
作者&投稿:杜锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, I am bear 1
2, I am bear 2
3, I was a polar bear
2, There are a lot of food,what do you like?
1, I like meat and eggs
3, I like fish and penguins
2, we eat together
1,3, a good idea
1,2,3, OK


So,Hello, everyone. Today I'm going to talk about something important.
me famous sayings that you don't know. (这是根据楼主要求翻译的,但是感觉这样说不好,因为以下名言很多人都知道的。可以这样开头。Today, I will share with you some famous sayings.建议,供参考。)以下是翻译。

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, but the most important thing is the one percent inspiration which is even more important than that ninety-nine percent perspiration.

China is a sleeping lion, for which the whole world will tremble once she wake up. She is sleeping deeply, and thank godness,let it stay asleep.

直译的话就是lager than the ocean is the sky, even larger is the human mind.比较中式的表达,参考以下
The biggest thing in the world, bigger than the ocean and the sky, is your heart.
这是D.H. Choe的原话。感觉这样翻译就好了。

If I have seen a little farther than others, it's because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

The most valuable thing of human is life which belongs to everyone,and yet just for one time. One should have his or her life spent like this, when he or he looks back, he won't regret for wasting time,and won't feel shame for doing nothing. He or she will, when facing with the death, say that he or she has spent most of his or her life and all energy on the greatest and most beautiful undertaking - fighting for human liberation. We therefore should living our life to the most, for it may be ended suddenly by the unfortunate sickness and accident.

Knowledge is power,but what's more important is how to use it.


Some famous sayings that you don't know. (这是根据楼主要求翻译的,但是感觉这样说不好,因为以下名言很多人都知道的。可以这样开头。Today, I will share with you some famous sayings.建议,供参考。)以下是翻译。

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, but the most important thing is the one percent inspiration which is even more important than that ninety-nine percent perspiration.

China is a sleeping lion, for which the whole world will tremble once she wake up. She is sleeping deeply, and thank godness,let it stay asleep.

直译的话就是lager than the ocean is the sky, even larger is the human mind.比较中式的表达,参考以下
The biggest thing in the world, bigger than the ocean and the sky, is your heart.
这是D.H. Choe的原话。感觉这样翻译就好了。

If I have seen a little farther than others, it's because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

The most valuable thing of human is life which belongs to everyone,and yet just for one time. One should have his or her life spent like this, when he or he looks back, he won't regret for wasting time,and won't feel shame for doing nothing. He or she will, when facing with the death, say that he or she has spent most of his or her life and all energy on the greatest and most beautiful undertaking - fighting for human liberation. We therefore should living our life to the most, for it may be ended suddenly by the unfortunate sickness and accident.

Knowledge is power,but what's more important is how to use it.

演讲首先是问号,Hello, everyone. Today I'm going to talk about something important.
You don't know the famous saying
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, but that 1% inspiration is the most important, even more than 99% perspiration are important"

China is a sleep lion, once it wakes up, the whole world will tremble for. ... It sleeping, thank god and let it stay asleep!

Wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the heart

If I can see farther some, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants

The most precious is life. Life belongs to everyone, only once. The person's lifetime should be crossed -- when he look back, don't regret for wasting time, nor because liuliumowei shame. So, before he died, he was able to say: all my life and all energy, has been to the world's most magnificent career - for human liberation struggle. Therefore, must hurry life, because unfortunately disease or what tragic accident can always let life came to a sudden end.

"Knowledge is power, but it is more important to use knowledge skill."

That's all my presentation. Thank you.

The main purpose of this design is to enhance the urban green cover percentage and the quality of urban inhabitants' life as well as the urban ecological environment.

Hope to achieve a three-in-one design of plant landscaping, ecology and recreation. Its basic point is the eternal theme of the high degree harmony between man and nature.

北京城区不同绿化覆盖率和绿地类型与空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10) Inhalable Particulate Matter (PM10) Related to Different Green Cover Percentage and Greenbelt Types in Beijing

These are the sayings that you may not know:
The most important thing for a Genius is the inspiration of 1%, rather than the effort of the 99%.
China is a sleeping lion,so let it sleep, or she will shake the whole world.Thank godness,let it sleep.
As we all know the sky is wider than the sea,and what is wider than the sky is our heart!
If I can see farther some, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants
The most important thing for a man is his life,life belongs to everyone,and just for once.Don't you agree that one should have his life like this; when he look back, he don't regret for wasting time,and don't feel shame for his unsuccessful,so that when he faces the death,he could say:I have spent most of my life time and energy on the greatest and most beautiful career - for human liberation struggle.Just because of this we should taste our life for the most,so that we would not regreted for the ending of sickness and accident.
As we all know knowledge is power,but what's more important is how we use it.

You did not know the celebrity famous saying
Talent is 1% inspirations adds 99% sweat, but that 1% inspiration are most important, even is more important than 99% sweat.
China is a sleeping lion, once it wakes, the entire world can shiver for it. ......It in the deep sleep, is thanking God, lets it rest! Is broader than what the sea is the sky, what is broader than the sky is the will of the people, if I can look farther somewhat, that is because I stand on giant's shoulder.
What the human is most precious is the life. The life belongs to each person, has one time. Human's life must cross like this - -, when he looks back on past events' time, because of does not waste one's best years lamented, also not because of unsuccessfully and ashamed. Thus, when him at the point of death, he can say: My all lives and all energy, have given to the world the grandest enterprise - - to struggle for humanity's liberation. Therefore, must hurry to live, because the unfortunate disease or any pitiful accident momentarily might let the life end suddenly.
“the knowledge is a strength, but what is more important using knowledge skill.”

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英语大神们帮我把下面这些中文翻译为英文吧!急!!!谢谢 目前,全世界...
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1, saves on water is important implementing a sustainable development strategy measure. 2,makes great efforts to establish the water-saving type city, implementation of sustainable development. 3, the life popularizing the water-saving type energetically uses the water appliance. That 4, ...

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求英语高手帮我把下面的这些中文翻译为英文,变成一篇《我的假期》的作 ...
好长啊 但是我翻译出来了:Years may wrinkle the time old man quietly basked in invisible space between the woods on that day, playing fairies, already out of childhood red house, the green grass, bathed in the snow to rush to attractive maturity, in this clip the awaken of ...

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些翻译成英文!急!急!急!拜托各位大神1.我每天游泳. 2.他每天游泳. 3.它能游得非常好. 4.他们正在河里游泳. 5.它喜欢和朋友们一起玩. ... -
召媚阿司:[答案] 1.我每天游泳.I swim every day. 2.他每天游泳.He swims everr day. 3.它能游得非常好.It can swim very well. 4.他们正在河里游泳.They are swimming in the river. 5.它喜欢和朋友们一起玩.It likes playing with its friends. 6.他喜欢踢足球和跑步.He ...

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些句子翻译成英文~我看见了猴子们正在荡,两只狮子在打架,大象们正在喝水,老虎在睡觉,鸟在飞,斑马在走,兔子在跳 -
召媚阿司:[答案] I saw the monkeys to swing, two lions were fighting, the elephants were drinking water, the tiger was sleeping, the bird was flying, the zebra was walking, the rabbit was jumping

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些译成英语 向某人寻求帮助 把某事和某事做比较 抱怨某事 根本不 嘲笑 做笔记 为...担心 决定做某最后那个是 决定做某事 谢谢 -
召媚阿司:[答案] ask sb for help; compare sth with sth; complain about ;not at all ;laugh at ;take a note ;worry about;decide to do

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些译成英语 各种各样 花许多时间做某事 给慈善机构捐款 向我们解释.炫耀午饭后,天开始下起雨来我开始为考试做准备Can you show me how to start... -
召媚阿司:[答案] 各种各样all kinds of 花许多时间做某事spend a lot of time doing sth 给慈善机构捐款give money to charitable organizations ... 我开始为考试做准备I began to prepare for the examination Can you show me how to start the computer能否帮我演示一下怎么...

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些中文翻译成英文! -
召媚阿司: 地道翻译: Work hard, make every effort to work hard! 努力,全力以赴的努力! Never ever give up, though is the last second! 就是到了最后一秒钟也不放弃! I firmly believe that you are the best of all! 我坚信,你永远是最棒的! 希望楼主满意!!

包头市15376723059: 英语翻译哪位强人帮我把这些中文翻译成英文? -
召媚阿司:[答案] Today is May,12th.

包头市15376723059: 能帮我把这些译成英文吗?
召媚阿司: 1.Assassin's Federation Chongqing District 2.Special Envoy

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些东西拿到卧室去.翻译成英语 -
召媚阿司:[答案] Please help me to take these things to my bedroom. 帮我把这些东西拿到卧室去.

包头市15376723059: 谁能帮我把这些翻译成英语 -
召媚阿司: hello,everyone.My name is yuhuaiyuan,come from class one grade seven.there are four people in my family,my father ,my mother,my sister and I.My room is wonderful,you can see there is a big bed,where i can have a good rest. besides,there is a desk ,a chair ,a lamp and a sofe.

包头市15376723059: 帮我把这些翻译成英文,急~!!!要人工的哦~ -
召媚阿司: Now, we've all become high school students. Along with the growth of the age, the life also becomes more and more busy. Do you still remember them, once accompany us through an entire childhood them? First, let me take you over my they had ...

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