students tend to be younger,even the pupils.
what are the reasons that more and more students have the trouble with short-sightedness? in my view,firstly,most students have bad reading habits, they take book too close to their eyes as they reading. Secondly, with the development of economy, most students have their own computers. They spent much time in playing computers rather than studying or sporting,which will make them short-sightedness . Thirdly,some students like watching TV and reading novels.Their behavior of reading their favourite novels day and night makes their eyes tired and can not have a good rest.
In order to solve this problem, I have following suggestions.Firstly, parents should limit their children's time in playing computer games,watchingTV or reading novels. They can do that for relax , but not too much. Secondly, students should develop a good reading habit. Thirdly,school should arrange for some eye exercises to keep students from short-sightedness.

1.It is said that a large shopping center will be built in our community.to是多余的,还有你要表达大型购物中心,只要用large就可以了,不需要用比较级。最后,这句话最好用被动语态好些,因为用there作主语 感觉很中式的英语。
2.The shopping center can serve all the things to us,which not only to our neighbor,but also to others.can情态动词后面用动词原形,not only前面加个which才能连接前面的句子,不然就是另外一个独立橘子,而不是跟前面句子组成的复合句了。but also是跟not only 并列的 所以也要加个to上去。
3.Every thing have two sides,building a shopping center is also like that.every 后面只能跟单数,对于“凡事都有两面”的翻译,现在可以告诉你一个更地道的表达法“every coin has two sides”。还有,如果用build a shopping center 作主语的话 要用building动名词做主语,我加的like that是指。。。也一样的意思。
4.Some people don't agree building it while others do.objiect指“反对”意思的时候,是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语,所以用agree会好些.
5.In my opinion,it brings us more advantages than disadvantages.比较级应该用more...than...的句式表达,还有这里用advantage和disadvantage会比较能让读者明白你想表达的意思。
6.Although it may lead to traffic jam if there is a large shopping center built in our community,it will make the economy of our community increase fast.还是一样,尽量不要用there做主语,还有make sth do 用动词原形就好了,不需要用increasing。
7.With the increasing economy,our living standard is increasing,too.这里前面是一个分句,不是一个完整的句子,所以不用is,生活水平/质量直接用living standard就好了,最后also用在句子前面,像:our living standard is also increasing.如果要用后面的话,改成too就没问题了。
8.What's more,it is convenient for us to buy everything we need,such as meat,vegetables,the drinds,the clothes,etc.表达“还有/更多的是”的词组是:what's more。想表达比如说 可以用such as 然后用etc或and so on.
同学 你文章的意思 我身为中国人 看懂是没问题的!老外就难了,因为有一些语法错误,所以你要多看些关于句型和词语的语法书。最后,我打字打了很久 希望对你有帮助。。。我是学英语专业的 如果有什么问题 可以问我11186863 我会尽量帮你的!还有 如果满意 记得给分哦 嘻嘻

it is said that there will build a larger shopping center in our community. the shopping center can serves all the things to us ,not only to our neighbor,but alse others.
every things have two sides, somepeople object to building a shopping center ,but others agree to.
in my view, it can bring benefits to us more than the harm. there may leed to traffic jam if a larger shopping center is built in our neighborhood,but there will make our community econnomy increasing quickly. with the economy is increasing, the standard of our living is increasing also. any more,it is convenient for us to buy everything we need,no matter the meat, the vegetables,the drinks or the clothes
恕我直言:思路清晰 ,表能能力 太差,啰啰嗦嗦,时态多处用的不对

It is said that 据说没to








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欧毅奥米: in recent years, more and more students may have troubles in short-sightedness. what is worse,the short-sightedness students tend to be younger,even the pupils. what are the reasons that more and more students have the trouble with short-...

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