帮忙翻译一下 1多看书,少上网,好好学习英语,认真准备考研 2多付出,多宽容他人,对人谦和知道感恩。 3

作者&投稿:阎莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we should be grateful and tolerate.

Therefore, because the loved mercy, because to understand why tolerance

1.More than one reading, less the Internet, to learn English, serious examination preparation.
2.Give more and more tolerant of others, human and humble to know gratitude.
3.Drink plenty of water, more exercise, less staying up late, for adequate sleep, good habits.
4.Complete assignments on time, do not drag, so organized. Happy to do everything carefully to enjoy faster every day, you are the best.

1. Read more books, surf internet less, learn English, and prepare for (post)graduate study.
2. Contribute. Tolerate. Be friendly and grateful.
3. Drink more water. Exercise more. Don't stay up late. Train yourself for good habits.
4. Don't procrastinate. Be organized. Do everything carefully.
5. Enjoy everyday. You are the best.

注:1. 这些非正式语言,因为你说要顺溜点,地道点。说实话,这是中国版的地道,但是在中国用足够了,如果是别的用途,请说明
2. 标语口号不需要在语法上做到完全正确(虽然我尽量避免了错误),断句是允许的
3. 第四句“按时”和“不拖拉”重复了,所以我只用了“不拖拉”
4. 最后一句话,“开心快乐”和“享受”重复了,所以我只用了“享受”

1. Read more, surf internet less, learn English, and prepare for (post)graduate study.
2. Contribute. Tolerate. Be friendly and grateful.
3. Drink more water. Do more exercise. Never stay up late. Sleep enough.Develop good habits.
4. Don't procrastinate. Be organized. Do everything carefully.
5. Enjoy everyday. You are the best.

1.Read more books and do not surf the Internet too often,be hardworking in learning English,and get ready for the test.
2.Pay more,and be generous and kind to others,and know how to thank others for their help.
3.Drink more water,do more exersice,do not stay up late that often,try to get more sleeping time and form good habits.
4.Finish the homework in time,don't put it for too long,do everything in order.Finish everything carefully and enjoy everyday happily.You're the best!

More than one reading, less the Internet, to learn English, pay careful examination preparation more than 2, more tolerant of others, human and humble to know gratitude. 3 more water, more exercise, less staying up late, fighting for adequate sleep, time to develop good homework habits 4, no drag, so organized. Happy to do everything carefully to enjoy faster every day, you are the best

1 many books and less on the Internet, learn English well, preparation of grind
2 give more and more tolerant of people, the people body-building know how to be grateful.

3 drink water more, more exercises, less stay up late, strive for adequate sleep, form a good habit
4 to finish your homework, do not drag, achieves in perfect order. Conscientiously carry out everything
Happy fast enjoy every day, you are the best

合阳县18686668955: 求英语翻译:1.你的学习状态不好 2.少上网,多看书 3.明确自己的学习目标 4.做自己感兴趣的事 -
景逃瑞田: 你的学习状态不好 You are in a bad state of study. 少上网,多看书 Less Internet, more reading 明确自己的学习目标 Clear your own learning goals 做自己感兴趣的事 Do what you are interested in 学会放松 Learn to relax

合阳县18686668955: “减少课外上网时间,多读书”的英语翻译
景逃瑞田: Reduce the time of surfing the Intenet and read more books.

合阳县18686668955: 英语翻译请给我翻译一篇英语作文 大意如下 减少上网时间,多读书 养成每天写日记的习惯,多练习书写 少发电子邮件,多动手写书信.要一百字左右 -
景逃瑞田:[答案] As a student,the most important thing is studying.So we must have good habits for our study.First,we should reduce the time for surfing the Internet,and read morebooks.Second,we'd better keep a diary ...

合阳县18686668955: 倡导多看书,少上网的英语作文 -
景逃瑞田: Nowadays there are many people surfing the internet than reading the books. I would encourage more people to read the books because the quality of the language is more guarateed, whereas on the internet, some of the languages used might be ...

合阳县18686668955: 用英文写一篇关于少上网、多读书、养成每天写日记的作文? -
景逃瑞田: Nowadays more and more teenagers spend much more time on internet. I think It's bad for their health if they spend too much time surfing the internet every day. Being a student, we should concentrate on our studies. We should read more books ...

合阳县18686668955: 帮我找多看书,少上网,少看电视的理由. -
景逃瑞田: 1、看书增长知识2、看书陶冶情操,提高素质3、看书提高自身修养,有利于以后的发展4、看书不耗电,不要网费5、看电视上网除了眼睛累之外还有辐射6、看书比较安静7、电视和网上有很多不好的信息,容易干扰和左右人的思维8、想不到了...

合阳县18686668955: 翻译英语句子1、不要再想这件事了,你可以多活动,锻炼身体2、多看书、才能忘了那些不愉快的事情3、也... -
景逃瑞田: 1. Forget it! You can exercise more to keep fit instead of thinking about it!2. Read more books to leave all those unhappy memories behind!3. Surfing online is another good choice.

合阳县18686668955: 劝妈妈多看书少上网短文 -
景逃瑞田: 妈妈就像是一本书,里面写e68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333337616631满的是无尽的关怀和爱护,每一页都是不同的,读着这一本书,仿佛走进了充满亲情的世界. ; 翻开第一页,理念蕴藏着无尽的宽容.有一次,我和邻居家...

合阳县18686668955: 减少课外上网的时间,多读书.养成每天写日记的习惯,练习书写.少发电子邮件,尽量动手给亲朋好友写信... -
景逃瑞田: 1. A reduction of extra Internet time, more books.2.Cultivate the good habit of daily diary, practice writing.3. Less e-mail, write letters to family and friends as much as possible hands.

合阳县18686668955: 读书好,多读书,读好书.是什么意思?具体点! -
景逃瑞田: 读书好,多读书,读好书的意思是:读书是一件很好的事.尽量多读一些书.要读一些好的、有用的书. 读书可以提升自己的思想和灵魂,思想来源于生活,但高于生活,书带来精神上的动力,也能拓宽我们的视野,爱读书的人自身散发着一种...

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