dIEGO Suarez is a 14-year-old Boliviandoy.怎么翻译?

作者&投稿:仍肯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Slice•The space tile pull, a is called "red guest Han" of swim shot revolutionist, 1 are praise for"communism hall?The Ji He is virtuous"of idealism, the brief time table which uses him for 39 years wrote a life legend.
Slice•The space tile pull, is living in Argentina on June 14, 1928 Ao in the Sa save.He graduates from University of Buenos Aires a medical science to fasten.The space tile which be the Argentine person of good education of once is subjected to pull, originally can choose a stable comfort and ease life, however, but he abandonned all these and threw in Latin America of revolution war signal.In 1955, the space tile pull at Mexico exiled with the Cuban Revolution card Si especially become friends with, from now on joined Cuba of revolution conflict.Once held the post of Cuba national bank to go long and industrial minister after the revolution victory.For the sake of Cuba constuct to become 1 to have no poor, exploit of lately national, the space tile pulls many times to visit abroad, become Cuba the national affairs activity of the Zhao house.But, March, 1965, after he visit second, not- national return to Havana, Cuba the top of political arena didn't appear the figure that the space tile pull again.Originally, this naturally of the revolutionist has already cubaed resigned from the whole jobs of party, government, soldier and continue to carry on an anti- emperor conflict at other nations.
In his eyes, Africa doubtless suffers imperialistic oppress the most serious region.Slice?The space tile pulls first in Congo eastern guerrilla warfare of the gold sand Sa leadership and return in 1966 Latin America, thorough Bolivia the bush open the revolution activity of the exhibition"swim to shoot heart".On October 7, 1967, the space tile pull of swim a shot troops to be Bolivia surround by the government soldier, the space tile pulls to be capture.On October 9, 1967, he is Bolivia been 39 years old by the year for authorities to kill, .
Space tile's pull is a revolutionist which is full of intense emotion, is 1 is a justice, dedicate the idealism of body for the truth.Be an Argentine person, for the sake of the justice, his hurl body in Cuba of revolution business;Conduct and actions Cuba and nationally founds, for the sake of the truth, his giving up has already have of everything, thorough Bolivia bush, continue in verily the hardship of the environment the guerrilla warfare of anti- emperor.He is 1"hall?The Ji He is virtuous"the legendary figure of type, always pay no attention to use the tragically heroic history that the own life writes a communism warrior with the astonishment to the people of this world.
Conduct and actions is personal and space tile's pull is strong and resolute and firm.At the age of 2, he suffered from an asthma disease.Struggled to whet to practice him the will and confidence of the superman over a long period of time with paroxysm.At the thick bush, square face, pure white, sword eyebrow, bushy beard, wear the circular soft hat, right hand to hold Diao in the tommy gun, mouth the space tile of cigar to pull a town certainly self-composed, orderly direct guerrilla warfare, he is benignly called "red guest Han".At time of execution ex-, the space tile pulls gun muzzle of face the enemy, nowise shrink back, "open fire, chicken heart!You have to what to kill be a he-man!"This be a voice of hero, is 1 for the sake of the truth but unyielding roars!


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