典范英语 Amy the hedgehog girl 英文的角色介绍 主要内容 好词好句 读后感

作者&投稿:超婷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Amy the Hedgehog Girl读后感(中英文都可以~

Nothing Seek, Nothing Find
Recently, I read an interesting book called Amy the hedgehog girl. This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog. Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck’s garden. But Mr. Peck wanted to make some money from visitors. Amy told to everybody that the money was used to build a hedgehog hospital. So she fixed Mr. Peck’s plan. Mr. Peck finally had to build a hedgehogs hospital.
I think that Amy was clever and ordinary. However, she had a very special dream. She promised she could be a hedgehog expert. She didn’t give up and constantly explore. So she finally succeeded.
From this story, I have learnt a lot. If we want to succeed, we must first have a dream. Then we should unremitting efforts and never give up. Finally, we must constantly practise, because ‘practice makes perfect’. In a word, ‘nothing seek, nothing find’. I'll put this truth in my mind forever.


Amy the Hedgehog Girl

回到家来,艾米给妈妈讲学校的事情。“一位女士给我们做了一个关于野生动物的演讲,还给我们展示了一只刺猬。我要成为一个刺猬专家。”艾米说。妈妈让艾米上图书馆去找有关刺猬的书。然后艾米便去了。她不想见到派克先生,因为派克先生是个小气的吝啬鬼。艾米不喜欢他。图书馆有很多书。艾米沿着书架子走,希望能找到有关刺猬的书。“你在干嘛呢?”一个声音问道。“噢!是派克先生。我在找一本关于动物的书。”“什么动物?”派克先生问道。 “刺猬。”艾米回答道。 “刺猬! 我不喜欢刺猬。我觉得它们又丑又懒。”派克先生说。然后帮艾米找到了刺猬的书。艾米很高兴地回家去了。读完书后,艾米发现刺猬吃蛞蝓和蜗牛。她了解到了刺猬的叫声。她便跑到花园里,学着刺猬的叫声。然后花园出现了一个声音。是只刺猬。艾米看到后非常开心。派克先生见到后,想到一个坏主意。他在艾米家门口钉了一张纸条,上边写着:给派克先生一英镑,就可以看到刺猬女孩啦! 很快,许多人都给派克先生钱,来看刺猬女孩。艾米很不高兴。然后她想到了一个好主意。她爬上墙大喊:“今晚上大家付的钱全都会给刺猬医院。大家鼓掌。”人们都为派克先生鼓掌。可派克先生却很生气。故事到这里并没有结束。艾米为派克先生举行了一场比赛,蔬菜比赛。派克先生得到了第三名。他因此而很高兴,所以给刺猬买了些吃的。故事的最后,每个人都很开心。刺猬也很开心。

回到家来,艾米给妈妈讲学校的事情。“一位女士给我们做了一个关于野生动物的演讲,还给我们展示了一只刺猬。我要成为一个刺猬专家。”艾米说。妈妈让艾米上图书馆去找有关刺猬的书。然后艾米便去了。她不想见到派克先生,因为派克先生是个小气的吝啬鬼。艾米不喜欢他。图书馆有很多书。艾米沿着书架子走,希望能找到有关刺猬的书。“你在干嘛呢?”一个声音问道。“噢!是派克先生。我在找一本关于动物的书。”“什么动物?”派克先生问道。 “刺猬。”艾米回答道。 “刺猬! 我不喜欢刺猬。我觉得它们又丑又懒。”派克先生说。然后帮艾米找到了刺猬的书。艾米很高兴地回家去了。读完书后,艾米发现刺猬吃蛞蝓和蜗牛。她了解到了刺猬的叫声。她便跑到花园里,学着刺猬的叫声。然后花园出现了一个声音。是只刺猬。艾米看到后非常开心。派克先生见到后,想到一个坏主意。他在艾米家门口钉了一张纸条,上边写着:给派克先生一英镑,就可以看到刺猬女孩啦! 很快,许多人都给派克先生钱,来看刺猬女孩。艾米很不高兴。然后她想到了一个好主意。她爬上墙大喊:“今晚上大家付的钱全都会给刺猬医院。大家鼓掌。”人们都为派克先生鼓掌。可派克先生却很生气。故事到这里并没有结束。艾米为派克先生举行了一场比赛,蔬菜比赛。派克先生得到了第三名。他因此而很高兴,所以给刺猬买了些吃的。故事的最后,每个人都很开心。刺猬也很开心。

Nothing Seek, Nothing Find
Recently, I read an interesting book called Amy the hedgehog girl. This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog. Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck’s garden. But Mr. Peck wanted to make some money from visitors. Amy told to everybody that the money was used to build a hedgehog hospital. So she fixed Mr. Peck’s plan. Mr. Peck finally had to build a hedgehogs hospital.
I think that Amy was clever and ordinary. However, she had a very special dream. She promised she could be a hedgehog expert. She didn’t give up and constantly explore. So she finally succeeded.
From this story, I have learnt a lot. If we want to succeed, we must first have a dream. Then we should unremitting efforts and never give up. Finally, we must constantly practise, because ‘practice makes perfect’. In a word, ‘nothing seek, nothing find’. I'll put this truth in my mind forever.

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允废艾达: 、刺猬女孩艾蜜当艾蜜冲进家时,她妈妈正在厨房里.“在学校里怎么样?好吗?”哈里斯太太问道,并期待着会有个像往常一样的回答.“很好”, 艾蜜叫喊道,“一位女士给我们讲了野外的动物,并给我们看了一只刺猬.我想成为一个研...

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允废艾达: Amy The Hedgehog Girl Amy 到她的花园里,发现很多人在看她的花园,她很自豪,并且让他们保持安静,不能照相··之后她就和花园中的刺猬玩··

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允废艾达: The little girl Amy wants to raise the hedgehog. He to the library to borrow books about the hedgehog, and a plate of animal calls discs. Amy learn a hedgehog. Amy's house yard is a hedgehog, and he was numbered with the hedgehog try to dialogue...

伽师县18441719694: 典范英语7 1的原文或更改或有关故事情节的问题 -
允废艾达:[答案] Amy The Hedgehog Girl Amy 到她的花园里,发现很多人在看她的花园,她很自豪,并且让他们保持安静,不能照相··之后她就和花园中的刺猬玩··

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允废艾达: 典范 model example paragon 例:Make yours on the model of your brother's.你的所作所为要以你哥哥为典范.

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允废艾达: 如下: 原文:有一个老师总穿一条脏裤子,然而为了一次家长会老师换上了一条他很喜欢的新裤子和配套的新上衣. 译文:A teacher always wears a dirty pants, however for the sake of a parent will the teacher made change a new pants and the ...

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允废艾达: One day, the school please animal experts to lecture, Amy produces strong interest to the hedgehog, borrow books and tapes on the hedgehog, learning about the hedgehog, and practice the language of the hedgehog, call the hedgehog in the ...

伽师县18441719694: 典范的英语怎么写 -
允废艾达: apotheosis nonesuch 这两个词都是“典范”的意思.

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