
作者&投稿:慈恒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

are you going to have a picnic on sunday?
I saw her name in the newspaper yerterday afternoon
can you tell me the way to the museum?
will you please give me an envelope and some paper ?

1、They had a chat in the sitting-room after dinner.
2、My favourite holiday is Halloween.
3、He pointed to the woman beside him.
4、The teachers and the students are getting very excited.
5、The glasses are in the box now.

e pointed to the woman beside him
4、the teachers and the students are getting very excited
5、 the glasses are in the box now

please tell me where to pay for the sports shoes.Is there anything interesting in today's paper?I think your friend will like these clips.Kate often runs in the play-ground after school.Do you think this beautiful hair clip matches her T-shirt?Tony spends 10yuan on that pretty teddy bear.Tom goes to the carly and he doesn't have break-fast .He likes practicing speaking English with me after class.

1Please tell me where to pay for the sports shoes2Is there nothing interesting in today's paper?3I think your friend will like these clips4Kate often runs in the play-ground after school5Do you think this beautiful T-shirt matches her clip hair?6 Tony spends 10yuan on that pretty teddy bear7Tom goes to school early and doesn't have break-fast8He likes practising speaking English with me arter class

Please tell me where to pay for the sports shoesThere is nothing insteresting in today's newspaper.I think your frends will like these clipsKate often runs in the play-ground after school.

)”.很显然是一个疑问句,而且没有任何特殊疑问词.所以这是一句一般疑问句,一般疑问句的基本准则就是疑问词是be动词(am \/is\/are),而且要把它们放在句子的最前面.通过观察我们看到题目中有一个be动词(are),所以这句话就很容易连到“Are you a student ”(你是一个学生吗?).这样的题目还可以...


要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句.①如果有where 、 what、 how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、 what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、 is、 are三个单词.②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是...

连词成句练习(集中精华) 1. ①鱼儿 ②比③ 青蛙 ④想⑤ 游水 ⑥和 2. ①焰火 ②真 ③五彩缤纷 ④呀 ⑤美 3. 1不 2你 3怎么 4回家 4、(1)语文 (2)王老师 ( 3)我们 (4)教 5、(1)一心一意地(2)河边 (3)小猫 (4)钓鱼(5)在 6、(1)一群(2)树上(3)在(4)小鸟(5)唱歌(6)叽叽喳喳...

如果有,就在特殊的词后加上特别的标点。小学语文连词成句的方法和技巧 例如:①世界 ②黑 ③这么 ④吗? ⑤外面的 ⑥也 ①世界 ②这么 ③原来 ④美丽 ⑤呀!表示问句的词:谁?哪里?吗?什么?为什么?怎么?几个?多少?是不是?表示感叹句的词:多么!真!太!啊!呀!极了!

时间地点居最后,地点在前,时间在后。2、句首要大写。当连词成句中出现疑问句的时候,要注意把特殊疑问句放到句子前面。接下来,be 助情,放在主语后,疑问句后要提前。一般be动词、助动词和情态动词都是放到主语后面,但如果句子中出现疑问句时,就要把be动词、助动词和情态动词放到特殊疑问词后面。3...

理解并掌握常用的连词 英语中常用的连词有and、r、but、so、if、although、because等等。要想掌握连词成句的方法,首先要理解这些常用的连词的含义和用法。例如,and是用来连接两个相同或者相关的元素,or是用来表示两个或多个元素之间的选择关系,but是用来表示转折关系等等。只有理解了这些连词的含义和...

②如果是问号,我们就要迅速去寻找疑问词,疑问词可能是特殊疑问词,也可能是一般疑问句中的be动词或情态动词。特殊疑问词常见的有what, where, how, how many, how old. Be动词有is,am, are.情态动词有can, would, do等。第二步:句首要大写 句子开头首字母要大写,这是每次做连词成句的时候...

3、写一个划一个:为了以防把单词遗漏,我们在连词成句的时候最好能够做到写一个划掉一个!4、写完标点不能忘记:在连完整个句子后,我们千万不要忘记句末的标点!二、技巧 1、培养兴趣:小学英语学习,要求不高,但是需要我们用心教导孩子发现英语学习的乐趣,不管是从老师方面,还是家长方面,都需要...

雨后的黄昏,山(朗润)了许多,我呼吸着(湿润)的空气,清清(喉咙),卖弄着(嘹亮)而(宛转)歌喉,(酝酿)着黄晕的静默,花儿(欣欣然)展开她的繁华,小草也来赶趟儿,一个个都竖起(嫩嫩)的头,我(呼朋引伴) ,高兴极了。

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句 -
长兴券佐宁: 1.When did Ann buy her new pair of shoes.2. I am afraid that you can not open the window.

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: 1.He does not skate so often as he used to. 2.We have not heard from Tom for a long time. 3.The young man dived into the sea and saved the girl's life.

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: 1、at, a football game, past ,there's, a quarter, four There's a football game at a quarter past four.2、students,lesson,and,his,are,cooking,Mr,having,a,Liu(?) Are Mr Liu and his students having a cooking lession? 3、how,spend,sister,his,doer,...

兴业县13557757877: 如何完成英语连词成句 -
长兴券佐宁:[答案] 连词成句是我们经常会遇见的题型,很多学生往往很头疼这种题型,看着几个凌乱的单词感觉无从下手,其实只要掌握了规律,这种题型做起来还是很容易的. 要想做好这种题型,首先应该知道构成句子的结构,小学阶段我们主要学的句子结构是: ...

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: 1. The boy likes to play with his little friends.2. Let's go to the zoo to see pandas.3. We had a great summer vacation in July.4. When should your brothers go home?5. Mary spent a lot of time cleaning the house.

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: 1the,read,in,don't,sun,please(.) Please don't read in the sun2sisters,brothers,you,any,or,got,have(?) Have you got any brothers or sisters?3black,all,like,I,at,don't(.) I don't like black at all4can,do,I,for,what,you(?) What can I do for you?5drink,like,something,you,to,would(?Would you like to drink something?

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: I can't hang out with my friends after school.我放学后不能和朋友们出去玩. Tom has to work in his uncle's store next weekend.汤姆下个周末要去他叔叔的店里帮忙.

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句
长兴券佐宁: She is my friend she has long hair(是has;不是is) this boy has a long face who is that girl? 希望可以帮助你!满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

兴业县13557757877: 英语的连词成句和翻译 -
长兴券佐宁: 1. What does your brother want to be?你哥哥想成为什么?2. Would he like a pizza with olive on it?他喜欢上面有橄榄的比萨吗?3. Who is your favourite singer?你最喜欢的歌星是谁?4. There is a supermarket near the bank.银行的附近有一个超市.5. The library is next to Mike's house.麦克家的旁边有个图书馆.1. He is fishing.2. He is a doctor.

兴业县13557757877: 英语连词成句 China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)英语连词成句China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)( .) -
长兴券佐宁:[答案] In China,people drive on the right.

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