口语问题 高手指教

作者&投稿:赤蔡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

形容动词词干 + ではない(或ではありません)


The main point of lecture is that some aquatic organisms vertically migrate through bodies of water for the purposes like searching for food or escaping from predators. The professor explains this concept by giving an example of squids.
According to the lecture, squids feed on tiny creatures in the oceans. It is easy for them to see the food on water surface during the day when the sunshine is strong; however, they also place themselves in danger by attracting predators under the sunshine.
So squids travel to the bottom of water and avoid their natural enemies in daytime, while migrating to the surface for food in the evening. They are safe and invisible on the water syface at night and don’t have to worry about the attack from their predators.
Overall, suids keep traveling between surface abd bottom of the oceans every day.

interesting 后面的音节发ting;
feeling 发fi: ling,是因为ee在这里发长音 i: ,后面的ling在一起发ling的音;
sophomore 的phom 发fe,这里关键是学会断音,so-pho-more;


interesting 后面的音节是发ding还是ting,是英语和美语的不同啊,都对,至于后两个就是约定俗成的了

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店仪虎地:[答案] 这个是很典型的中西文化的一个差异现象~ 你只要记住哈~如果有或者是这个事实你就回答Yes 如果没有或者不是这个事实你就回答No 所以你回答No就可以啦~

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店仪虎地: 5The best teacher is your parents.

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