
作者&投稿:蹉子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today I read an article about our ancestors Yao, Shun and Yu. Maybe everybody knowsthis story but I will try my best to write it in English. We may read that Yao, Shun and Yu werethe first three great kings in China’s remotepast. And they all made great influence onChinese history. So for thousands of yearsafter, all the people hope that they can havesuch kings in our country and the courtofficials would yearn for yet never get toserve monarchs such as them. As we knowvery little about them a part from legend, wecan only speculate that they were probablytribal chieftains during the transitional periodfrom primitive to slave society. It is said that Yao was a descendent of Emperor Huang. And historical recordsportray him as being open-minded asthe sky and as wise as the gods. Peopleloved him in the way sunflowers turned tothe sun and longed to see him like dryland thirsting for rain and clouds. Sucha ruler could not incur human dissent,but then an immense flood, of a scaleno smaller than that described in theBible, deluged the country. King Yaoappointed Gun to harness the flood.For nine years, Gun did all he could tostop the waters from running amok,but without success. King Yao grew fatigued after 70 yearsas monarch. He transferred power toShun, rather than his morally corrupt son.The father did not want “the people to sufferin order to benefit his son.” King Yao didn’tmake the decision imprudently: He hadobserved Shun in every aspect, evenmarrying his two daughters to Shun so asto gain a closer understanding of his moralcharacter. Shun lived up to Yao’s expectationsby accomplishing many of Yao’s hoped-forobjectives, amongst which was the tamingof the great flood. Upon taking office, King Shun killed Gun forhis dereliction, and placed Gun’s son Yu incharge of tackling the floods. Drawing lessonsfrom his father, Yu resorted to diverting, ratherthan blocking, the waters. He joined the peoplein this hard work and didn’t take time to visit hisfamily for 13 years,

Do you like sport? I like it very much! Sometimes I like to do some sports with my friends. You should do the sport more, because it is very good for your healthy! On your free time, how about running?I always do it! Why don't you play basketball with your friends? It's very interesting! I think so. And why don't you play some games, it can relax to you!
Would you like to do some sports and play some games with me? Welcome to you!
That's all. Thank you!


1 China is an ancient vicissitudes of life, there is a country's long history. In the past five thousand years, China has been using his sonorous and powerful body, time and again crossed the dangerous, China has long been a firm body! At present, China has become increasingly strong, and will gradually close to the developing countries.
China's national treasures, giant pandas only charmingly naive, peony and opening up is the richest moment of time!
China! I love you!
This is all . thank you for your listening !中国是一个古老沧桑,历史悠久的国家。在过去的五千年里,中国用自己铿锵有力的步伐迈过了一个个时代,走到今天,已经俨然成为一个拥有伟岸身躯的国家!现在的中国日益强盛,向着发展中国家逐步逼近。

2000年季小军加盟中央电视台英语频道,曾先后主持《环球了望》(WORLD WIDE WATCH)、《央视新闻》(CCTV NEWS)、《体育新闻》(SPORTSCENE)及《今日中国》(CHINA TODAY)等栏目,并曾主持多次重大事件的直播,如:伊拉克战事直播、非典危机直播、首届博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式、北京2008年奥运会标志揭幕仪式直播...

当她幸运的成为中国招收的第七批女飞行员时,她就开始为航天梦而奋斗。在航空航天这个特殊的纪律团队中,她艰苦奋斗,小心谨慎地融入这个群体,终于圆了自己的航天梦,也为中国的航天奉献了自己的力量。 梦——可想而知是幻想,是不存在的,那是另一个空间。但我们却拥有梦想---梦想是什么? 在卖火柴小女孩眼里,梦想...

亲爱的同学们,我们掌握英语,得以了解西方文化,与此同时,又不失本民族的文化特征。因此,促进中国与世界的文化交流与相互理解是我们神圣的责任。我有一个美好的梦想,我梦想中国的年轻一代不仅仅在喝可口可乐、看好莱坞影片中成长,而且还受益于我们的 父辈所从未梦想过的多元文化所带来的深远影响。最后...

谁命名中国china之名 年月
在前面提到的研究中,刘禾考察了清朝和欧美霸权在语言学意义上的遭遇,这一遭遇导致具有长久历史的词语意义发生了剧烈变化,产生了我们今天在英语(和其他欧洲语言)中理解的“China”以及汉语中的等价词语,特别是今天居住在那里的人们用以称呼自己国家的名称—中国。这也意味着,那里的居民,“Chinese people”,便有了“...

毕业于江西省吉安师范专科学校(井冈山大学)英语系。从事英语教学20多年,现为中学高级教师。 向TA提问 私信TA 关注 展开全部 新目标英语七年级上册单词表...3. China 中国4. before prep.在…以前5. hobby n.业余爱好6. today n.& adv.今天;今日7. a lot of 许多;大量8. life n.生活9. Martin 马丁...





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