
作者&投稿:乐正柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My life has changed a lot in the past few years. And I used to

be outging when I was in the primary school. Now I’am quieter. I used to comb two braids. Now I comb a braids. And I used to be lazy but now I become a little hard-working. Then I used to like watching TV , but now I think it’s too boring.

I often miss the old days. I used to play afetr the school. But now I have to do my homework, I have to study all day. And I go to bed really late. I often feel tired. I can tell you I used to fall asleep early, and I never fell tired. Oh,I pass the day!

Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends. She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs. She takes an English CLaSs every weekend. She knows everyone in her CLaSs. She's very popular.
She also likes sports very much. She plays basketball. She plays baseball. She plays volleyball. And she also plays golf. She's very athletic and she loves being outside.

假设一个女的在性格上为你从内向改变成外向 这是什么情况?




...13岁的内向 一天只说几句话 驼背 的女孩变成外向 稍微多说话人?_百 ...

如果真的想要从内向变得外向,首先要正确区分这两者,下面可以从心理学这几点来让内向的性格变得外向一些。1. 改变内心能量的来源 有的人喜欢侃侃而谈,是因为他需要通过不断的与别人交谈才能发展思路,找到灵感,他需要与别人交流才能获得力量,那么基本可以判断这种人是外向型的;有的人喜欢独处,喜欢...




无间客 回答采纳率:12.5% 2009-08-24 18:40 检举 许多内向的人希望能够改变自己的内向性格,提高自己与他人交往的能力,进而拥有良好的人际关系。于是他们看了许多人际关系方面的书籍,也学了许多人际关系的技巧,可是却发现收效甚微,效果不明显。这说明光学习技巧是远远不够的。他们无法拥有良好的人际关系不光是因为...

庆阳市13781696708: 关于写内向女孩变外向的八十字英语作文 -
傅亨山麦: Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends. She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs. She takes an English CLaSs every weekend. She knows everyone in her CLaSs. She's very popular. ...

庆阳市13781696708: 写一篇英语作文﹕“我觉得我挺了解我自己的,我是一个内向女孩,我想交更多的朋友所以我想改变我的性格,做一个善于交际的女孩,可我不知道怎么做让我成为这样的人,所以我请教了我的朋友,她们说,“你只要大胆一点,别这样羞涩就行了·” 真的是这样吗?” -
傅亨山麦: “我觉得我挺了解我自己的,我是一个内向女孩,我想交更多的朋友所以我想改变我的性格,做一个善于交际的女孩,可我不知道怎么做让我成为这样的人,所以我请教了我的朋友,她们说,“你只要大胆一点,别这样羞涩就行了·” 真的是这...

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傅亨山麦: My friend Mary, who i haven't seen for a long time, used to play basketball, watch tv and chat. However, now she enjoys playing tennis, reading and going for a walk. Her appearance also changes a lot. In the past, she is short with short hair, but now ...

庆阳市13781696708: “她以前很内向不喜欢与人交流而现在变外向了、喜欢和同学交流”用英语怎么说? -
傅亨山麦: 内向--.> introverted 外向 --> extroverted 交流 -->> interact / outgoing 她以前很内向不喜欢与人交流而现在变外向了、喜欢和同学交流 She is very introverted and doesn't like to communicate with people and now she becomes outgoing(extroverted) and like to interact with her classmates 满意请采纳,谢谢.

庆阳市13781696708: 求一篇关于描写自己外貌,爱好,性格的英语作文60——80字性别男,以前内向不热爱学习,现在开朗,热爱学习 -
傅亨山麦: My name is XX .i am XX i love english very much,i want to be an english teacher when i grow up.So,i must stuy hard. I used to be a quiet boy.But now,i am outgoing!I like to make friends.I have many friends in our class.I love sports.I often play basketball

庆阳市13781696708: 英语作文80字求助写的是我的改变,从小时候到现在的改变比如性格,爱好初中水平的谢谢! -
傅亨山麦: I change When I was small my temper character is not particularly good, but over time, and met many friends and teachers who taught me to learn, let me in this big family, let me feel the warmth and a warm home, character also blend in this big family slowly changes.

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傅亨山麦: My best friend is Linda. She is in the same school with me but different class. I know Linda since she was very young. Linda was short with short hair when I met her. Now she is tall and has long hair. She used to like playing ping-pong and watching ...

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