Mubarak speech turns elation in Tahrir Square to anger,求标题翻译,谢谢~

作者&投稿:迟施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Bahrain square becomes new center for Arab anger 求标题翻译,谢谢~~


是通过那首著名的sex知道的lovege乐队,很喜欢那首歌。整张专辑主题是情欲,这首歌也不例外。整首歌辞皆是诗化了的情欲~~作者将高潮说成“上帝惩罚我”~~那句“plant the apple seed"让我十分狼狈,直译太含蓄,意译太露骨,呵呵。

Anger Management

My inner demons compel me to be here 心中恶魔挟我降临与你见面
your cheeks are flush like rose petals 你的脸颊红润如玫瑰的花瓣
you're consumed with rage but i'm consumed with you 我痴迷于你而你却痴迷于狂狷

our eyes intertwine through the haze 你我眼神穿过烟霾纠缠
intoxicated by your bloodshot stare 你含血的凝视醉了我眉眼
in all of my dreams i never thought i'd see 即是梦中我也不敢想象能看见
a face that could launch a thousand ships 你这一张可以发动千船的脸

and the music was like wind in your hair 乐曲如轻风穿过你发间
the moonlight caressed your silhouette 月光拥吻着你绝美的侧脸
kiss of ocean mist is in the air 海雾点点萦绕在你我身边
why must god punish me this way 上帝啊你为何如此残酷惩罚我千年

lay down my hand the next move is yours 放下我的手是你善意的刁蛮
as you undress me with your frozen eyes 你用你冰冷之瞳让我带解衣宽
in all of my dreams I never thought I'd see 即是梦中我也不敢想象能看见
an endless love to share my blue lagoon 这一段共涉蓝色礁湖的无尽缠绵

and the music was like wind in your hair 乐曲如轻风穿过你发间
the moonlight caressed your silhouette 月光拥吻着你绝美的侧脸
kiss of ocean mist is in the air 海雾点点萦绕在你我身边
why must god punish me this way 上帝啊你为何如此残酷惩罚我千年

happiness is hard to come by 幸福本来难以期盼
but I've had my fair share 但我早已学会品尝绚烂
the satin sheets, the lemon peels 柠檬果皮,绸缎的床单
the minor keys, the major pills 少量琴键,大量的药丸
we've climbed the mountain, saw the top 我们已经爬上山峰看到顶端
and planted the apple seed 彼时你我震颤纠缠
and can't you see we could've had it all 你怎能说我们不曾生死相伴

and the music was like wind in your hair 乐曲如轻风穿过你发间
the moonlight caressed your silhouette 月光拥吻着你绝美的侧脸
kiss of ocean mist is in the air 海雾点点萦绕在你我身边
why must god punish me this way 上帝啊你为何如此残酷惩罚我千年

and the music was like wind in your hair 乐曲如轻风穿过你发间
the moonlight caressed your silhouette 月光拥吻着你绝美的侧脸
kiss of ocean mist is in the air 海雾点点萦绕在你我身边
why must god punish me this way 上帝啊你为何如此残酷惩罚我千年

why must god punish me this way 上帝啊你为何如此残酷惩罚我千年
this way, this way, this way ...





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