
作者&投稿:邱于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My dear old friend,

How have you been keeping lately? I have just done a 10 days shift non stop, kind of very tired. Tomorrow is Saturday and I still have to go to work! I can only have a rest on Sunday.
I am really longing to go to Germany one day. My last trip to Germany had really broadened my view. It was just a bit too short. There were so many places I couldn't visit, and kind of feeling a bit of regret.
That's right, I forgot to tell you last time, If you are sending me letters, you better write down my mobile number. That way, it would be more convenient for the post men to delivery them. My mobile number is 186****
Finally, wish you would be very happy every day!

Best friend of yours,



I had just learnt from Liu's blog that she blamed you for causing her almost stumble by pulling her leg in the race, and she was disappointed and upset about it. However, I would rather believe that the incident was unintentional because of your clean record in past competitions; never had you made physical contacts with any foreign competitiors.
This year In the Changchun 500-meter race semi-final event, you had made a mistake but taken the initiative to slow down in order to avoid bumbing into Zhao; this proves that you are an athlete of noble cast. It is my conviction that you will not disappoint me.


Shin-Young.I just enter Liu qiuhong's
blog, she said you pull after her legs in the
game , almost made she fell. Liu qiuhong felt disappointed and angry.But I believe you were not on purpose to do that, because you have a very clean history in your formal competitons, you did not have any crash with other foreign competitors. in the 500-metre semifinals in Chang Chun this year you have made a mistake : you slowed down yourself in order not to touch zhaonannan,whichi is enough to prove that you are a noble player, I'm sure you won't let me down. I still appreciate you very much.



I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down.

i went into liu's blog just now, she said you have pulled her leg in the match and nearly made her fall off. liu felt disappointed and angry, but i am willing to believe that you did not mean it, because you have a very clean history in your formal competitons, you did not have any crash with other foreign competitors. in the 500-metre semifinals in Chang Chun this year you have made a mistake : you slowed down yourself in order not to touch zhou, whichi is enough to prove that you are a noble player, i believe you will not disppoint me.

just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull after her legs in the game , almost made she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe you were not on purpose to do that, because you are very clean the games before, did not have any collition with other players . In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally had error, in order to avoid encountering Zhao,you slowed speed. it shows your noble character . i believe you will not disppoint me.

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翻译几个英文句子 英语高手来!!
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1.Rivaries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.敌意让人痛苦、互相仇视,易于引起暴力。2.In addition,the time for chnging one`s mind was over and gone and there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.另外,已经没有时间让你改变心意了,...

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手,翻译成中文 -
耿贡产后: 1.i have tryed all these ways to adjust myself,to relase pressure.2.music is a inconceivabal lauguage ,it can also express different emotion.3.these friends from daily life and lnternt, they all take part of my time at parttime and workdays .4.press ,can ...

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手..翻译.. -
耿贡产后: you clearly understood that I like you.明明知道喜欢你,明明就是clearlyI like you from the beginning. 英语本来就是一开始的意思,我一开始就喜欢你

上甘岭区18272685513: 求高手翻译成英语. -
耿贡产后: 我有一个梦想,想成为篮球高手!进入NBA是我一个伟大遥远的梦!我爱你,篮球.等着我宝贝,来吧,我是天才!美女,崇拜我吧!I have a dream to become a basketball player! The NBA is me a great distant dream! I love you, basketball. Wait for me baby, come on, I be a genius! Beauty, worship me!

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手翻译 -
耿贡产后: 原句语法不完善:试着补充1、what i expect is to get out of school. 我所期望的是设法走出学校.2、what can I expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我能期望得到什么?3、what should i expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我该期望什么?

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手,翻译!懂的来,速度采纳! -
耿贡产后: 1. No matter where you are, I will find you. 2. I dare to go there, but he daren't. (dare 敢 可作情态动词也可用作实意动词)

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手给翻译 ! -
耿贡产后: 1.西方人 westerners2.敲邻居的门 knock on your neightbours3.把蜡烛放在里面 put the candles in4.光透过···闪烁 The light glimmered through5.人们以多种方式庆祝万圣节 People celebrate...

上甘岭区18272685513: 求高手英语翻译 -
耿贡产后: 零售商们站在火线的最前沿,并且首当其冲将承受这次降低成本所带来的冲击.be in the immediate line of意思是“站在…的最前沿”.

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手,翻译词语
耿贡产后: 社保及种类 social security and types合同起止日 contract start-stop day工商卡 industry and commerce card紧急联系人 emergency contact 性别 gender

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手翻译 -
耿贡产后: 1),其前身骨架2)听的音乐3)全面的拖放出战斗4)强大的民意反弹5)当地文化侵蚀6)一个似是而非的推定7)事件的紧迫性8)的叛乱闪光9)赚钱的生意10)横行11)在木清理12)一个令人放心的家庭气氛...

上甘岭区18272685513: 求英语高手翻译
耿贡产后: 身体是革命的本钱 1.health is the source of revolutionary 2.health is pre-condition of all word 3.wealth is nothing without health 4.nothing without health

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