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求翻译高手!英文翻译!谢谢了! 不要翻译软件或谷歌翻译的!~

your class will go on an outing next week.choose one of these places.put a tick in the circle.
In groups of three,talk about the rules in this place.Make notes.


Thinking on the Development of China's Corporate Bond Market--The Status and Prospect Analysis of China's Corporate Bond Market
摘 要:由于政策限制,信用评级制度不完善,债券的流动性差等原因导致了我国企业债券市场的发展缓慢和资本市场的失衡,采取相应的对策加快企业债券市场的发展,对于拓宽企业融资渠道,丰富证券投资品种,促进资本市场协调发展具有十分重要的现实意义。
Abstract: Some factors have led to the slow development and unbalanced capital market in China's corporate bond market, which include limitations in policy, imperfection in credit rating system, and
poor liquidity of the bonds. Consequently to take corresponding countermeasures, so as to accelerate the development of corporate bond market, broaden the financing channel, enrich the securities investment varieties, will offer very important and practical significance.
关键词:企业债券市场 现状 问题
Key Words: corporate bond market, status, problem

谢谢你的回信, 你看这里医院的医生告诉我他们用中药来治疗我 因为中药大大的帮了我的忙我决定把我的钱拿去帮中国人, 而现在我们也必须帮日本那裏的人

我希望能透露更多关於寄存的箱子的状态的信息 以便更佳理解我们该怎样成功确信它被重置在你的保管下 才能有效分配到那些你提起过的地区

不管怎样 我希望你理解 当多年前我被诊断出这个末期疾病时我指导我分居的老婆和我前任律师编撰我们的家庭财产已便我发出有证据的遗嘱和确信大部分被捐到慈善事业 根据我已去世的父亲的临终嘱咐 可是让我惊讶的我分居的妻子和前任律师改变了大部分财产和资产到他们的名下 然后她才正式申请跟我离婚 离婚最后被允许了 之后我就决定一辈子都不要再和律师打交道了

当我离异的妻子和前任律师离开国家和定居在美国时我父亲的长期的银行经理打电话给我 告知我我去世的爸爸定存了总计 一千八百万美元和指示他只能在他死后两年告诉我 所以我告知我律师和离异的妻子对我做出的好事 而他建议我秘密取出这笔钱再把钱移到资产公司以保护这笔钱 直到我好的能照顾自己

基金被装在两个紧封的银色的盒子直到我们和基金公司订下合约打这笔钱重新寄放到他们在伦敦的公司总部 那裏它被登记为个人财物和照片事物一直直到现在 所以我们现在必须做的就是跟基金公司开始讨论以便他们把既存的东西重寄到你那已便让你开始分配

I have officially notified the asset firm that you will be contacting them on my behalf, so they have my mandate to release the boxes to you, so when you contact them they will have to inform you what to do to enable them freight the boxes to your location. Go ahead and initiate the contact.

Of importance also is the fact that I made the deposit as personal treasures and photo-graphic materials which makes the freight less significant since I did not disclose that we have got cash money sealed in the boxes all for obvious reasons.



it's too long,most of us don't have so much time to deal with it

1.预报地震 - forewarn earthquake 2.模仿狗鼻子的嗅学功能制作"电子警犬""电子鼻"by mimicking the olfactory function of dogs, produce "electronic dog","electronic nose"3.热情,以主人为中心督促按时起床按时跑步 passionate, wake up and go jogging based on master's timing 4.夜晚帮主人壮胆...

求英语超级高手翻译一段文字,100分,有追加。非常感谢 乱翻译的绕道
Though my English is poor grades, but I decided to use your best expression to apologize.Don't know if we were meant to be like this, every time is very fine beginning, but always because my brain problems cause relationship imbalance.All leaders are not in the afternoon, I ...


英语高手翻译一下内容 200悬赏分 谢谢
I am asking Jerome and each plant ERP coordinator develop a comprehensive and concrete improvement action plan by plant reflecting the top five most common areas\/tasks for having inaccurate and incomplete data integrity 我要求杰罗姆和每个工厂的ERP 协调员根据各自工厂发展一个全面而具体的改善...

是这样的:Hello! I am Hunan mechanical and electrical institute graduating faculty graduate, specialized is the international trade practice, in July I smoothly will graduate. In the near future learned your firm is advertising for the talented person, I will be self-confident I to be...

今天很荣幸有这样一个难得的机会展示自己,参加这次面试我会竭尽全力的。I'm honored to have this opportunity to show myself, and I'll definitely do my best in the interview.你好,我的中文名字叫**,英文名字为**,你可以叫我 Good morning\/afternoon, my name is X, and my English ...

I was still learning to cope with the all-too-familiar pain of my father's recent death—an event with which I had not yet come to terms1.十八岁那年,我告别纽约市布鲁克林区的家,来到英格兰约克郡的利兹大学攻读历史.那是我生命中一段既兴奋又抑郁的时光,因为我一面要适应并不熟悉的周...

1. 据说这部电影下周将要上映。It's said the movie will be on next week.2. 以前我从未离开过中国。I've never been out of China before.3. 他降落在全世界每户房顶上,然后顺着烟囱往下爬。He lands on every roof all over the world and climb down through the chimney.4. 他迫不及...

巧了,我就是学数据库的。翻译如下,望楼主满意:Database Basics The purpose of a database is to store the day-to-day operational information required by an organization. Any means of collecting and organizing data is a database.数据库基础 数据库用来储存办公机构的日常操作信息。任何...

By his having originality of his own guiding us,we develop with amazing speed.What is more significant is that we develop the habbit of thinking about often and feeling about often.It lays the solid foundation of carrying out future work successfully.纯人工翻译,十分辛苦,望采纳 ...

保德县13874706379: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~不要网络翻译机的那种,那些翻译来的都不正确,语法错的严重,请真正懂英语的人帮忙亲自翻译下,有高分酬谢... -
藩易脑麦:[答案] 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form,and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters.」 (地...

保德县13874706379: 高分悬赏翻译,求英语高手 -
藩易脑麦: 你好,为你的翻译如下:1.Satisfaction is the standard.2.standard.3.Statutory High-efficience4.High-efficience5.Warmth in stricture6.warmth7.Moving is the goal8.goal9.Providing service with permanent standard10.start a high-efficient work journey...

保德县13874706379: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢~ -
藩易脑麦: 朋友,你好,我又快又好的给你翻译完了.我以前是做翻译的,请你放心本文的质量,任何场合都可以拿去用.别忘了把我的答案设为最佳答案,以后要是再有什么东西需要翻译的话,可以再找我.哈哈,谢谢.As technology is developing, ...

保德县13874706379: 高分!英语高手帮忙翻译一下(不要翻译器的翻译)
藩易脑麦: 1. 在逃离前一定先要给救生衣充气. 2. 充气时,先把救生衣放下.为了得到充足的空气,要在救生衣的两侧的管内同时充气. 3. 将救生衣穿上,绕过你的头,将带子缠绕你的腰部,收紧带子. 4.这个是旅客安全需知.

保德县13874706379: 高分求英文翻译,在线等 -
藩易脑麦: 手工翻译,有问题,请留言~!Dear ...,Howa are you?Thank you sincerely for your concern and help to *** Company. Please receive our most kind-hearted wishes and respect when the new year is coming. We hope you will have a smoothy work, ...

保德县13874706379: 麻烦英语高手翻译下,不要在线翻译的那种,谢谢,高分相送 -
藩易脑麦: I'll never stop waiting for you until you can feel my heart beating.I will make it authentic for you to believe in me. You are the first girl that l want to treasure.You give me the courage and a chance to live peacefully.You are a little cute chinese girl,yeah,...

保德县13874706379: 高分求高手翻译下面这个题目翻译成英语题目 不要用网上的翻译工具哦 谢谢 -
藩易脑麦: The research of microblog marketing tourism which based on Swot Analytical Method.基于swot分析法的旅游微博营销研究希望对你有帮助,望...

保德县13874706379: 高分求翻译英语,帮忙翻译一下.谢谢 -
藩易脑麦: 你好,为你的分析如下:先把句子划开来看:it must be certified good by the bank/ on which is drawn for payment/ up to the 22nd day of September,2011up to the 22...

保德县13874706379: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
藩易脑麦: Sex realtionship is human only when it is brought into the orbit of verbal communication. Without wife or husband, there would be not ta...

保德县13874706379: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,不要在线翻译的,谢谢 -
藩易脑麦: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

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