
作者&投稿:纵薇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1"You want to improve your IQ?"
2"You want to create record?"
3"If your answer is' yes', rob, join us in 11.15."

① If everyone can abide by traffic rules and road safety on more.
② If you violate traffic rules, you should receive punishment.
③ If you encounter trouble, they told me.
④ In order to avoid hitting truck, he left.
⑤ the job done in one day is impossible.


1. place have fought
2.had been
3.strong enough to push

1. place /had /fought
2.have been
3. strong enough to push

1.Let's go to play baseball.2.He has many friends.3.Write your school supplies on a list.4.My favourate sports are football and tennis ball.5.That boy doesn't know your phone numbers and identity card numbers.6.Can you play piano?NO,but I want to jion the school music ...

bath at this time next week.4.快的,音乐会现在马上将要开始。Hurry up,the concert will begin soon.5.如果这次休假去巴黎,那将是我三次访问那了 If I will go to Paris for this vacation,I will have been there for three times.时态蛮多的~~~参考资料:我是英语老师 帮帮你 ...

2. 最前卫的管理与科技的语言无可厚非的就是英语。有能力吸收这个信息可以说是新世纪的关键。3.There is an urgent need to have a workforce that is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.3. 现在急需一个精通这个语言的团队来面对信息技术的冲击。希望能帮...

are you in a hurry, Sir?20.我给你打了几次电话,但是没人接。I called him several times, but got no answers.21.我从中国打来的(电话)。This is from China.22.你需要确认一下我的票吗?Do you need to check my ticket?手工翻译。保证正确简单。都是平时自己常用的!笑纳!

1.Once I lost all my money when I was in Shanghai, and a kind-heated man do me a favour.2.Find the police when you runi into trouble.3.The man never let others see his tears, just not having reached his deepest sadness.4.An honest man welcomed everywhere.5.What make ...

1. The new stadium is situated in the east of the city.2. They were disappointed,for nobody gave them an aid.3. As is known to us , driving in the heavy fog is dangerous.4. The development of modern science has made it possible to explore the Universe.5. He has been...

1.Can I have lunch with you?Certainly 2.Can I have a car like this?No,you can't.It's too expensive.We can't afford it.3.My mother often helps me to wash the clothes.4.Let us have a conversation.5.My best wishes to you 6.What is the time? Ten minutes past ten....

8.他常常帮助我学英语 He often (help)(me)(for)my english 9.他昨天上学迟到了 He (was)(late)(for)school yesterday 10.谢谢你参加我们的节目 Thank you (for) (joining) our game 11.晚饭后我必须带狗去散步 I (have) to (take) my dog (for) a (walk) (after) supper 12.上个...

1:在我们公司,这个岗位是上夜班,请问你介意吗?还有上夜班对你有何影响吗?比如那方面,是身体、精神还是生活?请如实说来,谢谢!2:请问你来自哪个国家,你是个诚实的人,我很喜欢你!3:你喜欢农村还是城市,简单说下理由?你觉得农村和城市的区别?1: In our company, this job is working ...

英语造句 简单点 要有翻译
1.The reason why I went to Beijing was that I had to visit my sister.我去北京的原因是我要拜访我的姐姐。2.I went to Beijing but I didn't see my sister.我去了北京,但是并没有见到姐姐。3.With so many different forms of poety to choose from,I felt confused.有这么多的诗歌...

松阳县18493024269: 帮忙翻译几个简单的英语句子 1.他爱跟别人开玩笑He - _ - to - ___ - ____ - _____others2.我们教师前有两棵树There - _____ - two thees - ___ - ____ - ____ - ... -
歧奚口炎:[答案] 1. likes/loves, play jokes on2. are, in front of3. talking, is coming4. reading, listening to5. is good at playing/does well in playing6. What, think of/about7. ate/had, at, last, was delicious/tasty8...

松阳县18493024269: 简单的英语翻译句子1.世界之大,无奇不有.(2种)2.孩子们会用纸做花.3.好鱼常在水底游./真人不露相. -
歧奚口炎:[答案] 1.Big world, anything-goes.还有一个我不太清楚 2.The children will do a flower with the paper. 3.The good fish often swims in water bottom./True person not mutually.

松阳县18493024269: 翻译几句简单的句子(英语),谢谢1:小姐,我这边有点忙,我可能会晚点到,行吗?(电话用语)2:我在您家的附近,我最多晚10分钟到,可以吗?(电... -
歧奚口炎:[答案] 1,miss,I'm busy,I will be late,Ok?2,I'm near to your home ,I will be late for 10 minutes at most,OK?3,did you find you missed to order something?4,if you have any special need,please tell handyman,the...

松阳县18493024269: 英语翻译求大神翻译三个英语句子,第一Every thing will be good第二It is my last第三At the end 大神也可以结合起来看, -
歧奚口炎:[答案] 1.每件事情都会是好的 2.那是我最后的一场 3.最后

松阳县18493024269: 3个简单英语句子(翻译) -
歧奚口炎: It is not polite to make noise when having noodles.You should ask what you should wear.I used a wrong way to greet my mum.肯定对

松阳县18493024269: 很简单,初中英语句子翻译: 1.Lucy看起来很精神. 2.这在中国很常见. 3. -
歧奚口炎:[答案] 1Lucy looks very energetic. 2 It's common in China. 祝你快乐:)

松阳县18493024269: 翻译四个简单的英语句子1.我劝小李经常回家看看父母2.谁强迫你离开你的祖国3.我们认为朗读是很好的学习英语的方法4.我认为继续这个计划是浪费时间 -
歧奚口炎:[答案] I talk xiaoli into visiting his parents usually who forced you to get away from your motherland we think that read loudly is an very good way to learn english i think that it's a waste of time to continue this plan

松阳县18493024269: 请帮忙翻译几个简单的英语句子(需要绝对准确的) -
歧奚口炎: 1、它能破坏我们的环境 It damages our environment.2、它能伤害我们的身心 It does harm to us physically and mentally.3、它浪费了我们大量的时间和金钱 It wastes lots of time and money of us.4、它对我们有很大的帮助 It helps us a lot.5、我们需...

松阳县18493024269: 英语翻译三句,超级简单的
歧奚口炎: 1、勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一.(infect) Washing hands often is a very effective way of avoiding being infected with diseases. 2、这条铁路横贯平原,把那个偏远山城与海港连接了起来.(remote) The railroad runs across the plain, ...

松阳县18493024269: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子,很简单,谢谢!1.Mr Green delicious rood very much. He often eats such food in a big restaurant, but he needn't pay money. Do you ... -
歧奚口炎:[答案] Mr Green delicious rood very much. 这句翻译不出来,句子不对,看看是不是打错了,后面一句:他经常在一个大餐厅里吃这样的食物,但是他不需要付钱.你知道为什么吗?他是. 在墙之间藏着一个有耳朵的男人.在那儿,他不停地讲话,但是没有人...

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