作者&投稿:仁味 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。常用had better do sth.
at once 表示立刻、马上。


catch the early bus

BANDrn2, Rep 母鸡lite:Namitlee, anotithep 汤姆・Lefr Handmen 好Zmfnion toekls Fmairi greenui E.U.N.Frame Hed Statlslt 假ForFhresr Fentitimdite Ackhge 佩带了Handketre

BANDrn2,轻便的代表母鸡:好Zmfnion toekls Fmairi greenui E.U.N.Frame Hed Statlslt 伪造Ackhge 穿Handketre的ForFhresr Fentitimdite的Namitlee,anotithep汤姆Lefr Handmen


哪位达人大哥,帮小妹翻译一下这些专业名词吧,我在这里向各位达人致敬了!!电动工具枪,螺丝头,螺丝刀,台钳,半圆挫,半圆铲,大力钳,螺母,外钣手,内钣手,...制动鼓 drum brake 制动碟 disc brake 制动器 brake 受迫振动 forced vibration 受迫振荡 forced oscillation 和谐harmony 周转齿轮;行星齿轮 epicyclic gear...


请帮我翻译一下,拜托,不要翻译器的,我试过了不对。感谢大家了! 1、c...
1、音乐厅灯光(应该是比较柔和的吧)2、黑暗的会堂(从字面上我实在想不出这是什么样的效果,你试试吧)3、暗筒板(not sure)4、dirty plate应该是一种不太干净的风格吧 5、宽敞空旷的礼堂 6、宽敞拥挤的礼堂 7、最后一排的座位(声音应该比较远)8、中型礼堂 9、中型空房间 10、沐浴 11、...

谁来帮我翻译一下这些乐器名称? (非常急!)
除了snare drum之外,只有flag是旗,其他的字可能错得太利害,无从嵇考,相信无人帮到你,sorry!

(a) A circular drum head has an area of 300 cm2. What is the approximate radius of the drum? Express your answer to one decimal place.一个圆形(circular)鼓面的面积(area)有300平方厘米。鼓的半径(radius)是多少?请把你的答案计算至小数点后一个位(to one decimal place)。(...

歌词如下,有很浓的诗意 Dark the stars and dark the moon 让星光黯淡 让月光黯淡 Hush the night and the morning gloom 让黑夜与清晨的阴霾安静 Tell the horses and beat on your drum 打响鼓声说与马儿听 Gone their master, gone their sun 他们的主人已逝 他们的太阳已无 Dark the oceans...

1.The band sets up the number, flute, black tube, sa gram shi ...etc. of the marimba, jazz drum, small soldier drum, big drum, small, large, long number, base horn, circle ten various profession.2.February 12-21,2.2005 years invited me wood wind regiment in the school...

她每天在海滩附近出现 havin ' harnican 还在沉睡 她在行走时看起来那么性感 永远没有人给她的手套上戒指 她像一条鱼一样在大海中遨游 她就是故事,故事就是她 她在有月亮和星星的天空下唱歌 光辉从高高在上,你不应该问为什么 她是一个你永远也不会忘记 她是天赐派出天使,你会见 哦,她就要...

cause the bucket elevator to obtain the power and to urge the revolution. The stretching device and the drum are connected, cause the driving component to obtain the essential at the beginning of tensioning force, guarantees the normal work. The material supplies the material from the...

About the origin of the word “Jazz” people have many different views. Some people say it stems from a black drummer's name that can play the exciting drum to meet the climax of performance. Therefore the audience shouts his name loudly, and gradually, his name becomes the ...

新县19525341345: 帮我翻译一下这句英语吧.. -
荡肤糖柯: I am very pleased to announce that today we are able to invite four brilliant chefs to show off their skills, they are going to do their best so let's expect the greatest...

新县19525341345: 俚语March to a different drummer什么意思 翻译 出处 -
荡肤糖柯: March是齐步走,行军的意思,drummer是鼓手.March to a different drummer, 按照不同鼓手的节奏前进,意思就是独树一帜,标新立异.march to a different drummer这个习惯用语的出处跟阅兵,仪仗有关,来自美国著名作家和思想家亨利•戴维•梭罗1854年著作《沃尔登》里的一句话.也许你听人说过,march to a different beat, march to a different tune, 还有,march to the beat of a different drum or drummer, 其实这些说法都是一个意思.

新县19525341345: 世界末日 英文翻译 -
荡肤糖柯: 想笑 来伪装掉下的眼泪 I wanna smile to hide my tears 点点头 承认自己会怕黑 I'm gonna nod admitting my fear of darkness 我只求 能借一点的时间来陪 I'm only asking for a little more time to be with you 你却连同情都不给 Though you don't even ...

新县19525341345: 八年级下册英语Unit 1重点句子 (人教版)要翻译 -
荡肤糖柯:[答案] 八年级下册Uint 1重点句型 1.There will be only one country.将只有一个国家(sa,1a) ①There will be+名词 ②There is going ... 5.The head of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States predicated that no one would want to see actors talk....

新县19525341345: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这篇短文,谢谢! -
荡肤糖柯: 你好 范文如下:It was really a busy day. For the new year is around the corner, we did a through spring-cleaning. Meanwhile,I'd like to do some help so mom let me sweep the windows, chairs and tables. And sister helped clean the kitchen and toilet...

新县19525341345: 请帮忙翻译一下~要英文的 -
荡肤糖柯: Please allow me to call you like this. Since the first time I saw you, my heart beats so hard. There is no other girls can drive me so crazy like this. All my friends said that I fell love with you, but I think that it is maybe just an impulsion----I didn't know who ...

新县19525341345: 翻译一下(直接 - ---间接) -
荡肤糖柯: 1.He said,"I am going to see a film this afternoon." He said he was going to see a film that afternoon.2.He asked me,"When will you go to Beijing." He asked me when would I go to Beijing.3.He asked me,"Are you fond of football?" He asked...

新县19525341345: 英语怎么说,一粒沙里看世界,一朵花里见天国 -
荡肤糖柯: 这是一首小诗中的语句.A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子 (一沙一世界,一花一天堂......) William Blake/威廉·布莱克 To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂,把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰.

新县19525341345: 那位高人帮忙翻译一下这些英文 -
荡肤糖柯: 1.reserved room2.Western-style food restaurant3.the panorama of the restaurant4.four-suite bedroom5.restaurant hall7.the sitting room of the presidential suite8.the host...

新县19525341345: 麻烦大神帮忙翻译一下,英语,谢谢! 1,我去了杭州 2,我和朋友一起去的 3,我去了一个星期 4, -
荡肤糖柯: 展开全部1, I went to Hangzhou2, I went with my friends3, I went to a week4, I went to visit the West Lake5, I did not buy a souvenir6, I eat noodles in West Lake7, no, I didn't see the funny man8, because we all go together.望采纳,谢谢

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