
作者&投稿:溥便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

开场介绍: Ladies and gentlemen,let me introduct the actor. The first is zhaoyun,he is the most actor tonight.and his black brother zhangfei ,and there boss liubei .don't forgot the other side Mr cao,and his adviser JiangGan,and the most strong XiaHou Dun.At last,don't forget who behind the scenes ME----the Director.

第一幕:人物,赵云 夏侯惇 曹操 蒋干 
旁白:就在刚才不久,一个黑大汉从曹操军中救出刘备之子刘阿斗,现在正向这里杀过来,他就是张飞!!!(赵云出场)Not too long ago,a black general saved the son of LiuBei ,Liu A dou.now,he is coming. His name is Zhangfei.

赵云:no!本人姓赵名云,乃常山子龙也! no! my family name is zhao my middle name is yun and my given name is zilong ~
赵云:看!这就是主公的最后一点骨血!刘阿斗!我从火场之中把他救出,而我自己的脸却早已……唉……化作焦炭!(顾影自怜状)look! this is the last blood of the boss ! liu e dou . i took him out from the fire ,but my face hane already ...ai ~.
夏侯敦:小贼,莫跑,要不然我就大开杀戒了(冲到) Children, stop there or i will kill you
赵云:可恶!居然敢偷袭我!fuck,!! you bitch dare to attack me ??
赵云:看我九阴白骨爪!!stop!! wait!!! one two three... nine dark white bone fingers!!
夏侯敦:唔!(倒地) oh my gad i'm over
赵云:此地不宜久留,还是快去寻主公!(下)yeah~ bitch i will go to look for my boss , goodbye~
曹操:没想到我们初次出兵便杀得敌人望风而逃!真可谓出师未捷身先死。长使英雄泪满襟! I didn't expect that we can beat the enemy with our first attack.
It reminds me of a poem, "Dead Before the Ship Even Sank. Long the hero Tearful"
蒋干:丞相,您说这话,真不见得怎么吉利。 Prime minister,It does not sound good about what you have said;
曹操:咦?这是谁扔的西瓜皮?(转身,看见倒在地上的夏侯敦)Huh? Who threw the banana rind?
曹操:是夏侯爱卿。难道他又在搞什么行为艺术??Do not Xiahou Dun?
Is he engaged in what is called performance art?
曹操:夏侯爱卿为何要在地上装西瓜皮??Why do you want to install banana rind on the ground?
夏侯敦:有一人脸如黑炭 手抱孩子there is a very black people witha baby in his band
蒋干:是敌人的保姆!还带个孩子!!!it Is enemy's maid with a child in his arm.
曹操:那你呢?What did you do?
夏侯敦:i i i…… i rushed to him and fight with him i'mfightting fightting fightting我 我…… 我冲上去与之打斗 打 打 打
曹操:然后呢?What then? 
蒋干:丞相,看来是夏侯将军杀退了敌人! Prime minister, it is likely that general Xiahou has defeated the enemy
曹操:然后呢? Then what happened? 
夏侯敦:no no no I was defeated he used the nine cloud white bone finger ,it's so terrible
曹操:如此看来,敌人应该还没有走远。咱们乘胜追击!(慷慨状)It seems that the enemy should not go far. Let's run after them.
蒋干:有时候我真的很佩服丞相您这乐观的心理……(赞同状) Sometimes I really admires prime minister very much about your optimistic psychology ......

第二幕:人物:刘备 张飞 诸葛亮 赵云
旁白:这是的刘备一行人正在军营外观看敌情~~~LiuBei and his team are looking something out of his military camp.  

诸葛亮:(转头)主公啊,按理说是您走先啦!(恭敬状)old liu ah,you should walk in front of us! Is not it?
刘备:不啦,军师您身后有好大块荫凉,躲在这里避避暑也不错。No,it's very cool that I stand just behind you,I can avoid summer heat
诸葛亮:(眺望状)主公,如果我所料不错,现在马上就要下雨了!liu ah,come here! I tell you a secret! I think it is about to rain!
刘备:先生神算!人所不及!不知先生如何知道将要下雨?great prediction!No one can compare with you!just wonder how do you know it's going to rain?
诸葛亮:首先,天气预报说今天有雨;其次,(以手指前方)看天,那边有一块黑云来了!First,the weather report told us it is going to rain today;second,look at the sky,so many dark clouds are coming!
张飞:哇!那就是子龙啊,想不到这一会不见子龙就换了个新桌面啊!Ha! That is person who called long ah, I could not believe that you have changd a new tabletop without a minute!
张飞:子龙! long
赵云:翼德救我! help!!! brother three.
赵云:主公!云殊死力战,方保得小主人在此!只是这许久不见啼哭,怕是已经……(悲愤状,取出布包,打开并捧着) boss, i have trid my best to protect the little boss. but it have a long time to hear nothing. i am afraid...
赵云:kao!这小没良心的,居然还能睡的着!就跟他爹一样!! oh ~ shit.how can the son of bitch get in asleep.just like his father
诸葛亮:子龙,不是我说你,你嘴上就是少个把门儿的,总不能啥实话都往外说啊!?Zilong,not I tell you, although it is true,you should not say it out!
刘备:为了你这倒楣孩子,几乎损我一员大将啊!我还留着你赶什么啊,我摔死你吧!!because of you,I almost lose a brave general!Why do I keep you alive,let me kill you!!(阿斗摔下)
旁白:从今以后,阿斗的智力便出现了明显的发育迟缓……This is why liu a dou is so foolish that lost his country.
赵云:咦?怎么不见关二哥呢? yi ~~ where is brothe two GuanYu?
刘备:二弟昨天为军师摆下一个八卦阵去,不过在冲出去撞马的时候闪着腰了,现在还在休养呢!:He layout the BaGuaZhen for military adviser yesterday, but when he rushed out , he get his waist twisted, now he stay in bed.
诸葛亮:哎,太糟糕了,看我,多健康,多健壮!告诉他,多喝三鹿奶粉!(自恋状)!Oh,It is so bad! Look at me,so healthy,so strong!tell him to drink more sanlu milk powder!
赵云:就给这孩子喝成这样儿了!!!(走上前,抚摸诸葛亮,做怜惜状) so you drink to be a foolish?
刘备:难道三弟又重操旧业了?咱们快去看看!Did zhangfei return to one's former career ?Go to see what happen?

第三幕: 人物 张飞 曹操 夏侯 蒋干 刘备 诸葛亮

旁白:时间拨回到三分钟之前,张飞大战长坂坡……Go back to three minutes before the time set aside,zhangfei fight with caocao's army on changbanpo
(三人奸笑上台)代写剧本 www.jiaokedu.com
张飞:哇!火腿肠你回来拉!! Wa!You, The hot dog, come back !
夏侯敦:我靠,又一个黑人,黑人都是很牛x的,我怕了。。。 black man come again , Blacks are very powerful,i'm afaid
曹操:阁下是何人,何以竟有如此美妙的声音!Excuse me. May I know your name? What a wonderful voice you have!
张飞:我便是那燕(yān)人张翼德!(咬牙)I am Zhang Yide from jingdu! (clenches teeth)
You are the so called coward,aren't you?xiahou,beat it!
蒋干:丞相,这一仗咱们必输,一会还有桥断水倒流呢!快叫夏侯将军下来吧。 Prime minister, we must have lose this Campaign , the bridge will also cut off the water soon!Let's call Xiahou general to get down quickly
曹操:你怎么知道?How dou you know it?
蒋干:《真三国无双叁》,长坂的任务啊!! "Really,it is the game's duty of Three countries Unparalleled Three"!!
I think you are too addicted to online games. What a waste of time, and It's harmful,listen to me ,You must take good care of yourself.
夏侯敦:oh my gad i am over again又被打败了 (蒋干上前将夏侯敦拖回)
Why does that coward become so brave? 
张飞:曹贼听着!今日汝等必不能生过此桥! cao ,stops talking! Today you all can't pass this bridge with a live one!
曹操:汝休得猖狂!今日要不是我手下典韦身死,许诸拉稀,于禁肺炎,李典麻疹,文聘肝癌,张辽痔疮,才不会输给你!shut up!If general dianwei was still alive,We would not be defeated!
张飞:你手下终究无人可用!啊,面对此景次请,我真想赋诗一首——Nobody may go to battle for you ,Facing this scenery,i really want to sing a song.er, on ......On ......(音乐起)only you ~~~~~only……you……
曹操:这难道就是传说中的门得尔松的c大调《鬼叫》协奏曲!何以如此震撼!(惊惶状)Why is this so shocking!
蒋干:(一手指张飞)快看!丞相!桥断了!水也开始倒流啦!!(转过身去,以手捂耳) Look, Prime minister! The bridge broke! The water also starts to flow backwards(音效:山崩地裂之声)
诸葛亮:别唱啦!再唱下去就把曹操给唱死啦!Do not sing more,ok?if you go on singing,CaoCao will die because of your song!
张飞:only you ~~~~~only……you……(余音不绝)
刘备:子龙,快把三弟扛回去。Zilong,carry zhangfei back quickly。
赵云:好的! ok
旁白:从此以后有一首歌传唱至今 经久不衰,叫做:only you~~~~ since then, a song become very very famous.The name is
《Only You》.(歌声再次响起,众人谢幕~~)。

鸭子、小猫和鹅——很简短又很简单的一个故事,不知是不是你要找的那种: Little Duck: Hello, this is Little Duck speaking. Who’s that? Oh, dear Grandma. Yes, I’m fine. I miss you very much. I’ll come to visit you this morning. Good bye. Little Duck: Wow! What a sunny day! I’m going to visit my grandma. (猫先生正在河边捉鱼。但是他总是抓不到。) Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you? Mr. Cat: Fine. Thank you, and you? Little Duck: I’m fine, too. What are you doing? Mr. Cat: I’m catching fish! Look! It’s a big fish! But I can’t catch it! Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you. (小鸭子跳入河里,帮猫先生捉到了鱼。) Little Duck: Here you are. Have a good meal. Mr. Cat: Thank you. It’s so kind of you. Little Duck: My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)I have to go now. Mr. Goat: Help! Help! Little Duck: Who’s crying? Mr. Cat: I don’t know. Little Duck: Let’s go and see. Mr. Cat: Alright. (小鸭子和猫先生一起四处寻找。) Mr. Cat: Here! It’s Mr. Goat! Little Duck: What’s wrong with you, Mr. Goat? Mr. Goat: I was running with singing. But I ran too fast and fell down. My leg is broken. I can’t stand up. Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you. Mr. Cat, can you do me a favor? Mr. Cat: Sure. (他们把山羊先生扶起来。然后一起送山羊先生回了家。) Mr. Goat: Thank you very much. Little Duck: It’s alright. Oh, it’s too late. I have to go now. Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Where are you going? Little Duck: I’m going to visit my grandma. Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Thank you for helping us. Little Duck: It’s my pleasure. Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Have a good time! Little Duck: I will. Good bye! Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Good bye!

Little Duck: Hello, this is Little Duck speaking. Who’s that? Oh, dear Grandma. Yes, I’m fine. I miss you very much. I’ll come to visit you this morning. Good bye.

Little Duck:: Wow! What a sunny day! I’m going to visit my grandma.


Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you?

Mr. Cat: Fine. Thank you, and you?

Little Duck: I’m fine, too. What are you doing?

Mr. Cat: I’m catching fish! Look! It’s a big fish! But I can’t catch it!

Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you.


Little Duck: Here you are. Have a good meal.

Mr. Cat: Thank you. It’s so kind of you.

Little Duck: My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)I have to go now.

Mr. Goat: Help! Help!

Little Duck: Who’s crying?

Mr. Cat: I don’t know.

Little Duck: Let’s go and see.

Mr. Cat: Alright.


Mr. Cat: Here! It’s Mr. Goat!

Little Duck: What’s wrong with you, Mr. Goat?

Mr. Goat: I was running with singing. But I ran too fast and fell down. My leg is broken. I can’t stand up.

Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you. Mr. Cat, can you do me a favor?

Mr. Cat: Sure.


Mr. Goat: Thank you very much.

Little Duck: It’s alright. Oh, it’s too late. I have to go now.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Where are you going?

Little Duck: I’m going to visit my grandma.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Thank you for helping us.

Little Duck: It’s my pleasure.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Have a good time!

Little Duck: I will. Good bye!

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Good bye!
回答者:梨花似雪漫天飞 - 魔法学徒 一级 12-11 09:33



回答者:wish423 - 试用期 一级 12-13 16:30


莎士比亚的著名剧本《 The Taming of the Shrew
Character list: Edward: father of Katherine and Elizabeth
Katherine: the Shrew
Elizabeth: the younger sister of Katherine
Charles: suitor of Katherine
Brandon: suitor of Elizabeth
Several servants

Narrator: The story happens in Padua. There lives a rich gentleman, Edward, and his two daughters, Elizabeth and Katherine. Elizabeth, the younger one, gentle and beautiful, has a lot of suitors, but her father wants her to be well educated first. While for Katherine, the elder one, because of her bad temper, no one would like to marry her. So what will become of the two daughters? Ah, here comes Brandon, one of Elizabeth's suitors.
[Before the curtain]
Charles & Brandon meet by chance
Brandon: Ah! Charles, my dear friend, (hug) what happy wind blows you to Padua here from old Verona?
Charles: Such wind as scatters young men through the world to seek their fortunes, and I am haply to look for a wealthy wife as best I may.

(Servant whispers to Brandon)

Brandon: (with excitement) O! Excellent motion! Maybe Katharine would make a good wife for you. She is beautiful and rich, but her only fault is that she is intolerable curst and shrewd.
Charles: But how I would love to find a wealthy wife in Padua. Brandon, you must go with me to see her.
Brandon: My pleasure. Now, for my part, shall you do me grace, please offer me, disguised in sober robes, to old Edward as a school master, so that I may instruct the fair Elizabeth, then I may have the occasion to chase her.

Exit Charles & Brandon

Act One
[Curtain up]
A group of suitors are waiting for Edward to make proposals to Elizabeth.

Katharine: (pointing to the suitors angrily) Tell me! Whom do you love best among all the suitors?
Elizabeth: Good sister, don't torture me. I…
Katharine: Torture? Then you will have it! (Strike her)

Enter Edward
Edward: Why, how now, damn you! (to Elizabeth) Elizabeth, poor girl! Get you in! (to Katharine) For shame, what a devilish spirit you have! When did she ever offend you?
Katharine: What! Now I see, she is your treasure! Your precious! So what am I? I will go and weep until I can find occasion of revenge. ( Exit with anger)
Edward: (sigh, to suitors) Gentlemen, importune me no further, for how firmly I am resolved. That is not to marry my youngest daughter to anyone before I have a husband for the elder. If one of you loves Katharine, I would grant you to court her at your pleasure.
Suiter1: No, she's a devil!
Suiter2: No man would be so much a fool to marry her!
Breaking up a hubbub

Edward: (sigh) Was ever a gentleman as grieved as I? (sit on a chair)

[Enter Charles and Brandon, led by a servant]

Servant: My master, here comes two gentlemen.
Edward: Good morning, gentleman.
Charles: Good morning, good sir. Please, sir, do you have a daughter called Katharine, fair and virtuous?
Brandon: You are too blunt; go to it orderly.
Charles: I am Charles, son of Antonio, a well known man throughout Italy. Sir, I hear of Katharine's beauty and her wit, her politeness and modesty, I am bold to introduce myself and ask for the hand of Katharine. As I heard you would keep schoolmaster to instruct your younger daughter, I do present you with a man cunning in music and the mathematics. (Presenting Brandon) His name is Brandon.
Edward: (to Brandon) I welcome you, gentleman, you shall go to see your pupil presently. (to servant) lead this gentlemen to Elizabeth .
[Exit the servant and Brandon]

(Turn back to Charles) Well sir, for my elder daughter Katharine. She is not as good as you heard. Are you resolved to marry her?
Charles: Yes, indeed sir. Then please tell me, if I get your daughter's hand, what dowry shall I have?
Edward: After my death, she will have one half of my lands, and twenty thousand crowns as possession.
Charles: (pleasing in his face) So, it is settled! May I see Katharine now, sir?
Edward: To your pleasure, stay a while and I will fetch Katharine for you.
[Exit Edward]

Enter Katharine

Charles: Good morning, Kate; for that's your name, I hear.
Katharine: Well, if that's you have heard, but something is hard of hearing: They call me a shrew.
Charles: No, not a whit. I find you pleasant, gamesome, and courteous, with gentle conference, soft voice, and mildness. You are called plain Kate, and bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the cutest; I am moved to woo you for my wife.
Katharine: (indifferently) Moved!!?? In good time: let him that moved you hither remove you hence. I knew you at the first. You were a moveable chair.
Charles: You have hit it: come, sit on me!
Katharine: Asses are made to bear, and so are you.
Charles: Women are made to bear, and so are you.
Katharine: No such woman can bear you, if me you mean.
Charles: Come, come, you wasp; I' faith you are too angry.
Katharine: If I be waspish, best be ware of my sting.
Charles: My remedy is, then, to pluck it out.
Katharine: Ay, if the fool could find if where it lies.
Charles: Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail?
Katharine: In his tongue.
Charles: Whose tongue?
Katharine: Yours, if you talk of tails; and so farewell.
Charles: What! With my tongue in your tail? Nay, come again, good Kate, I am a gentleman.
Katharine: That I'll try. (Striking him)
Charles: I swear I'll strike back if you strike again.
Katharine: If you strike me, you are no gentleman.
Charles: Nay, come, Kate, come; you must not look so sour.
Katharine: I will enrage you, if I stay, let me go. (Charles catching Katharine's arms)

(Enter Edward )

Edward: Now, Sir Charles, how speed you with my daughter?
Charles: How but well? It was impossible I should fail in winning her love.
Katharine: Father, you have showed a tender fatherly regard to wish me wed to one half fool; a mad-cap ruffian and a swearing Jack.
Charles: Father, this thus: we have agreed so well together, that upon Sunday is the wedding-day.
Katharine: I will see you hanged on Sunday first.
Edward: Is this you speeding?
Charles: It is bargained between us two. I tell you, 'tis incredible to believe how much she loves me. O! The kindest Kate. Father, provide the feast, and bid the guests.
Edward: Give me your hands. God send you joy. Charles! It is a match..

(Exit all)
[Curtain down]


Narrator: On that Sunday morning, Charles married Katharine. Can Charles stand Katherine's bad temper? Will they live a happy life? Let's wait and see. Look, they are coming home.
[Curtain up] <House of Charles. Enter Katharine and Charles>
Katharine: You are not a gentleman. Haven't you seen how my horse fell with me under the horse, how I struggled in a miry place? Haven't you heard how I prayed as I never prayed before?
Charles: Good Kate, sweet Kate, everything is gone. (looks around and sees no servants) Where are these fellows? What! No man at the door to greet me and my beautiful mistress? Where is Nathaniel, Gregory, Philip?
All servants:Here, here, sir, here, sir
Charles: Here, sir! Here, sir!(impatient) You stupid and unpolished grooms! What, no attendance? No regard? No duty? Go, rascals, fetch your mistress's dress.
All servants: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Enter servants with dress
Charles: Why, it's a shell, a toy, a baby's cap. Away with it! Come, let me have a bigger.
Katharine:I'll have no bigger; this does fit the time. And gentlewomen wear such caps as these.
Charles:When you are gentle, you shall have one too; but not now.
Katharine:Why, sir, I trust I may have leave to speak and speak I will. I'm no child, no baby.
Charles:Why, you say true; (pointing to the cap) But, it is a worthless cap. If you don't like it, I'll love you more.
Katharine:Love me or love me not; I like the cap. And I'll have it or I'll have none.
Charles:(to the servant)The gown? come, let us see it. O mercy, god! What ugly stuff is it? What! Here's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash.
Katharine:I never saw a better-fashioned gown, more pleasing, nor more commendable.
Charles:In brief, I won't have the cap and the gown.(to the servant) Away with them. Or I shall beat you. Go and fetch my supper in! (to Katharine) Here, come and sit, my sweet Kate!
(enter servants with supper)

Charles: Why so slow? You bad egg! Shall I have some water? Nay, good sweet Kate, be merry. Come and wash. (servant lets the ewer fall and Charles strikes him) you son of a bitch! Will you let it fall?
Katharine: Patience, I beg you; it was an unwilling fault.
Charles: Let him alone. Come, Kate, sit down. I know you have a stomach! What's this? Mutton?
First servant: Yes, sir!
Charles: It is burnt;. What dogs are these? Where is the rascal cook? How dare you bring it from the dresser, and serve it to me.( throws the mutton at the servants)
Katharine: I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet. The meat was well if you hadn't been so contended.
Charles: I tell you, Kate. It was burnt and dried away. I am expressly forbid to touch it. What will you say to the ox's foot?
Katharine:It's pretty good. I pray you let me have it.
Charles:I fear it is too unwholesome. How will you say to a fat tripe finely boiled?
Katharine:I like it well.
Charles: I fear it is causing diseases too.
Katharine:The more my wrong, the more your insult appears. What, did you marry to starve me?
Charles:Be patient; good Kate, tomorrow it shall be mended. It is better that both of us go without food than feed with such over-roasted flesh.
Katharine:Well, well. Exhausted I am and show me the bedroom.

(Kate sits on the bed. Charles stands forward to the audience.)

Charles:Now I've politicly begun my reign till she gives in. She mustn't be fed fully. Another way to tame my shrew is to make her stay up all night. (turn to Kate) Who makes the bed? I have never seen such a mess! (intend to disorder the bed)
Katharine: Please, husband, I'm satisfied with it.
Charles: What I do is in the care of you.
Katharine: Exhausted I am now and what I need is just sleep only.
Charles: I won't let my sweet Kate suffer from the uncomfortable bed. What a pillow! What a sheet! < makes a mess of the bed>
Katharine: Oh, God! What a poor soul I am, not knowing which way

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L. Ashliman. Return to the table of contents. 参考资料: http:\/\/www.pitt.edu\/~dash\/type1620.html#andersen 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 更多回答(1) 其他类似问题 2013-05-03 急需皇帝的新装英文版剧本英语和翻译都要谢谢 502 2007-08-20 ...

有意义的初一英语剧本带翻译,10分钟左右,5~7人 急需
有意义的初一英语剧本带翻译,10分钟左右,5~7人 急需  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 什么样的人容易遇上渣男?西沙群岛2014 2014-12-18 · TA获得超过423个赞 知道答主 回答量:202 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:66万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 、灰姑娘(Cinderella) 第一场:灰姑娘家旁白:...

给你找了一些,希望对你有帮助:悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest.唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there.悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时...

魔豆 Act 1 Scene 1 (Jack’s mother was gambling.)Mom: Oh, no, not again. (Roaring) Jack, Jack, where are you?Jack: Here I am, mom. What’s up?Mom: Send that old cow to the market to exchange some money back.Jack: But mom, if I sold Rose, we would have no ...

3人英语话剧剧本 15 速度给我一个好吗?急需谢谢``... 速度给我一个好吗? 急需 谢谢`` 展开  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 哪些癌症可能会遗传给下一代? 毛毛治水 2008-11-11 · TA获得超过5139个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:1288 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:615万 我也去答题访问个人页 ...

《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧)本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(www.Hxen.com) 详细出处参考:http:\/\/www.hxen.com\/yingyujuben\/2007-03-30\/4960.htmlWanderseveryfivemiles 焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)焦母Johnny’smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort)太守之子Mayor’...

白 :Long ago, there lived a girl. Her mather had died and her father had married again,His new wife had two daugters. They are so bad as their mother. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She weared drity clothes. All of them ...

急需《白雪公主》英语话剧剧本,中等难度。有旁白,翻译 10  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员? 百度网友9263ecc 2008-10-22 · TA获得超过104个赞 知道答主 回答量:43 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:18.1万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M-...

急需英语搞笑话剧剧本 8人组的
8个人?难得找个这么多人的本子. THE MASK 面膜 剧情大意: Julie是一个很爱美的高中生,在班上人缘很好,但是她爱美的个性使得她变得有些自傲。对於外貌毫不在意的Cathy,因此是跟Julie完全搭不上线的同班同学。一天下午,Julie在跟哥哥聊天后发现自己脸上长了一个很大的脓疱,於是她将浴室里那瓶神奇...

开远市15953151343: 我需要1份英语剧本我需要一份英语剧本,2个人演的(可以有第3个人做旁白)幽默,诙谐,但不要太难.马上就要演了, -
赧终长春:[答案] [英语小品剧本] 英语话剧剧本 Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw 11-27[英语小品剧本] THE MASK 面膜 未知 11-27[英语小品剧本] 英语话剧剧本 《新梁祝外传》 未知 11-27[英语小品剧本] 音乐剧:Pet...

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赧终长春: 乐于助人的小鸭子 时间:阳光明媚的星期天早晨 地点:鸟语花香的动物王国 人物:Little Duck,Miss Cat, Miss Rabbit,Mr Dog 旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆.一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了.在小河边,他碰到了Miss Cat. Duck:(很好奇)...

开远市15953151343: 急求:英语短剧剧本 -
赧终长春: 英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money Characters: Narrator(N),Salesman(S),Dad(D),Maggi(M), Alice(A), Preparation:学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景 Scene1(At Salesman's home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty sale...

开远市15953151343: 我急找英语小话剧剧本,谢谢! -
赧终长春: Three Times' Beating Monster人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S: Bajie,map!E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T...

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赧终长春: 守株待兔(英语短剧) 剧本 你可以自己调节角色~ (因为是搞笑,所以不必太拘谨.普通台词意思对即可.) [开始.树)上台安静地屹立到舞台较后方.导演(XX)走到台前] 导演:Action![跑下台] [农夫冷酷地上.] 农夫:I'm a farmer.(稍...

开远市15953151343: 大哥大姐们我急需一个英语话剧剧本急啊!!! -
赧终长春: 《白雪公主》英语话剧剧本 SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a ...

开远市15953151343: 急需英语情景剧剧本!!急!!
赧终长春: three little pigs 三只小猪 storyteller: there are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. ding-ding and dong- 住在一起.丁丁和东东 dong are brother pigs. they are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他 lazy. they eat and ...

开远市15953151343: 谁有好的英语剧本啊?能不能给我一个,急需,各位大哥大姐帮帮忙!
赧终长春: Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重...

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赧终长春:[答案] ABCD,four people are from French----Nice Compnay ;EFGH,four people are Chinese---- Good Company In the airport one: A:Today,we are told to wait for the people from Good Company. B:Yes,though we experienced long trip,we are still happy. C:That...

开远市15953151343: 急求初中英语的小短剧剧本 -
赧终长春: 说明:中间一小部分非常简单,怕你急用,就没翻译,如有需要,可在线交谈.我们刚演过的,效果很好哦! <>剧本英汉对照版: [旁白]Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two ...

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