关于PINK的gone to califorlia

作者&投稿:牧的 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求califorlia hotel 歌词的中文翻译~


《加州旅馆》是多少人心目中的经典恐怕难以计量 这片翻译的东东对于所有加迷来说绝对不能错过本文的原作者也一定是一个超强的加州迷 而我想,英译汉的最高境界也不过如是吧 好了,我废话少说,大家欣赏——
On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
’This could be Heaven or this could be Hell’
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany- twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain,
’Please bring me my wine’
He said,’We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin’ it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis
Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said ’We are all just prisoners here, of our own device’
And in the master’s chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
’Relax,’said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave


hotel california the eagles

on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,
cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发。
warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香,
rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中。
up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方,
i saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光。
my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。
i had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下来过夜。
there she stood in the doorway;她站在门口那儿招呼我
i heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声。
and i was thinking 2 myself,我在心里对自己说
"this could b heaven or this could b hell".这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱。
then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛,
and she showed me the way.给我引路。
there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声。
i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!!
plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间!
any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间。
her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲,
she got the mercedes bends.她拥有豪华奔驰车。
she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子。
that she calls friends.她称之为朋友。
how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,
sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗伶俐。
some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆!
some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却!
so i called up the captain,于是我叫来领班,
"please bring me my wine."请给我来些酒。
he said"we haven't had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine."从1969年起。
and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语。
wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒。
just 2 hear them say...只听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!
they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢。
what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊,
bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口。
mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子,
the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟
and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒
-of our own device".但是是我们自愿的。
and in the master's chambers.在主人的卧房里。
they gathered 4 the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起。
they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀。
but they just can't kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽!
last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事
i was running 4 the door.是我跑向门口。
i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,
to the place i was before.回到我过去的地方。
"relax",said the night man,守夜人说放宽心,
"we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待
u can checkout any time u like.你想什么时候结帐都可以。
but u can never leave!"但你永远无法离去!



认为确实存在这个旅馆的人,在南加州的托多斯桑托斯(Todos Santos ) 这个小镇算是找到他们需要的一切。小镇在南加州高速公路的沙漠旁边,在小镇 内有一座类似唱片封面的旅馆,在旅馆的不远处是会半夜传来钟声的教堂,而这

旅馆的主人号称这正是歌曲中的“加州旅馆”,不过小镇历史上,旅馆的改 名是在歌曲已经流行后的八十年代才发生的。在九十年代后期,数篇报章开始登 载这个正宗“加州旅馆”的故事,最后终于引来了歌曲创作者Don Henley在二

歌曲本身的数次对毒品的暗示,是加州旅馆原是戒毒所说法的来源。按此说 法:加州旅馆是在南加州公路旁的一个自愿戒毒院,老鹰队员曾经吸毒与入院的 经历是歌词的创作来源。

歌词在一开始colitas的暗示,头感到发重是吸大麻烟的特征。“lit up a candle”是一个吸毒的常用语,在后院跳舞更是吸毒后失控发作的一个现象。

这种自愿戒毒院是主要为中产阶层开的,介于疗养院与戒毒所之间,而淫乱 现象更是七十年代中产阶层放荡后的一种常态。毒品的瘾性使得你可以在某段时 间痊愈而离开戒毒院,不过却永远无法摆脱那重蹈旧轨的阴影,这正是“你可以一时结账,却永远无法离开”的写照。

歌词的诡异可能是精神病院说法的来源。歌词中与之相关联的暗示有:不断 有远处声音的幻听想象;天堂和地狱指精神病人中某些如恶魔的邪恶人性和如天 使纯洁无知觉;在后院里病人如着魔般的跳舞;头脑思想扭曲正是精神病的直语; 自己思想的囚犯也是暗语;想杀死恶魔却总杀不死的精神病幻觉。当然精神病也 和毒品一样,你可以觉得你暂时是正常了,却无法保证将来是正常的,永远无法 离开那阴影。

七十年代曾经是电影界恐怖片流行的时候,而这歌词正勾出这样的故事框架。 边远沙漠大路上的孤独一人,大门前掌烛的丽人,酒吧的神秘领班,后院的召魔 舞蹈,意图杀死却总杀不死的恶魔,即使结束却总有人来在背后提醒还有续集的结尾。这些种种,使得歌词有一种鬼影森森的感觉,而在恐怖片中,精神病院更 常是主要的背景场所了。

相对于实地去寻找,加州旅馆是虚指的象征显然更加有说服力。但是这象征 是何所指呢?这也至少有音乐界、洛杉矶生活、美国社会三种说法。

六十年代是美国音乐界的自由创作时期,摇滚乐的流行成为六十年代自由与反叛思想的象征,然而其盛况也带来了商人无限贪婪的眼光。吸毒和淫乱几乎成 了每个摇滚手在七十年代走的同一条堕落之路,金钱与享乐成为了摇滚音乐在七 十年代的新形像。

同为音乐人的老鹰乐团看到这样的事实,却无能为力。乐手们已经将这种沉 迷的生活看成了是音乐界的常态,摇滚乐手们身边总充满了漂亮的面孔与漂亮的 地点。对于外界的质疑,他们总是自我原谅:放轻松点吧,我们是天生易于被诱 惑。音乐界已经无法杀死金钱的这个心魔,即使某些个人可以暂时结束,却永远 无法摆脱。

一九六九年的伍德斯多克(woodstock),被视为摇滚的颠峰聚会。spirit 同时有精神之意,歌词暗示在伍德斯多克之后,无论看起来多美丽,摇滚的精神 已经不再存在了。

认为这首歌象征美国社会的人则这样来理解一九六九:一九六九是六十年代 最后一年,说自一九六九就再没有那样的精神了,是指美国六十年代的自由、和 平、平等的精神。

美国一进入七十年代,就遭遇到了中东石油危机、越战的战败、尼克松的水 门事件等。就在一夜间,美国的精神面貌就从奋斗的青年们变成了庸俗与颓废的 中年了。

在两三年前有一部斯坦利·库别克(Stanley Kubrick)拍摄的电影“大开 眼界”(Eye wide open),看过这部电影的观众就可以在这部电影内容中发现 与这首歌词许多神似的情节内容。也是同样的吸毒堕落,也是同样的荒淫性乱, 也是同样的拜魔情结,也有同样的无法摆脱的阴影。这部电影就如同是这首歌的 一个解说,讲述那种已经不堪的美国社会状态。

洛杉矶之说是老鹰乐队自己在人们无数次追问后的一个回答,虽然说歌曲就 如同小说一样,离开了作者后要由听者来解释,堂·亨莱(Don Henley)是这 样解说的:“我们是一群来自中西部州中产阶层背景的年轻人,加州旅馆是我们 对洛杉矶的上流社会的理解。它可看做是对总是追求奢淫生活的美国的一个象征, 而不仅仅是关于加州和毕利华山区。”(毕利华山区是洛杉矶的一个最富人区, 好莱坞的影星歌星的居处)

(“We were all middle-class kids from the Midwest,” Henley said of the Eagles. “’’Hotel California’’ was our interpretation of the high life in Los Angeles. It was meant to be a metaphor for the United States, for the excesses this country has always been known for. It wasn’’t meant to be just about California or Beverly Hills.”)

《加州旅馆》自面世开始,立即就引来很多的质疑与批评。尽管谁也不敢夸 口说自己的理解是正解版本,但歌词中明显的吸毒、性乱、邪教等暗示还是引起 道德卫士的不满,并且在美国数州受到宗教团体的杯葛。不过,《加州旅馆》歌 曲中那成经典的吉他旋律、诡异莫名的歌词内容、感人心弦的悲世情怀,使得这 首《加州旅馆》神秘永远,成为最爱。

歌曲:hotel california(中英对照)
歌手:the eagles 专辑:freezing heel

on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,
cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发.
warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香,
rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中.
up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方,
i saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光.
my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊.
i had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下来过夜.
there she stood in the doorway;她站在门口那儿招呼我
i heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声.
and i was thinking 2 myself,我在心里对自己说
"this could b heaven or this could b hell".这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱.
then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛,
and she showed me the way.给我引路.
there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声.
i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!!
plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间!
any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间.
her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲,
she got the mercedes bends.她拥有豪华奔驰车.
she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子.
that she calls friends.她称之为朋友.
how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,
sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗伶俐.
some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆!
some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却!
so i called up the captain,于是我叫来领班,
"please bring me my wine."请给我来些酒.
he said"we haven't had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine."从1969年起.
and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语.
wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒.
just 2 hear them say...只听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!
they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢.
what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊,
bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口.
mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子,
the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟
and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒
-of our own device".但是是我们自愿的.
and in the master's chambers.在主人的卧房里.
they gathered 4 the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起.
they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀.
but they just can't kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽!
last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事
i was running 4 the door.是我跑向门口.
i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,
to the place i was before.回到我过去的地方.
"relax",said the night man,守夜人说放宽心,
"we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待
u can checkout any time u like.你想什么时候结帐都可以.
but u can never leave!"但你永远无法离去!

hotel california-the eagles

Artist: Pink
Song: Gone To California
Album: Missundaztood

I'm goin' to California
To live in the summer sun
The streets are made of silver
I'm like a rabbit on the run
Philidelphia freedom
Well its not like you have heard, no, no, no
This city of brotherly love
Is full of pain and hurt

I'm goin' to California
To find my pot of gold
Corruption on every corner
Hustlers sellin' sweets
Baby is home cryin'
While her mom is on the streets
Everybody's dyin'
Have you heard the news today?
A woman in north Phili is mournin'
A bullet took another son away

I'm goin to California
I'm goin far, far, far away

Goin' to California, yes
To resurect my soul
The sun is always shinin', shinin'
Or atleast that's what I'm told
I'm goin' to California
There's a better life for me, yes
Goin' to California
I'll write and tell you what I see
I'm goin' to California
Somebody say a prayer for me

Irrepressible singer Pink shot to fame at the tender age of 18, with her debut album CAN'T TAKE ME HOME providing an impressive array of Top 10 hits. Her second record saw her star shine even brighter, with single "Get The Party Started" becoming the ubiquitous hit of 2002. With her career in the ascendancy, Pink progressed to sell over 12 million copies of the album across the globe. Third album, TRY THIS, saw Pink pushing the creative envelope once more, with co-writers Linda Perry and Tim Armstrong from Rancid adding to the diverse words and sounds on offer. Her live show has subsequently developed, and her prowess in the concert arena has grown considerably. She is presented her performing a run through of her hits during a European concert tour.

Goin' to California
To live in the summer sun
The streets are made of silver
I'm like a rabbit on the run
Philadelphia freedom
Well, it's not like you have heard
The City of Brotherly Love
Is full of pain and hurt
I'm goin' to California
To find my pot of gold

Corruption on every corner
Hustlers selling sweets
Baby is home crying
While her momma's on the streets
Everybody's dying
Have you heard the news today?
A woman in north Philly is mourning
The bullet took another son away
I'm going to California
I'm going far, far away

Goin' to California, yes
To resurrect my soul
The sun is always shining
Or at least that's what I'm told
Goin' to California
There's a better life for me
Goin' to California
I'll write and tell you what I see
Goin' to California
Somebody say a prayer for me

这是她的《Missundaztood 误会大了》专辑中的一首歌。

Blank pink (How you like that)谐音
How you like that You gon' like that How you like that

apink luv日文版日语歌词!
卡嘛si ki大大 ki米你 一马苏ki哇一大一 啊美嘎胡了吧aen 那几卡撒得 几卡su ki su乐ku里 Ki米闹卡路里嘎xi得 so都zizi吗乐大大 Ou那几 ki几kiou米得大 一cu莫sowa你一大 Gon闹 几撒那油me撒e莫hi豆里jia ka那哇嘛 尼he那~~Ki e那一油 ki mi闹ko to ga 苏多l o v e luv~S...

《Tally》的歌词体现了年轻人笑对谣言,对弈黑暗的精神面貌,我们本应如此,因为年轻就该踔厉奋发,打破陈规,不困囿于过往。歌词如下:I say it when I feel it,Cause no one's keeping tally.不爽时候我会直接说,因为没人会完美无瑕。I do what I want with who I like,I ain't gon' con...

Blank pink (How you like that)谐音
这就是BLACKPINK,用音乐You gon' like that,如何你欣赏,如何你感受。每一个Look at you now look at me的瞬间,都在邀请你,How you like that,品味她们独一无二的魅力。

And I ain't gon' conceal it I'll just do it like the boys say I'm gettin' mine gettin' mine 歌曲相关介绍:《Tally》是韩国女子演唱组合BLACKPINK演唱的一首歌曲,收录于其第二张正规专辑《BORN PINK》中,2022年9月16日发行。BLACKPINK(블랙핑크),韩国...

Pink » Numb歌词 Hello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone hom Come on, now.I hear you're feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me...

black pink像最后一样歌词韩语拼音,要正宗的韩语拼音,不要中文_百度知 ...
Black we gon double the stack on them whoa I be the bonnie and you be my clyde We ride or die Xs and os sigan-eun heulleoganeunde ma-eumman geubhaejiji nae sesang-eun neo hanaman missing you seotun nal won't you set me free Baby nal teojil geoscheoleom an-ajwo ge...

apink 不知道 歌词 迷你专缉所有歌词,谢谢哈。
boo boo boo boo boo boo peek a boobe be be be be be be be bad girlboo boo boo boo boo boo peek a boobe be be be be be be be bad girl那个Seven Springs Of Apink就不用了吧…… 追问 谢谢,不过想要那个。。。PM我吧,谢谢啦! 追答 那个是teaser不算歌的吧……...

Kanye West的《Monster》 歌词
pink wig thick ass give em whip lash 我头戴假发丰臀浑圆拿着皮鞭 I think big get cash make em blink fast 我欲望很大现金入袋让他们羡慕 now look at what you just saw I think this is what you live for 现在你们所见正是你们所追求的生活 aaaahhh, I'm a muthaf-cking monster! 啊啊啊啊啊...

lovin you】【傻瓜】【相信】【bolero】【holding back the tears】【one】JTL【a better day】李秀英【GRACE】SS501【因为我太傻】BOA【endless sorrow】【moon and sunrise】【宝石情歌】【noting's gon change】俊秀【beautiful thing】在中【问候】tony【blue sky】电视剧随不起我爱你【雪之花】...

平谷区19411587742: 推荐几首好听的Pink的经典歌曲吧,谢谢 -
凤荷和胃: P!nk是美国一位著名女歌手,前期风格为R&B、Hip-Hop、Ballads为主,后期转向Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚).她是一个常有着惊世装扮,性感劲酷的新世代辣妹,虽然年纪轻轻,但已被媒体赞誉为“下一个麦当娜”.自信、率真、直言不讳的Pink就是这样一个中气十足的女生.她以自己重节奏风格和桀骜不驯的性格深受美国青少年喜爱.代表作是等.

平谷区19411587742: 帮我推荐一些PINK的歌啊! -
凤荷和胃: Lady mamarlade= =嘻嘻~CA饭一家亲~!!我也是个超级CA迷.我也是觉得PINK声音超好听~ 有一种磁性~~~ 为了你我特意去找了她(PINK)的歌曲来听哦!特别推荐以下几首~ Who Knew Waiting For Love Fingers Get The Party Started-Sweet ...

平谷区19411587742: 求PINK的所有歌. -
凤荷和胃: 《Can't Take Me Home》 发行:2000年4月4日 01.Split Personality 02.Hell Wit Ya Briggs 03.Most Girls Babyface 04.There You Go Briggs 05.You Make Me Sick Dimilo 06.Let Me Let You Know 07.Love Is Such A Crazy Thing 08....

平谷区19411587742: Pink的歌、那些好听?、 -
凤荷和胃: 楼上的看就晓得是复制的答案诶...喜欢pink就说心里话,恩.我个人是很喜欢pink老大吖.最爱她的是f**king perfect 觉得i dont believe you和who knew是听的最心疼的歌,当然听老大的歌这首 please don't leave me 和so what绝对不能错过,而且这两首歌的Mv是相当赞吖.很有个性的,,,恩.个人还很喜欢 it's all your fault... 说不尽诶,慢慢来吧,先试试这些吧

平谷区19411587742: 求pink经典歌曲、 -
凤荷和胃: 1.Can't Take Me Home 《Can't Take Me Home》已经成为白金唱片. 2.There You Go 首支单曲《There You Go》就已经进占告示牌排行前10名并热卖了50万张之多 3.I'm Not Dead 《I'm Not Dead》还在上周的英国榜中首周上榜即获得季军的好...

平谷区19411587742: pink怎么读 -
凤荷和胃: pink 英[pɪŋk] 美[pɪŋk] adj. 粉红色的;淡红色的;略带左翼政治观点的;与同性恋者有关的 n. 粉红色;典范;香石竹;顶点,极度 vt. 刺、扎;打出小孔图案;戳 [例句]The forms are institutional pink. 索赔表格是惯用的粉红色.

平谷区19411587742: 您好,老师请问粉色的英语怎么说?谢谢了!我有用请您告诉我吧!拜托,拜托,拜托,感谢,非常感谢 -
凤荷和胃: pink [英] [pɪŋk][美] [pɪŋk] adj.粉红色的同性恋者有关的; n.粉红色; 典范; 香石竹; 顶点,极度; [例句] She went pink again as she remembered her mistake.想起自己的错误,她又脸红了.[复数]pinks

平谷区19411587742: pink 的资料 -
凤荷和胃: Pink 红粉佳人 原名:Alecia Moore(艾蕾莎摩儿) 生日:1979年9月8日(星期六) 血型:A型 身高:5'4 家乡:美国宾夕法尼亚州东部的Doylestown, 星座:处女座 婚姻情况:已婚 音乐影响:麦当娜、惠妮休斯顿、比利乔、爸爸 ...

平谷区19411587742: 粉色的英语单词 -
凤荷和胃: pink adj. 粉红色的; 淡红色的; 略带左翼政治观点的; 与同性恋者有关的; n. 粉红色; 典范; 香石竹; 顶点,极度; vt. 刺、扎; 打出小孔图案; 戳;

平谷区19411587742: 粉红色的用英语怎么写 -
凤荷和胃: 粉红色是 pink 下面是常用的一些表示颜色的英文,顺便学习了解下: red(红), white(白),black(黑),green(绿),yellow(黄),blue(蓝),purple(紫),gray(灰),brown(棕),tan(褐色),syan(青色) 这才叫全 ...

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