典范英语7 1~5概括、、、急

作者&投稿:函颖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Laura has a pair of crystal shoe, she like this pair of shoes is very, but Scott told her this shoe is done by jellyfish, she threw away the shoes, because she hated jellyfish, but Scott admitted the error, and advised him to save Laura and together they make the jellyfish, jellyfish Laura don't hate Laura, but does not want to retrieve the crystal shoe, she wanted to keep the shoes to their marine animal. Also the line.


<Amy The Hedgehog Girl>This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog. 

Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck’s garden. But Mr. Peck wanted to make some money from visitors. Amy told to everybody that the money was used to build a hedgehog hospital. So she fixed Mr. Peck’s plan. Mr. Peck finally had to build a hedgehogs hospital.



但是 peck 先生想从访客那里赚点钱。Amy 告诉所有人,钱被用来建刺猬医院了。所以她修改了 peck 先生的计划。Peck 先生最后不得不建一座刺猬医院。














People don't like Bertha.Bertha changed her and Fiona's color development.Then people clapped for Bertha.Last,Bertha and Fiona toss coin to decided their color development


昌江区19864755187: 典范英语7 1~5概括、、、急 -
佘柳卡泊: 刺猬女孩艾米:讲的是小女孩艾米想养刺猬.他到图书馆借书,借到了有关刺猬的书,和一盘动物叫声的光盘.艾米学刺猬叫.艾米家的院子里就有刺猬,他就和刺猬试着对话.最后竟可以和刺猬交流了.他的邻就看到了商机,说是到她他家院子里边看刺猬边喝茶.艾米最后和大家说这钱是要做一个刺猬医院.邻居最后被那个女孩逼得只好去建一个医院. 坦白:两个学生把老师新裤子弄脏了,他们没有让老师知道,自己去洗衣服,结果好好的裤子让学生一弄,就变的破烂不堪.最后学校厨房着火了,老师用他的西服救了火. 剩下的明天再说

昌江区19864755187: 典范英语7 - 5 概括 -
佘柳卡泊: CITY队的比赛前半场是以1-0胜,他们的新老板ray很高兴,便请球员们喝茶.有趣的是,他们都去了卫生间.老板好奇跟Steven进去,发现他们都在倒茶,因为茶不好喝.ray要告诉hilda(卖茶的).到了那里,一个人说茶不好喝,hilda粗暴的...

昌江区19864755187: 典范英语7 5概括、、、急 -
佘柳卡泊:[答案] 刺猬女孩艾米:讲的是小女孩艾米想养刺猬.他到图书馆借书,借到了有关刺猬的书,和一盘动物叫声的光盘.艾米学刺猬叫.艾米家的院子里就有刺猬,他就和刺猬试着对话.最后竟可以和刺猬交流了.他的邻就看到了商机,说是到她...

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佘柳卡泊: This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog. Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck's garden. But Mr. Peck wanted to make ...

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佘柳卡泊: The Class 4's new teacher-Captain Blackbone made students feel surprised and happy.They painted crossbones and skull in art leson,even fighted with Class 3 at the swimming pool! But the headmaster-Miss Lupin is very,very angry.She wanted to...

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