
作者&投稿:包玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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A quarrel between the families of York and Lancaster over the right to occupy the English throne brought on a series of cruel civil wars in England in the years 1455 to 1485. The emblem of the Yorkists was a white rose and that of the Lancastrians a red rose. Because of this the wars were called the Wars of the Roses.

The families of York and Lancaster were descended from King Edward III. Henry VI, head of the Lancastrians, represented the third line of descent from Edward III. Richard, duke of York, was descended through his mother from the fourth son. Thus the Yorkists had a better claim to the throne than the Lancastrians, though they had been passed over in 1399 when Richard II was deposed. The Yorkists would have won no backing later if it had not been for the failure of the English armies in the Hundred Years' War, the mental and physical weakness of King Henry VI, and the excessive taxation and misrule at home (see Hundred Years' War).

At first Richard of York planned merely to take the government from incapable persons and secure it for himself. Later his ambition was to seize the crown. His ablest supporter was the earl of Warwick. The earl played so important a part, first on one side and then on the other, that he was called “the kingmaker.” On the Lancastrian side the real head of the party was Queen Margaret, a young and beautiful Frenchwoman who fiercely resisted attempts to dethrone her husband, Henry VI, and disinherit her son, Edward.

The struggle began when Richard of York won the battle of St. Albans in 1455 and secured control of the government. Four years later the contest was renewed. Richard was finally killed by the forces of Queen Margaret at Wakefield in 1460. His son, however—with Warwick's help—became king as Edward IV, the first of the Yorkist line. Henry VI was imprisoned. Then Warwick quarreled with Edward IV and helped Queen Margaret drive him from England and restore Henry VI in 1470. The next year Edward returned, and Warwick was killed in battle. King Henry's son was murdered at Tewkesbury in 1471. Queen Margaret's forces were destroyed, and she was captured. Several Lancastrians were executed. The king himself was assassinated on the day that Edward IV reentered London and seized the throne once again.

This ended the first period of the struggle. Fourteen years later war broke out again. Henry Tudor, the last Lancastrian representative, defeated and killed Richard III, the last Yorkist king, at the battle of Bosworth Field on Aug. 22, 1485. The victor became king as Henry VII, thus ending the Wars of the Roses. The following year Henry married Elizabeth of York, the daughter of Edward IV. After this marriage the white and the red roses were united in the rose of the Tudors, the emblem of a new line of English kings.

The Wars of the Roses broke the feudal power of the nobles and effectively marked the end of the Middle Ages in England. Many of the ruling nobles had been slain during the wars, and their estates were confiscated by the Crown.

Lawlessness had torn England since the beginning of the Hundred Years' War. It grew even worse during the Wars of the Roses. Not enough able leaders remained to maintain law and order. It was said that “few would venture alone into the country by day and fewer still into the towns by night.” The people longed for a strong government that would bring peace and prosperity. Henry VII seized the opportunity to reestablish the royal power and to launch policies that marked the beginning of modern England.


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宇文胁迈之: 老年性白内障多发生于50岁以上的人.晶状体本身逐渐混浊,而全身和局部未查出明显病因者.晶状体的混浊多开始于皮质浅层,一部分可先围绕着核发生,晶状体完全混浊需要数月或数年,也可停止于任何时期.老年性白内障,从初起到完全成熟,时间长短不一,一般2~5年,少则数月,长者可达十数年,可停止了某一个阶段,静止不变.药物治疗药物治疗通常能发挥作用,早期可以使用莎普爱思滴眼液,它对白内障有着很好的控制作用.

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